Revised focus for this week is now getting 100pts tonight and a shot at the last chance UKPC FR. Posted by Phantom66
Just wondering how you're going to approach this? I don't know how much time you have available but I can only play tonight from 9pm onwards, and with work in the morning I can't really stay up beyond 2 (though I imagine traffic would have diminished somewhat if not completely by then anyway). And I won't be home from work early enough to finish the grind. I've only got a bankroll that can multi-table £3 DYM's, £5 at a bit of a stretch. I've done some rough calcs and reckon that if I play 4 tables at once (just at my limit really) I might be able to get it done sometime between 1 and 2, but that depends on whether there's enough traffic to keep up with me. Thoughts?
In Response to Re: New Rewards - New Challenge (now incorporating "Spin While I'm Winning" a view of life on the new cash spinup tables) : Just wondering how you're going to approach this? I don't know how much time you have available but I can only play tonight from 9pm onwards, and with work in the morning I can't really stay up beyond 2 (though I imagine traffic would have diminished somewhat if not completely by then anyway). And I won't be home from work early enough to finish the grind. I've only got a bankroll that can multi-table £3 DYM's, £5 at a bit of a stretch. I've done some rough calcs and reckon that if I play 4 tables at once (just at my limit really) I might be able to get it done sometime between 1 and 2, but that depends on whether there's enough traffic to keep up with me. Thoughts? Posted by YoungUn
To make sure of 100, I'll probably have some spinup cash in there.
I will be playing plo8 dyms 3/5 if running and if not some 2/3 6 max nl tables too which on their own probably wouldn't cut it.
If really stuck it will have to be the dreaded £5 turbo dyms
I can't really complain - 2 shots at trying isn't very much and those 2 shots cost me a sum total of £1.40. 1 successful all-in sat into a semi and the last chance Freeroll.
The FR started interestingly, 1st level 4bet jammed on, I have QQ - meh fold I think assuming given the value up for grabs I am flipping at best and most likely crushed. As some of the play later transpired maybe I hadn't factored in this was a FR and should have called.
Later on once I had realised this was playing a bit looser than I expected I 4bet jam with 99, expecting a fold from the particular opponent - I get called by KTs (so that was a solid read by me - not) and hold. I now have a bit of a stack, a few hands later though and a short stack to my right (happens to be a very very good player) jams over a small raise. With AK and said player and raiser well covered I jam and opener folds. AK v 44 and the poker gods have their fun with a K turn and 4 river, back under starting again.
Nothing much happens then, card dead always an open raiser before me when in position and the stack dwindles down until after a table move and more of the same for a couple of orbits I am down to 10bb and shove K5 on an unopened for once button and bb has AQ holds gg gn.
The 44 player was stack_u who went on to take a seat so that flip was the start of something good for them and the start of something bad for me.
Really really really must try harder next time to qualify. I do find the SAT schedule is not to my advantage but Sky put on so many opportunities to qualify for these events and I really do want to experience a large event and meet up with the people I converse with in chat and on the forums.
GL to all who have made it to DTD, have fun and dont let the poker get in the way of the poker.
Earlier in the day I had a decent run on SNGs plus an unexpected but welcome addition to the B/R courtesy of the Bug Bounty.
Now I hadn't heard of it so special mention to Red_King for pointing me that direction when I reported the problem in Poker Chat.
Post UKPC FR and Rewards FR busts I played a few more SNGs. Now despite me being an avid recorder of results it didnt actually dawn on me that I was on a losing run. I had been mostly happy with my play and exists were either standard or ul. I had also been mostly on 6max so losing a few in a row is common enough.
I stopped regging for these as I was waiting to pick up Son#2 from his return from the PNE match at Roterham but I hadnt had the 15mins from ground text so hit the spin up tables.
Cue BRUTAL session.
Most of my hands were HU against 1 player - who was super super aggro.
I folded alot - maybe too much, but kept going because I was just being unlucky when the money went in.
That is what it felt like anyway - so I checked this morning and that was indeed the case.
Out of 26 aipf hands, I was ahead in 15, behind in 9 and flipping once
In fact it was even worse than that. I scored my hands +/- 1 or 2 depending on whether I was ahead or behind or dominating or dominated. So counting those results here is the breaking down of dominating/leading hands v those were I was behind...
