summary:bearlyther has played 15 of the 32 UKOPS tournaments.bearlyther has won 1 games (6.7%), made 3 final tables (20%), has cashed in 5 games (33%) and has bubbled 0 times.bearlyther has 6 top quarter finishes (40%), 1 bottom quarter finishes (7%) and has taken 9 heads which is a rate of 0.6 per game.
rank:from a total of 1905 unique players bearlyther is 1 for wins and 1 for points.bearlyther is 2 for final tables, 4 for cashes, 8 for making the top quarter and 55 for heads taken.
money:with buy-ins of £430 and returns of £1347 this gives bearlyther a profit of £917 which is a return on investment (ROI) of 213%.
3 players with a jackpot close shave.
Good work again Rob, thank you.
Amazing consistency by Conor (Bearlyther).