Sitting at the laptop - working not playing - when I heard a loud "pop" followed by the swooshing of running water.
Ran into the kitchen to see water pouring out of the sink unit.
Luckily I knew where the stop-**** was and it wasnt seized up so the flow was stemmed in under a minute.
The pipe connecting the tap to the plumbing had literally burst.
We have emergency cover on our house insurance and so called them out - but they didnt really hep me much - all they are allowed to do under their contract is islolate the leak not actually fix the problem. By the time they arrived I had mopped up and isolated that pipe myself. Funny how often the headline insurance makes you think you are covered things but when something goes wrong it isnt covered. Very good risk managers insurers, they know how to not pay up for the most common risks.
So now we have water everywhere else in the house but no hot water tap in the kitchen and I have a job to do today in finding and fixing a suitable replacement. Googling for taps is a fascinating proposal, there are alot more than I thought and they are alot dearer than I thought!
We have a tiled floor on a concrete base so hopefully not too much damage done after a quick mop up. The sink unit itself might be damaged if water got into it but I guess that will take a while to manifest itself. At least the insurers know about the leak if I have to claim later.
On the poker front received the bonus and a couple of small sessions saw a small but welcome win on the day to see the progress curve heading back in the right direction.
Dont think I'll get much in today except maybe the FR and a later evening session once thanks to my plumbing duties.
GL all and may all your leaks be little ones that are easily fixed!
My DIY skills are worse than my poker skills for sure. However, I had been assured by the pro plumber who visited on monday that it was a relatively easy job even for a casual rec like me. In hindsight that's probably like Matt Bates telling a total noob that winning £55BHs is pretty straight forward.
I even watched a couple of You Tube videos, boy do those pros make it look easy.
I would agree that fitting a new tap is relatively straight forward, that bit only took about 30 mins whereas the real issue was removing the old taps - the ones seemingly welded instead of screwed into position and the fittings that needed to be unscrewed located in the hardest to get to places behind various pipes and in the corner of the unit.
You also need a box spanner to undo the nut at the base of the sink - involving another trip to the DIY store and a few more quid.
The taps definitely won this battle and Tilited me big time. I can't remember the last time I swore so much. I ache all over as well.
So just as I thought I was winning, the taps did me on the river, one of the tail pipes that connect to the plumbing was too short - muggins had just assumed they would be a standard size. So now we have a nice new looking tap but on the water front we are back to square one with only the cold one working.
So following the title rebranding, what about these spinups then?
I'll leave the good or bad for poker/site debate for the other threads.
For here I will assume that they are here to stay for a while at least.
Why play them?
They are definitely fun - with 10BB you get plenty of action. Not the usual nit infested low-mid level cash for sure.
Can you beat them?
According to some - no, not long term. Noboday has played them long term yet. I am advised that 100,000 hands is a good metric to judge cash winnability. I have not found an easy way to measure my casha hands. I am recording every session in terms of Profit/Loss though. Overall results from a few tables are up there ^^^^.
According to others (e.g. Ivanovic for one) and me and Alex229. Yes.
The player pool is poor - it must be - its the only explanation for me turning into a winning cash player. Hopefully partly as well because they suit my game and I am thinking about the format and adjusting accordingly.
Some people buy in for less than 10BB.
Some people dont autotopup and get blinded down. I saw one player get blinded down to 2BB then shoved KK and got a double up to 4BB. Shortly after bust in a hand.
Some of the ranges are crazy - there are a few A2C punters (or maniacs) and there are a few who are way too nitty. I like to think I have a good range for 10BB play having played most of my poker at SNGs.
The claimants that its unbeatable also probably dont appreciate how quickly the game can elvate to 30-40BB and given that some of those players are making very exploitable mistakes post-flop (they would have to be for me to take advantage) then that really helps.
So if a new table starts up with 6x10BB players it will play a bit like a turbo sng mid stages, however consider that if the weaker players do get lucky you can reload.
My general advice for these would be...
1. Watch the Bankroll Management - I have a personal 5BI stop loss for a session. I would recommend having at least 50BI for the level you start at but that should probably 100+ as long as you can afford to lose that.
2. Always buyin for the full amount and use autotopup - but count your reloads and have a stop loss in place.
3. Take notes on players shove/call ranges it's essential. Then also take notes as normal about players post flop play.
4. Think about and study shove/call ranges but adjust according to your notes on the table.
5. Try and build a stack as quickly as you can. You have a huge advantage over the table if you are 50BB plus and there are plenty of players on 10BB. So maybe take a few more risks while on 10BB (you need a wider range there anyway).
6. I dont think table selection is that important yet. Maybe at higher levels, but at 20nl there are only 1 or 2 tables in play and usually a number of exploitable players. However try not to sit at a table where you are the only short stack or there would be a monster stack to your immediate left.
I am nearing 100 sessions at 20nl so I'll post an update and progress graph when I get there.
Sorted the tap after a tour of local DIY and plumbing stores.
