Do you know when you talk about a bet and dont make it then it comes good.
I got a text about 310 on sat saying you called it dad and while pleased that johnson had scored i was also a bit miffed with myself.
Garner sending off was debatable. Not his usual deliberate aggression, it was a high boot where it seemed that he was unaware the defender was about to put his head in the same place. When the manager says on another day we would have got away with it doesnt imply it was a wrong decision, just one that have have gone either way. I don't expect Garner's reputation would have helped with any benefit of the doubt. Then we get another player sent off for 2nd soft booking while several bookable offences by opposition get missed.
Headline in local paper - Kettle* leaves PNE boss steaming
*the ref - 4 red card in the last 3 games apparently.
91st min equaliser to rub it in. I hate wolves another reason to nuke the west midlands.
I wanted to get some double points in the bag, always helps if you can start the week well points wise.
When I started up I noticed something wrong with my spreadhseet from the results I had updated the night before. As per post above B/R was £44.60 - my spreadheet thought it should be £21.60. Oh dear.
Couldnt spot the error so ploughed into some sngs. Not much regging and ended up playing some £5 turbo dyms, boy am I running bad at those - running into monsters, losing every flip and getting outdrawn when ahead. Good for points already over 100 for the week but roll down to what spreadheet thought it should be. Only problem is spreadsheet now thinks I.m nearly busto.
Had a happier turn of events when I caught Mr Ivanovic on return from a pool match and managed to luckbox my way into round 2 of the HUFA cup.
Another shock result of last night was our younger son actually calling us. What's more he didn't need anything, he was just letting us know he was ok!
Seems to be settling in with his 11 housemates, getting out and enjoying himself and even eating ok.
Nice result - hope he settles into the work when that starts as readily as the drinking and socialising.
Tilty day yesterday - ended up spewing loading another £25 and nearly spewing that. Came to senses and stopped. Only played the FRs then regged some plo 4nl cash and made an easy £8.
Thought about that and a few more things and have now really come to my senses.
My still broken spreadsheet is right about one thing, and something I knew insitinctively anyway.
I consistently win at £1/£2 6max and PLO8 £3dyms and pretty much suck at everything else.
My 20nl spinup run is still in profit, but only just after 165 sessions and my splashes at 50nl spinups mean overall I am down on cash.
I have earned over £100 in rewards since the new scheme, but overall I have lost money.
So it's back to basics time.
Strict diet of £1/£2 6max and £3 PLO8 dyms.
Tikay said on Dohhs diary (in the context of moving up levels) if you can make £20 a week consistently thats £1000 a year. That will do for me. I enjoy the formats I win at - 6max = playing for the win and PLO8 is very much a game where you have to think both situationally and down the streets as the texture of the board can turn your nuts to dust.
I also win, consistently. So why have I not been content with that! Chasing quicker profits maybe, boredom - not really although I get frustrated when these games dont reg.
If make about 50p/game at £3.30 dyms and £1 6max so I only need to play 40 a week to make £20 a week, throw in a few more and I will also be hitting 100pts a week too. That's another £100+ a year in rewards + whatever I can get from the Freerolls.
B/R at the start of this mini epiphany was £20.40. A £2 6max and £3.30 plo8 win have been a good start.
Another brick on the sky bet. bricked the premiership FR too. Never mind still got £15 or so in rewards tokens for doing nothing but play a normal volume.
Ended last week on £33.10 which was a result considering where I had been, most of that recovery down to a £5.50 PLO8 dym win with my free tokens - which was in itself a schoolboy error. For some reason I saw the 2.25 tokens and thought x2 would buy me in to a £5.50 dym. So the 3rd £1.50 token was correctly used by the system and left me bemoaning a wasted 50p worth of value.
Great that you can now chose to use tokens or money - hopefully the rewards tokens can go back to being tokens now as intended, with a long life on them so they can be saved up. It would also be great to see some SNG SATs with tokens for wins in time to build some up for UKOPS.
This week been a bit distracted by HUFA draw and so yet to play a SNG. Just got my £2.30 rewards cash and £1 from a rewards FR.
Hope to get some more in soon along with my 2nd round match with wynne.
Could be tough to get in 100 pts after such a slow start.
Still reading just don't post much as we're mostly playing different games. Standard sngs just don't seem to run regularly on here.
I've found the spin up tables good fun on the few occasions I've played. Think long term I'd lose loads but they've been good to me so far. People are crazy in trying to get a stack. Joined a 1.50/3 and a 2/4 the other night. Quickly had a £100+ pot on the 2/4. I raised with JJ and got 3bet by the table nutcase. I shoved and he snapped with K3 off. Held fortunately.
On the 1.50/3.00 a player limped and I made a weird bet to £15 with AJ. He called and we saw a KQ10 flop which I quite liked.