I was +10 on the points score - equivalent of being 60/40 over 10 hands and yet for those aipf hands I lost a total of £8.13 so I was clearly running pretty bad. I'm glad I dodnt stop the analysis there though otherwise I would have just put it down to bad luck.
The key learning point is for that session I lost £17! Where did the other £9 come from? In the rare post flop hands I did ok about B/E. I had just given it up - folded pre from BB and plenty of times have raised to 40p and been put all-in and folded - not every time of course sometimes I had a big hand sometimes I called light for me given the loose image of my opponent.
What a muppet, even if I had run well and reversed that £8 on the all-ins I would have only about broken even due to folding too much.
Help needed! Does anyone have any links to good resources on HU cash play? I have a leak to fix!
Also broke my 5 BI rule again which is disappointing but shows how the mind is deceived into thinking you are playing well just being unlucky so keep going and you will win it back.
I'd imagine there is plenty that could be taken or extrapolated from TeddyBloat's excellent thread in the SitNGo part of the clinic regarding HU play - I know cash is a bit different, but the short-stacked / hyper nature of the Spin Up tables will likely make it as useful as anything you can dig out on deeper stacked HU cash.
Don't envy you on this Spin Up challenge... it does my head in sometimes when losing a couple of big AI hands at normal cash tables in a session, without the increased variance from being AI so much more frequently!
Re: satellites to live events - perhaps just play a set number/time of your normal games with a target win (eg £550 for UKPC) and see those as a different sort, if it remains too problematic to time your play to coincide with the official sats? That's how I try to blag my cash for the recent fake-SPTs anyhow.
RE:The Teddy Bloat stuff - good shout I will dig it out.
Such fine margins really I was looking some more at the numbers from the session. I only actually lost 12/26 of those aipf hands!
The top 5 losses I was actually ahead in 3 of them A7 v 94s and A6 v KQ and A3 v K4 and I was behind but not dominated in the other 2. Those 5 losses were from £3.97 to £4.85.
There were only 3 +£3 hands or better that I won and I was ahead in all 3 dominating in 2, JJ v T4s ATs v QJ and KK v KJ.
So kind of reinforces that I wasn't making bad decisions about when to get my chips in, I was probably making bad decisions about when not to get my chips in though.
But yes very frustrating - maybe the naysayers are right and it's unbeatable - but I'll carry on (after a short break)
Re B/R for big events - I really hope the SNG SATS get established with a range of options - seems to make it perfect with ladders would need some tech work though. If they could get the flexibility built into tournament tokens so you could save them up that would help too.
It will take me a long time to build a £550 roll and even if I do, I dont think I could punt it on a single ticket, however a roll for a fake SPT should be feasible.
@Mumsie I so wish that was an elaborate bluff on my part but wp.
This week has not only been my worst one on this challenge it has probably been one of my worst ever.
I was going to play to 500 pts given its double points w/e but I think a break is in order.
I am on holiday for a week from Thursday so that will give me an enforced break anyway.
I'll give a rundown of results on Monday - but in simple terms the spnups spandown and I tilted and the attempted recovery through £3 and £5 SNGs finished it off.
I am due a £5 free bet and tourney tokens and I will get £2.30 rewards - I need them as I am only just above starting balance now.
Unlucky Phantom, the spin ups are insanely swingy, you'll be back in no time In the meantime have a great holibob! Where are you off to? Posted by mrsduck
Well luck played some part in my downfall that's for sure, but my own indiscipline certainly accelerated it.
I'll be restricting myself to a few low buyin low volume SNGs before heading to Zante with Mrs P. Sadly not a poker funded trip this time, but maybe next year.
Spinups are still in profit but I'll build a roll and think about controlling the tilt before I start back on them.
Wow I had to retrieve this from p8 which I guess shows how busy the forum is these days.
Firstly that bet ^^^^ staked £5 won £5 from the free bet and all the staked bets bricked. Yup I'm a mug punter all right.
To make matters worse I thought about the value there was in the evens win/draw for Liverpool and given the fact that there generally have been a lot of good away results and bookies and punters still favour a home advantage that maybe that was the bet to go for.
Never placed those bets though on the weekend that the hammers hammered Liverpool at Anfield for the first time in my lifetime and Palace did for Chelsea.
