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New Sky Poker Rewards



  • thefa1lacythefa1lacy Member Posts: 201
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : Wouldn't advise using it for a £1.15 DYM as you won't get no change! Best use for it is use it as part payment for a bigger buy in.
    Posted by Snuffer
    Well this is the whole point, why would I want to spend my own money on my one free game a week that's supposed to 'on' Sky, that's meant to be a 'reward' for all my playing the previous week?? 
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    That still is a decision for the individual concerned. In recent weeks we've seen the demise of 861 Proposed changes to the rewards scheme, that hit hard against the players who input cash into the system And in the four years I've been with Sky Poker I've witnessed prize money & fields for main events drop significantly Thursday's Bounty Hunter used to be £15k guaranteed now its £10k, Sunday's roller only made 150 entries when in the past the primo used to have well over 200 runners. I will be closing my account on June 14th because I can't see the situation improving. I'm only waiting till the 14th because I am waiting for a horse to run, The old reward scheme were you only had to obtain a 100 points a month to get something back (Now you have to get 50pts a week! if you play MTT's as I do, that equates to £50 a week) Tikay, Anna, Orford and all the great presenters that have been on 861, together with railing great tournaments with regulars like Scotty 77, TommyD, Maxally,Evil Pingu, CTBN and many more fantastic characters taking part . Were the major incentives to play on Sky poker. All the good bits have been taken away so why should players like myself subsidise the good players when you can get better rewards on other sites? I've loved Sky Poker when it was one big family! and enjoyed everyone of your posts on the WSOP! But it feels like being dumped by your Girlfriend and having the locks changed on the front door, the way we the customers are being treated at the moment. I just felt your comment about tokens was insensitive and I got the hump! I apologise if my comments upset you
    Posted by DUNMIDOSH
    I assume this is in reply to me? Apologies if it's directed at someone else.

    Why on earth would your comments have upset me?! There are enough drama queens and precious people on here without me adding to the numbers :)

    If players, like yourself, decide to play elsewhere when the changes are implemented then fair enough. Coming on the back of 861 disappearing from our screens means I'm sure a few people will be disgruntled.

    Regarding the tokens, well I don't really have much more to add. I ain't gonna lose any sleep over a 2 quid token if I'm about to go on holiday. Maybe I'm alone with that viewpoint and to others the tokens are high on the priority list, who knows? Yeah, they expire quicker than other sites, but 2 weeks to use one is a large enough window IMO. And if you can't use one because you're having a fortnight in the Caribbean, then I have no sympathy for that person!

    Seems a shame you're closing your account, and if you don't reconsider before this horse runs then I wish you well on whatever site you decide to make home.

  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : Well this is the whole point, why would I want to spend my own money on my one free game a week that's supposed to 'on' Sky, that's meant to be a 'reward' for all my playing the previous week?? 
    Posted by thefa1lacy
    If you've staked at least £100 in a week to achieve the token I'm sure adding 5p to enter a £2.25 DYM isn't going to bust your bankroll?
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : They say they cant but kindly let you know that if any family or friends want to open an account that they can. We all know what they are suggesting.
    Posted by ajs4385
    Yes, Its a family friendly site and they too are welcome.
  • thefa1lacythefa1lacy Member Posts: 201
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : If you've staked at least £100 in a week to achieve the token I'm sure adding 5p to enter a £2.25 DYM isn't going to bust your bankroll?
    Posted by Snuffer

    I'm pleased you've highlighted that low stakers would need to put £100 through sky poker every single week in order to receive a token that won't even pay for a £2.25 DYM..

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    Maybe it should be mentioned what the new fabled £2.20 token can be used for. A £1.15 DYM, or maybe a £1.10 MTT that struggles to get 25 runners and you need to make top 3. Or there's always the £2.20 Deep Stack of you have several hours to spare for little return..
    Posted by thefa1lacy

    This is hilarious and made me chuckle.  But on closer scrutiny, It actually more hilarious and makes great sense.
  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : I'm pleased you've highlighted that low stakers would need to put £100 through sky poker every single week in order to receive a token that won't even pay for a £2.25 DYM..
    Posted by thefa1lacy
    I don't do it for the token so I would be putting that plus more every week regardless of the token, normally I would receive between £6-7 a month under the current system, next month I will be getting £8.80. 