We got it in and I was slightly surprised to see he had Q6
Got a nephew who is a Wolves fan. Took him to the game at Molineux a couple of years ago. Thought we better sit in the home end. Old Bloke in front of us was slating the present team. He said "Ask your Dad, he'll remember what it used to be like watching Billy Wright and players like him" Fml
Was actually really impressed with Molineux now. Used to be a dump. Then again, I was used to the lavish surroundings of the Baseball Ground.
Just had an evening session, PLO8 tables were active so had 3x£3 dyms. Won 3/3 which is always handy. One table pretty much bossed the other 2 just ran well when needed to. So have you given up on your dabble into PL08.
Dont get me wrong I love the spinups - but they are sooo high variance and I am nowhere near rolled for them. Enjoyed my run up to £200 although the run back down to £20 was tough.
6max SNGs seem to be a dying game - I love them though - propa poka innit. I know I need to find another format to guarantee a regular game. Just havent found one that I enjoy and can win regularly at.
I watched a Don twitch the other day, he was on 10 or 20c snap nl bemoaning the nitty eastern european regs. It didnt look much fun tbh. Don sounded fed up - I know I would have been - he had the sense to stand and end the session early which was vwp - great discipline - something I lack.
So I am through to round 3 of the HUFA Cup. Never expected that although I suppose with 1st to 2 wins only it is possible to luckbox your way through a couple of rounds.
I was just checking the analytics on the Youtube video of the 2nd round draw. 68 viewings which is 4 more than even needed to.
Someone has even viewed it from the czech republic so we are gaining international recognition.
For some reason my work internet browser has added your diary to my favourites so (being too lazy to type the address) this is always my first view at lunchtime now.
Although I'm out since round 1, congrats on the continued success and excellent organisation of the HU tournament.
Only downside. Doing a job well means that people will be turning you to do the same again in future, so you're stuck with being forum game organiser for a bit now
Hope your next venture in to the world of spins takes your bankroll back to some higher heights.
I am getting quite a kick out of running the HUFA so can see me running it again if people want a repeat.
Certainly while it's being played in such a good spirit and the matches are in the main getting played on time I'll be happy to keep it going.
Not at all results dependent either! I am sure when I bust I'll be just as enthusiastic about the next round draw.
So far, touch wood, there hasnt been a single whinge about the format/rules decisions I have had to make etc which is very refreshing
It was also fantastic to see the presenters and analysts get involved. While it is a great source of banter to see Ric the last man standing it would have been brilliant had more people had the opportunity to play Neil and Tikay HU.
Definitely aiming for steady roll building on the games I know I can beat for now. First aim is to get the B/R over £100 and therefore Break even for the challenge. Next one will be to do an "Orford" and get my scope chart in the green. Maybe after that I'll have a think about formats and game types again.
the friendly chat on the tables and the 25pts - GL me in the duel later today
I made a couple of definite mistakes in there, 1 of them walking into a bbMike quartering, but overall got it in good, except for a reshove from bb to a Vespa monster and a steal with <4BB running into a decent Eon hand in the BB.
Volume may have had an impact, normally only play 2/3 but had 4 up at times.
Usually ok in Plo8 as shouldn't be playing too many hands although 1 time I had pot/repot in 3 hands at once which was a bit scary.
I thought my PLO8 run bad was carrying on in a different way - disconnect on the bubble.
Happy days when checking this morning. Seems before anyone would have noticed this happened...
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Win high
Full House, Queens and Kings
No qualifying low hand
Thanks Tikay and Trucker and thanks skypoker for refunding the other dym I was unable to play a hand in.
So all turned round now? Well no not quite - wanted to get some points in
1. To keep up my run of at least 50pts a week on this challenge 2. To have another crack at the dual duel FR
Unfortunately only had a short time available this morning. Only options that would get the points in were spinups or £5 turbos. Sworn away from spinups, but the £5 dyms are still bad BRM. Only won 1/4 and it took KQ to crack AKs for that. Ran bad in the losses - ran into AQ with lower aces and had A3 beaten by QT and JJ by Q5.
afternoon session went very well evening session went bad enough to reverse that and a bit. not surprisingly very swingy! pomfrittes seemed to be doing all right tonight - just broke the £100 (50BIs) Posted by Phantom66
Cheers Phantom, that was fun. Got a d/up earlier then lost it in a 3 way so cost me a tenner, left with 101. Might try these again sometime.
Not sure where I am headed with the challenge at the moment.
After convincing myself to a strict disciplined routine I lost 7/8 PLO8 DYMs.
That dented my confidence and my bankroll. It shouldn't have done the former, it's just pretty much since I started playing PLO8 I have been pretty consistent around the 60% winrate. Very steady too, no great upswings, no great downswings. Variance isn't like that. I can remember having the discussion on Tikays thread about "clusters" a concept I understood myself and then geldy added a formula to calculate just how likely it is to have long winning/losing streaks in a run of 2 outcome games, even if the long term probability is a 60% win.
I have posted some hands in the SnG strategy thread, I knew I had made a couple of mistakes (multi-tabling and chatting having an impact on my levels of concentration) but it is now clear at least that I did genuinely run bad as well. Cant do anything about run bad but I can about the concentration.