Anyway had a fantastic holiday. First week away minus kids for a very long time (eldest is 21 so around 22 years as I can remember going to Gran Canaria with Mrs P when whe was expecting son no1 courtesy of hoover free flights).
In a word... chilled
Was in Zante. Weather fantastic 32-34 and sunny every day. Hotel was great - full yet pool never crowded so no towel wars required. Could stroll down to breakfast and pick our spot around 10-1030 every day. Marvellous. Couple of days mixed it up and spent on the beach. Read 2 books. For the frist time in a while didnt go all-inclusive and it was great to walk around and try different restaurants. A few mythos were enjoyed so I did my bit for the Greek economy.
So Week 13 I had been steadying the ship with a decent run in SNGs when on the last night before the holiday I saw a 50nl spinup table active with players I had good notes on and decided this was opportunity to spin a roll back up quickly.
That didnt go well.
Week 13 ended up with a £32.95 loss.
Week 14 only started for me at the weekend with a now minor balance of £18.08.
It was double points for cash and so while clearly not rolled for it I played 20nl spinups. At one point my site balance was £3, I topped up £25 and carried on playing and fortunately had 5 winning sessions on the bounce.
Saw shaki at one table last night - originally had been on phone so switched to laptop as I thought it would be rude not to chat. Shaki had some bad luck - I had some good, although not perfect. Had built up to around £28 then had AA cracked by a flushing 99 and Kxs and AKs by A7 when by turn I had not only tptk but nf draw and gutshot str8 and royal flush draws and a non flushing 7 hit.
Overall the recovery has started with losses now only £3.87.
Balance tracking is a bit more tricky given the added £25 deposit - so while my actual balance is £68.13 that includes the extra £25 and a £3 sky bet loss. To keep things simple for this thread I will be recording my results and balance graph relative to the original £50 deposit and ignoring the skybet. I will treat any premiership promo bet winnings as "rewards" though.
That's all pretty confusing probably (I am not sure I understand it and I have just spent an hour tracking and fixing this all in the spreadheet).
But I assure you that after 14 weeks I have lost £3.87 and my real balance is £68.13 which I suppose are the most important figures.
I am going to try and be a good BRM boy, which means I shouldnt play spinups yet. I will focus on SNGs, although a spinup attempt or two probably will sneak in there especially during cash points accelerators.
Almost forgot I bust a Punta Cana FR 10th - 8 seats. I do find the timing of the sunday sats difficult. You basically have to give up your entire late afternoon/evening on what should be prime family time. I was doing ok (running well) while on phone but just at peak sunday tea prep time was crunch time. I ended up making a call with K9s on the BB when 8/10 to an UTG big stack raise. Why do you keep checking your phone asks Mrs P just as I am retrieving the roast spuds from the oven and we are dishing up. Just trying to win us a free holiday I replied. I had just under half my stack in the BB and being distracted and on phone I had no idea where places 9 and 10 were at. Anyway turns out I was dominated by KQ and my luck ran out gg gn.
By the way, remember when I was winning and the poker profits were exceding the rewards wins and I was getting grief for keeping more than I was giving to Mrs P? I caved to peer pressure and added all profits together. Well after weeks 12 and 13 it seems that you have done Mrs P out of some cash. You see I blame you, not me for tilting and blowing out.
Rewards and tokens
SNG Total
MTT Total
Phantom FFF
Site B/R
The Phantom Family Fun Fund is now -£3.87.Under the previous regime the Mrs P fund would have been a secure £86.93.
So I guess I better keep going for the Punta Cana promo as that seems the best way to save face for all of us.
Was good to see you'd had a good spin on that table and got the roll back on track.
Quickly learned that:
You shouldn't play these when you are running bad... although it hurts a lot less to see KK/AA get cracked when it's only for 10bb
Just because there aren't spare seats at 4 decent normal games, you shouldn't try and play 3 normal games and 1 spin-up. I definitely wasted a few blinds by getting in pots with drawy hands that have no place to be played in spins, purely because I saw your stack and mis-read that I was playing with 100bb+ as well
Think game selection is even more key here than normal games. Need to have immense willpower to not sit until/unless you spot people you can rinse. Fair to say I will be one of those being rinsed and will only ever be here because I'm a degenerate gambler more than I am a poker player!
Hope you run well and get the Mrs P fund back to weekend in Skeggy levels soon.