If you are in the Preston area and need any supplies I can recommend Independent Heating & Plumbing Supplies Ltd. Saved me the expense of calling out a plumber and that after 2 other plumbing suppliers saying they couldn't do it.
Hit £2 in the Rewards FR. I think I saw Ger at my table but I blinked and he disappeared. Couldn't chat as was on the phone. Was going well but 10BB seems to creep up on you soon after the hour, I ended up losing a standard flip AJ lost to 55 to be left with 1.01 BB a quick spinup and then 66 lost to AJ gg gn.
saw the dreaded boom word again - chipped up player called 4 way all-in with 46s and made the str8 - not much you can do about that except sigh.
Now I don't want to give a false impression that spinups are easy to beat. I also want to demonstrate that I am not running golden all the time.
There are some brutal sessions and you have to just accept them and get on with it. It's why I have a 5BI limit per session as taking too many bad beats can lead to a bit of tilt and bad play. The first 2/3 I can just laugh off and take it as part of the territory but 4/5 can start to be frustrating and the temptation can be to go after your chips back with weaker ranges.
The last session I played today I lost all of these match ups
A9 v T8s
55 v J3
AJ v KQ (also v T7s)
A9 v J6
Please dont request a move to BBV as this isn't the point of the post to complain and I do know that most of those are only 60/40ish with the AKvAJ the only dominating hand.
In fact it's the exact opposite. It shows how easy it is to get your money in ahead in these games.
You just have to remember that while the maths is in your favour to win plenty longer term, you are bound to get runs where lyou lose them too. It may only be roughly 1% to lose all 5 of those, but in spinups you will be all-in pre a lot so seeing runs like this should not be a surprise.
Have been following your diary for a while now and I like your outlook on sessions win or lose, following with interest and good luck for you and Mrs P.
I find posting helps me put stuff into perspective.
Like Kipling wrote "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two bedfollows the same".
Not quoted as often comes this line - Makes me think he either was a gambler or knew some...
"If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch-andtoss, and lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss."
I wonder what he would make of Brags Beats and Variance?
Just had my 1st punt at UKPC qualification. x1 all-in-sat - came 1st - bust the semi in 25th though, sigh.
Chipped down early. Bottled a 3 barrel bluff which should have got through (K7643 or similar board - opponent had 99)
In hindsight bit early to be even trying the double barrel though 1st/2nd level of a fairly deep sat.
Maybe got carried away after my 2nd hand check/raise bluff on a flop after peeling from BB got through.
Had some interesting hands, some well played by me, others may be leaks where I could have got more value. As it was a "TV" table I might post something up for the next pitstop
Unfortunatley the 20pts wont help me much as I am in the no mans land between 100 and 500 where you get the £2.30 anyway.
Kicked myself a bit on the hand that did the damage. Down to about 8BB and UTG slightly shorter min raises UTG. Alarm bells ringing but folded round to my BB and I have AQ and shove. It was the AA that my gut was screaming out.
Thanks for the kind words Snuffer. I find posting helps me put stuff into perspective. Like Kipling wrote "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two bedfollows the same". Not quoted as often comes this line - Makes me think he either was a gambler or new some... "If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch-andtoss, and lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss." I wonder what he would make of Brags Beats and Variance? Posted by Phantom66
I loved it when you were struggling with a small BRM you won you lost, meh,you was honest. Now you have more to work with your having fun not grinding, I'm trying to enjoy it and I think I am but a diary puts things into perspective and keeps you honest, good luck pal.
Lady Variance conspired with Lord Indiscipline to bring me a big dent.
After midnight thought I'd start up a spinup and won a few chips off 1st player to take me on HU, new player arrives. I have notes - a bit loose - but dangerous loose. Not frightened to shove chips in a variety of situations. Soon it's me and new arrival HU.
Completely lost track of my x5BI rule. Very hard to exploit an aggro player from 10BB not exactly wait and trap territory, but I felt I was generally doing well at getting it in ahead Lady Variance was beating me up though. Don't get me wrong I held up sometimes and I won from behind too but there were 3 big hands when we both had stacks that went against me, the live card hitting trips on the flopx2 and the rivered flush...
The beats you cant control of course, the self control self imposed limit of 5BIs you need to - very annoyed with myself.
For the record it was over £17 or just under 9BIs before I finally conceded defeat. Ego is a bad companion on the poker tables. The "sensible voice" was telling me to stand when I had limited the damage back to £4, the "ego" wanted to carry on for 1 more double up to crush this fella (or lady).
I did gg them when I stood - like I say v hard to exploit and we both had "moves". I think I did reference their luck too, which wasn't meant to be sour grapes but may have sounded like them.
So full confession now made - hope it sinks in this time.
Good day on Sunday. Got to watch the footy and the golf and play some poker and won.
PNE won away and are now 7th in the Championship.
Like the 10/1 price boost as promoted by Dohhh seemed good value but not to be. As a part time Hammers fan that was the one I was most worried about - didn't expect spurs to be held by stoke.