However in the mean time, I threw some money at turbo dyms and then NLO spinups, regged and bricked DTD and basically I am now busto.
I am not going to reload straight away - it's a strict diet of FRs for the rest of the week and I'll think about what I do next.
In terms of the original challenge I have definitely done well out of the new rewards scheme with a few pennies under £110 earned. Equivalent returns on the old scheme would have been £42.
Play wise though I am down, over £200 now.
So time to take stock I think before committing some more life roll to poker bank roll.
Had a £5 free bet this week so that's gone on the Sky boost for Man City, West Ham and Bournemouth to all win.
Ended last week on £33.10 which was a result considering where I had been, most of that recovery down to a £5.50 PLO8 dym win with my free tokens - which was in itself a schoolboy error. For some reason I saw the 2.25 tokens and thought x2 would buy me in to a £5.50 dym. So the 3rd £1.50 token was correctly used by the system and left me bemoaning a wasted 50p worth of value.
Great that you can now chose to use tokens or money - hopefully the rewards tokens can go back to being tokens now as intended, with a long life on them so they can be saved up. It would also be great to see some SNG SATs with tokens for wins in time to build some up for UKOPS.
This week been a bit distracted by HUFA draw and so yet to play a SNG. Just got my £2.30 rewards cash and £1 from a rewards FR.
Hope to get some more in soon along with my 2nd round match with wynne.
Could be tough to get in 100 pts after such a slow start.
£1 6max still on 2 and the £3plo8 dropped back to just me.
edit:just bust the speed @10:17 gii with A6 on a A63 board v AT runout KK gg
still only me regged in the PLO8 and 2 in the £1er.
guessing now not really the time to grind some low buy in SNGs
I'll try again later.
Just need to be disciplined and stay off those spinup tables
For some reason my work internet browser has added your diary to my favourites so (being too lazy to type the address) this is always my first view at lunchtime now.

Although I'm out since round 1, congrats on the continued success and excellent organisation of the HU tournament.
Only downside. Doing a job well means that people will be turning you to do the same again in future, so you're stuck with being forum game organiser for a bit now
Hope your next venture in to the world of spins takes your bankroll back to some higher heights.
£1 6max P1 W0 L1
£3 PLO8 P8 W1 L7
Only positives...
the friendly chat on the tables and the 25pts - GL me in the duel later today
I made a couple of definite mistakes in there, 1 of them walking into a bbMike quartering, but overall got it in good, except for a reshove from bb to a Vespa monster and a steal with <4BB running into a decent Eon hand in the BB.
Volume may have had an impact, normally only play 2/3 but had 4 up at times.
Usually ok in Plo8 as shouldn't be playing too many hands although 1 time I had pot/repot in 3 hands at once which was a bit scary.
Happy days when checking this morning. Seems before anyone would have noticed this happened...
So all turned round now? Well no not quite - wanted to get some points in
1. To keep up my run of at least 50pts a week on this challenge
2. To have another crack at the dual duel FR
Unfortunately only had a short time available this morning. Only options that would get the points in were spinups or £5 turbos. Sworn away from spinups, but the £5 dyms are still bad BRM. Only won 1/4 and it took KQ to crack AKs for that. Ran bad in the losses - ran into AQ with lower aces and had A3 beaten by QT and JJ by Q5.
evening session went bad enough to reverse that and a bit.
not surprisingly very swingy!
pomfrittes seemed to be doing all right tonight - just broke the £100 (20*BIs)
Cheers Phantom, that was fun. Got a d/up earlier then lost it in a 3 way so cost me a tenner, left with 101.
Might try these again sometime.
After convincing myself to a strict disciplined routine I lost 7/8 PLO8 DYMs.
That dented my confidence and my bankroll. It shouldn't have done the former, it's just pretty much since I started playing PLO8 I have been pretty consistent around the 60% winrate. Very steady too, no great upswings, no great downswings. Variance isn't like that. I can remember having the discussion on Tikays thread about "clusters" a concept I understood myself and then geldy added a formula to calculate just how likely it is to have long winning/losing streaks in a run of 2 outcome games, even if the long term probability is a 60% win.
I have posted some hands in the SnG strategy thread, I knew I had made a couple of mistakes (multi-tabling and chatting having an impact on my levels of concentration) but it is now clear at least that I did genuinely run bad as well. Cant do anything about run bad but I can about the concentration.
However in the mean time, I threw some money at turbo dyms and then NLO spinups, regged and bricked DTD and basically I am now busto.
I am not going to reload straight away - it's a strict diet of FRs for the rest of the week and I'll think about what I do next.
In terms of the original challenge I have definitely done well out of the new rewards scheme with a few pennies under £110 earned. Equivalent returns on the old scheme would have been £42.
Play wise though I am down, over £200 now.
So time to take stock I think before committing some more life roll to poker bank roll.
GL at the tables.