Was good to see you'd had a good spin on that table and got the roll back on track. Quickly learned that: You shouldn't play these when you are running bad... although it hurts a lot less to see KK/AA get cracked when it's only for 10bb Just because there aren't spare seats at 4 decent normal games, you shouldn't try and play 3 normal games and 1 spin-up. I definitely wasted a few blinds by getting in pots with drawy hands that have no place to be played in spins, purely because I saw your stack and mis-read that I was playing with 100bb+ as well Think game selection is even more key here than normal games. Need to have immense willpower to not sit until/unless you spot people you can rinse. Fair to say I will be one of those being rinsed and will only ever be here because I'm a degenerate gambler more than I am a poker player! Hope you run well and get the Mrs P fund back to weekend in Skeggy levels soon. Posted by shakinaces
It definitely is not a format to be mixed with anything imo.
I tend to just play short sessions of just these, 1 or 2 tables, when my normal SNGs are not filling or when I don't have much time and may not be able to fit a SNG in.
10bb definitely no place for drawing hands - trick generally is try and spin up to 30+bb and then you can mix in some "normal poker" if there are other 30+ stacks at the table.
I have quite a good bank of notes now which helps with table selection and it is getting more important as the format is getting established. For anyone dabbling - it is also important to look at stack sizes before deciding to sit. Sitting with 10bb with a couple of big stacks to your left is a huge mistake imo.
RE:Skeg, I havent even got enough for the breakfasts never mind the bed. I will be trying to get into that Punta Cana final if I can do it cheaply. Next attempt hopefully via tonights FRs.
Last night 3/4 PLO8 wins - the loss was a typical 4 handed late level bust that could have gone either way, 2 were comfortable coasts from early stack building and 1 was another typical 4 handed late level shove/fold fest where I managed to keep a stack without risks and got over the line ok. Saw the new PLO8 enthusiast Jac35 at the tables. At least we livened the football up as no soon as we moaned about how dull it was England's new supersub and another generous ref decision gave us 2 goals and rooneys 50th.
Then I hit the spinups and not a great run - Pomfrittes quite rightly challenged my BRM as he took my cash with AAvAJs and AKsvA7.
I guess from a BR point of view I want to keep above £50 from now on, concentrate on SNGs but still hit the spinups because they are fun (albeit volatile) and it was the only way I managed to build a roll first time around. Important to have that stop loss - both from a session and an overall BR point of view though.
I will be playing plo8 dyms 3/5 if running and if not some 2/3 6 max nl tables too which on their own probably wouldn't cut it.
If really stuck it will have to be the dreaded £5 turbo dyms
Don't envy you on this Spin Up challenge... it does my head in sometimes when losing a couple of big AI hands at normal cash tables in a session, without the increased variance from being AI so much more frequently!
Re: satellites to live events - perhaps just play a set number/time of your normal games with a target win (eg £550 for UKPC) and see those as a different sort, if it remains too problematic to time your play to coincide with the official sats? That's how I try to blag my cash for the recent fake-SPTs anyhow.
Before picture approved.
I delare a comp
Its a picture of Pete Tong.
So pretty much back to starting roll £51.03 to be precise.
It's a good job I have enjoyed the vast majority of my time at the tables.
This week started on some SNGs while still double points and I won 3/4 dyms and came 2nd in a 6max.
Good start.
Feeling positive - so lecture myself on tilt and start a spinup session.
Oh dear - QQ<A9 TT<A2 A6<(Q6 and 86) 66<Q7 JJ<97
wasn't all bad KJ />Q2 and AJ=AJ in the only other all in pre hands
Was good to see you'd had a good spin on that table and got the roll back on track.

Quickly learned that:
You shouldn't play these when you are running bad... although it hurts a lot less to see KK/AA get cracked when it's only for 10bb
Just because there aren't spare seats at 4 decent normal games, you shouldn't try and play 3 normal games and 1 spin-up. I definitely wasted a few blinds by getting in pots with drawy hands that have no place to be played in spins, purely because I saw your stack and mis-read that I was playing with 100bb+ as well
Think game selection is even more key here than normal games. Need to have immense willpower to not sit until/unless you spot people you can rinse. Fair to say I will be one of those being rinsed and will only ever be here because I'm a degenerate gambler more than I am a poker player!
Hope you run well and get the Mrs P fund back to weekend in Skeggy levels soon.