So some overall numbers, 11 weeks in, 8 winning weeks, 3 losing...
Just wanted to share this had from last night's plopping action...
I have changed the names to make the protaganists completely impossible to identify.
Now we are on the dym bubble. I dont have a fantastic hand but this stage of a dym it's definitely a pot.
oldnit is a bit of a reg - MT's PLO8 from £3 to £10.
Generally doesnt play a hand level 1-4. Then after that pots or repots and usually has it. Recent notes though have observed occasional open limping and getting caught stealing.
When I pot from button I expecting to be HU with Mr aggro or take the blinds uncontested and I would be happy with either outcome. Mr aggro loves to pot - the ronnie o'sullivan of the PLO8 community. Puts you in tough spots with post flop pots. Usually has one or other end of it or a good draw when potting. So when the repot comes from oldnit I am expecting to be up against AA23s or similar.
AATTds still a very nice hand and well ahead of me and my range but did oldnit need to get involved or just sit back and let me and mr aggro go to war - or aggro lose his BB?
So I got lucky - also got lucky next hand and oldnit was out - vul.
Just wondering if any forum reg ploppers would care to comment on the hand.
75p a game is better than most of my SNG efforts and the £1 6max don't run that often
Let's Spin while I'm winning!
and a few others that I could post, if only I could remember their tricks for getting around the filters
It was a losing one but overall have to be pleased.
Sorted the tap after a tour of local DIY and plumbing stores.
If you are in the Preston area and need any supplies I can recommend Independent Heating & Plumbing Supplies Ltd. Saved me the expense of calling out a plumber and that after 2 other plumbing suppliers saying they couldn't do it.
Hit £2 in the Rewards FR. I think I saw Ger at my table but I blinked and he disappeared. Couldn't chat as was on the phone. Was going well but 10BB seems to creep up on you soon after the hour, I ended up losing a standard flip AJ lost to 55 to be left with 1.01 BB a quick spinup and then 66 lost to AJ gg gn.
saw the dreaded boom word again - chipped up player called 4 way all-in with 46s and made the str8 - not much you can do about that except sigh.
Lady Variance conspired with Lord Indiscipline to bring me a big dent.
After midnight thought I'd start up a spinup and won a few chips off 1st player to take me on HU, new player arrives. I have notes - a bit loose - but dangerous loose. Not frightened to shove chips in a variety of situations. Soon it's me and new arrival HU.
Completely lost track of my x5BI rule. Very hard to exploit an aggro player from 10BB not exactly wait and trap territory, but I felt I was generally doing well at getting it in ahead Lady Variance was beating me up though. Don't get me wrong I held up sometimes and I won from behind too but there were 3 big hands when we both had stacks that went against me, the live card hitting trips on the flopx2 and the rivered flush...
The beats you cant control of course, the self control self imposed limit of 5BIs you need to - very annoyed with myself.
For the record it was over £17 or just under 9BIs before I finally conceded defeat. Ego is a bad companion on the poker tables. The "sensible voice" was telling me to stand when I had limited the damage back to £4, the "ego" wanted to carry on for 1 more double up to crush this fella (or lady).
I did gg them when I stood - like I say v hard to exploit and we both had "moves". I think I did reference their luck too, which wasn't meant to be sour grapes but may have sounded like them.
So full confession now made - hope it sinks in this time.
PNE won away and are now 7th in the Championship.
Like the 10/1 price boost as promoted by Dohhh seemed good value but not to be. As a part time Hammers fan that was the one I was most worried about - didn't expect spurs to be held by stoke.
So some overall numbers, 11 weeks in, 8 winning weeks, 3 losing...
SNGs went very well, some good results on 6 max and PLO8 £5 dyms (P3 W3) in particular recovering those numbers after the £5 turbo crash.
Double points next weekend so I think I will try for 500 points next week.
Also seems Saints does have a grinder in our midst after all so may just pick up a free bet out of Premiership promo.
Chapeau LUIGL +£5k points.
I have changed the names to make the protaganists completely impossible to identify.
Now we are on the dym bubble. I dont have a fantastic hand but this stage of a dym it's definitely a pot.
oldnit is a bit of a reg - MT's PLO8 from £3 to £10.
Generally doesnt play a hand level 1-4. Then after that pots or repots and usually has it. Recent notes though have observed occasional open limping and getting caught stealing.
When I pot from button I expecting to be HU with Mr aggro or take the blinds uncontested and I would be happy with either outcome. Mr aggro loves to pot - the ronnie o'sullivan of the PLO8 community. Puts you in tough spots with post flop pots. Usually has one or other end of it or a good draw when potting. So when the repot comes from oldnit I am expecting to be up against AA23s or similar.
AATTds still a very nice hand and well ahead of me and my range but did oldnit need to get involved or just sit back and let me and mr aggro go to war - or aggro lose his BB?
So I got lucky - also got lucky next hand and oldnit was out - vul.
Just wondering if any forum reg ploppers would care to comment on the hand.
Hand History #937600625 (22:04 16/08/2015)