    Many others low stakes players fall into the same category, have you actually worked out if your worse/better off?
  • vinny67vinny67 Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : I don't do it for the token so I would be putting that plus more every week regardless of the token, normally I would receive between £6-7 a month under the current system, next month I will be getting £8.80.  Many others low stakes players fall into the same category, have you actually worked out if your worse/better off?
    Posted by Snuffer

    not sure how you think you own the 8.80 that youre going about mate and not sure how you are better off. you are getting a token to play a game, not being given the actual money. imo you are in the same boat no better nor worse off. you would play a game whether its a token to play or your bankroll to play. Actually not quite sure why you feel the need to bicker constantly both here and on the tables. run good snuffer
  • thefa1lacythefa1lacy Member Posts: 201
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : I don't do it for the token so I would be putting that plus more every week regardless of the token, normally I would receive between £6-7 a month under the current system, next month I will be getting £8.80.  Many others low stakes players fall into the same category, have you actually worked out if your worse/better off?
    Posted by Snuffer
    So your saying you normally receive £7 a month cash as reward for your previous months play. A nice bird in the hand of £7 that you can do what want with. Next month you won't be 'getting £8.80.' You'll be getting the chance to keep that £8.80 if manage to win 4/4 games that you use your tokens on. Lose them 4 games, and many will, and you'll get nothing.
  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : So your saying you normally receive £7 a month cash as reward for your previous months play. A nice bird in the hand of £7 that you can do what want with. Next month you won't be 'getting £8.80.' You'll be getting the chance to keep that £8.80 if manage to win 4/4 games that you use your tokens on. Lose them 4 games, and many will, and you'll get nothing.
    Posted by thefa1lacy
    The thing is I don't withdraw my rewards I use them on DYM's as I will with the tokens, so yeah I'm better off!
  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : not sure how you think you own the 8.80 that youre going about mate and not sure how you are better off. you are getting a token to play a game, not being given the actual money. imo you are in the same boat no better nor worse off. you would play a game whether its a token to play or your bankroll to play. Actually not quite sure why you feel the need to bicker constantly both here and on the tables. run good snuffer
    Posted by vinny67
    Not bickering vinny, debating. There is a difference. 
    Have I offended you on the tables in the past?
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited May 2015
    Come on now :@)

  • DCM002DCM002 Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2015
    The new rewards scheme certainly isn't better for me as a recreational player earning around 200 poimts per month. I realise £2 per month isn't much but it's still nice to get something back for supporting Sky Poker. Suggestion to Sky Poker - if you want to make it better why niot give people the choice between the old and the new schemes ?
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : The 10% for getting Priority bronze is a "bonus" - so you get your 12% RB every week and then you get a 10% bonus at the end of the month for the whole month. It's definitely well worth making Priority - not making Priority is going to cost you a lot.
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    Hi f_lvanovic is this true if so that sounds good and I'm happy with that as I was gonna try to make priority next month but decided not to when rewards changed.
    I made 4.5k pts in just 15 days this month so will try my best next month.
    So we get the money for below 10k then an extra 10% on top at the end of the month is this correct?
    Thanx man
  • WOZZAAAWOZZAAA Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : The 10% for getting Priority bronze is a "bonus" - so you get your 12% RB every week and then you get a 10% bonus at the end of the month for the whole month. It's definitely well worth making Priority - not making Priority is going to cost you a lot.
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    Makes more sense. The sky poker rewards bar in the client having both bonuses on the same target timeline threw me off. Just looked like another level of the same bonus and not an extra bonus on top. Thanks
  • hhamza162hhamza162 Member Posts: 376
    edited May 2015
    Is anyone actually happy with this scheme? Doesnt seem like it..

    One of the biggest reasons people played on Sky (from what I've heard anyway) was due to its cash for points system. Cant see many people in favour of this new scheme
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    Is anyone actually happy with this scheme? Doesnt seem like it.. One of the biggest reasons people played on Sky (from what I've heard anyway) was due to its cash for points system. Cant see many people in favour of this new scheme
    Posted by hhamza162
    Not sure who you have been listening to!
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited May 2015
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards:
    In Response to Re: New Sky Poker Rewards : Not sure who you have been listening to!
    Posted by MattBates
    probably people who are on 30% rakeback for life regardless of volume?
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited May 2015
    The rich get richer and the poor get poorer?
  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited May 2015
    The poor get richer in this though gerardgirl.

    Anyone who earns 100-219 points for instance get more PLUS 5 x fr tokens.

    Anyone on less than 100 probably doesn't play that much anyway
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