can I join?-- I'm a bit of a nutter, but I can shout people down with the best of em ! Posted by oynutter
yes you can join .any1 can have to kiss every other members a.s. at least 3 times a day .......5 times at weekends............every other sunday off so its not so bad...........
In Response to Re: Forum cliques : yes you can join .any1 can have to kiss every other members a.s. at least 3 times a day .......5 times at weekends............every other sunday off so its not so bad........... Posted by zxghostxz
non members will understand the point.......................lolololololol
do you believe there are forum cliques, where the in set get away with saying what they want and the people out of the set, get shouted down? Posted by hogan2089
Hogan I`m sorry this is the first time i have come across you so you will have to forgive me. There is a place in the forum called AREA 51 for complaints and the such like. General chat is light, entertaining and community spirited. Please all i ask is if you could add to that community spirit that we have ALL grown to love here and with love. Thank you That is all.
In Response to Re: Forum cliques : i will continue to say what i have to , till i upset the clique enough , that they, have my posts removed.quoted by hogan2089 is that not an agenda? Posted by COCASIRF
i will continue to say what i have to , till i upset the clique enough , that they, have my posts removed.(quoted by hogan2089) is that not an agenda? x3
If by clique you mean a group of people who have played poker together for anything up to 2 years. Who have seen each other through the good times and the bad, both on and off the poker tables. Who sometimes have a laugh and a joke together and sometimes have arguments and fights. Then YES there is a clique and its called the Sky Poker Community. Posted by Kiwini4u
In Response to Re: Forum cliques : yes you can join .any1 can have to kiss every other members a.s. at least 3 times a day .......5 times at weekends............every other sunday off so its not so bad........... Posted by zxghostxz
In Response to Re: Forum cliques : I think someone needs a hug. MMMMMMMMMMMMM. Can you feel the love? I think I can. Peace Posted by TommyD
lolol .peace to you maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrnn........its only a bit of banter mate....and yes i can feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the love lolol........neil can you feel it................
isnt there more to worry about in life?
WOW!!!! nutter your loud m8
that is all
HEY!! I Read this whole thread, and no-one has said--enough said
There is a place in the forum called AREA 51 for complaints and the such like.
General chat is light, entertaining and community spirited.
Please all i ask is if you could add to that community spirit that we have ALL grown to love here and with love.
Thank you
That is all.
first its a thread on a tourney being a massive 56p short!!!
now this!!!!!
some people really need to get out more and actually start enjoying life!!!!!!
to steal a quote from oynutter.......NUFF SAID!!!!!!!!!
Can you feel the love? I think I can.