In Response to Re: * * * UKOPS Best Player * * * : hi omm, congratulations on your play yesterday. great stuff. it is both time consuming and automated. the spreadsheets have taken thousands of hours to construct. i am working on them daily to reduce the mouseclicks and run times. i have forewarned my partner that tonight is a different evening to other weeks, as this is UKOPS final day. i don't think she really understands though. Posted by aussie09
Absolutely amazing that u do all this work in your spare time and voluntarily, not sure I would have the commitment when u could be at the tables winning millions!!! Hats off to u and your partner.
In Response to Re: * * * UKOPS Best Player * * * : Absolutely amazing that u do all this work in your spare time and voluntarily, not sure I would have the commitment when u could be at the tables winning millions!!! Hats off to u and your partner. Posted by omm
all late reg closed.
one more post
gl all left with a chance
we have a winner and
very well played