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Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?



  • Sky_DanSky_Dan Member Posts: 589
    edited August 2015
    There is now a £5 £15k Roller Rebuy set to run tonight and tomorrow at 19:30. 2,000 starting stack, 7 minute blinds.

    Also adding a £2.20 £15k Roller Micro (no rebuys) to run a bit later at 19:45. Same starting stack/blinds.

    Let's see how it goes.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    There is now a £5 £15k Roller Rebuy set to run tonight and tomorrow at 19:30. 2,000 starting stack, 7 minute blinds. Also adding a £2.20 £15k Roller Micro (no rebuys) to run a bit later at 19:45. Same starting stack/blinds. Let's see how it goes.
    Posted by Sky_Dan
    Excellent news. Really hope it works, especially £2.20 as I've advocated that for a while. 

    As said, once people are aware and they are regular they should be successful. 

    Still no SNG sats? Explanation would be nice as some one stated, they would never be overlay and can run at any time of day all through week. 
  • Sky_DanSky_Dan Member Posts: 589
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See? Still no SNG sats? Explanation would be nice as some one stated, they would never be overlay and can run at any time of day all through week. 
    Posted by CraigSG1

    Explanation - I've only got one pair of hands! Have been playing around with them this afternoon though. Am aiming to have something by next week.



  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See? : We are going to be doing Super SATurdays for Punta Cuna qualification (see what I did there?) next month. Will also look at trialling them for the Roller.
    Posted by Sky_Dan

    OMG OMG OMG OMG lol - now this is the most interesting thing I've read on Sky for weeks.   I think I'd better dig out a few poker books and actually learn to play.  So much for me planning on going into retirement poker wise from September....
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2015
    Already been covered by most but just '+1ing' the ones i think are most important.

    1) SnG sats, should be absolutely standard and running 24/7

    2) Along the same lines as 1 ^ but why not have constant SnG all-in sats too. Won't be everyone's cup of tea (including me) cos I only play all-in sats when there's overlay and the SnG format removes overlay but tons of people fancy a little punt. You also don't need to be at the comp to play so if you want 3 little punts, reg for 3 of them, come back hours later if u want and see if you won. The beauty of these SnGs is, if no1 wants to play them, they won't run, and they'll take up virtually no room in the lobby and you can get rid after a week or two of none running if you want. But it's a total freeroll to try them.

    3) Giving out tokens is the way forward definitely, although it did seem a bit of a fiasco when the £2.20 tokens were given out when the rewards system changed, dunno if that's all running smoothly now or not. If it is, then must be easy to give tokens in games?

    4) De-clutter the lobby from the millions of sats that very often don't even run due to a lack of runners. As people have said this can be done by consolidating games into 1 larger sat, and also the SnG sats will solve that too because the next one or two will only spawn once the previous one was started etc.

    The most important thing imo is that people should have the opportunity to satellite in to pretty much any game, pretty much any time. It shouldn't be a case of 'if you wanna satellite into the roller then you HAVE to be available to play satellites from 1pm - 6pm on Sunday or you just can't play' cos that's just massively limiting the numbers that play.

    I'd imagine the peak time for Sky is something along the lines of 7:30pm - midnight ish, and yet during those hours there are virtually 0 satellites (only a couple for the MBI iirc), that just doesn't make sense.

    I'd also LOVE if you could make it so formats (satellites for example) can be filtered OUT as oppose to being filtered IN. Sometimes you wanna look at ALL MTTs excluding sats, but you can't.


    This is a bit of a side note cos it's not satellite related, but the whole MTT lobby needs decluttering imo, far too many tiny tiny (I mean field size, not BI size) comps all started vv close to each other which spreads the butter too thin. Choice is great but there's too much imo. If you have 6 vv similar micro stake comps all starting within 45 mins of each other, when a lot of people don't play more than 1table, it results in loadssss of tiny comps with tiny guarantees etc.

    I'm not after stars style fields, but there's a middle ground. Just looked now, a comp started at 7:30pm, a £5 freezeout, £200 GTD, so setting the bar at 40 runners, it has 13 atm like, presumably it will make the 40, I dunno, but given that it's peak time on a Friday night, the fact it has 13 right now is almost certainly because there's about 8 other comps at the same kinda BI level starting within 30 mins of it.

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    There is now a £5 £15k Roller Rebuy set to run tonight and tomorrow at 19:30. 2,000 starting stack, 7 minute blinds. Also adding a £2.20 £15k Roller Micro (no rebuys) to run a bit later at 19:45. Same starting stack/blinds. Let's see how it goes.
    Posted by Sky_Dan
    Did this not run tonight? Can't see it in the lobby (I forgot to reg, sigh!)
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,043
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See? : Did this not run tonight? Can't see it in the lobby (I forgot to reg, sigh!)
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    No-I was one of only 3 or 4 to register...
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    There is now a £5 £15k Roller Rebuy set to run tonight and tomorrow at 19:30. 2,000 starting stack, 7 minute blinds. Also adding a £2.20 £15k Roller Micro (no rebuys) to run a bit later at 19:45. Same starting stack/blinds. Let's see how it goes.
    Posted by Sky_Dan

    Thanks for putting this in lobby Dan.
    I guess people didn't like my idea much :)
  • MilitantGMilitantG Member Posts: 204
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See? : Will look at sorting this tomorrow.
    Posted by Sky_Dan
    Thanks for the acknowldgment Dan, however I was wondering when/if the the 22:30 BH will get the £12 sat the other 9pm BH has.
  • bluffulot6bluffulot6 Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    These are all good comments so far, have heard mentions about SnG satellites before so that's top of the list to look at. Re: daily sats for the Roller, more than happy to try this starting tonight and we'll see what happens.
    Posted by Sky_Dan

    When you say SNG sats....would these run along the same lines has other bigger sites ( steps) with a step 4 being entry into main event

    Dan have you also had any thought about introducing some sort of laddering sytem to the SNG  ( omaha hi low ) would be great has we find it hard to get any games over £5 running and this way would give very low stakes players a chance of playing bigger stakes

    sure tikay has bent your ear a few times regrding this

    these used to run very well on another site till they were removed
  • Sky_DanSky_Dan Member Posts: 589
    edited August 2015
    Plenty for us to be looking at here! I agree with a lot of the points you are all making. Going to dedicate a good chunk of my time next week to look at this. 

    Keep the comments coming.

    Cheers and enjoy first day of the season!

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See? : When you say SNG sats....would these run along the same lines has other bigger sites ( steps) with a step 4 being entry into main event Dan have you also had any thought about introducing some sort of laddering sytem to the SNG  ( omaha hi low ) would be great has we find it hard to get any games over £5 running and this way would give very low stakes players a chance of playing bigger stakes sure tikay has bent your ear a few times regrding this these used to run very well on another site till they were removed
    Posted by bluffulot6
    Hi Tony.

    No, I've not bent his ear about bigger PLO8 DYM's, until there is enough liquidity at the £11 level, there's no point, sadly. Dan's a great guy, by the way, he's really making a difference, & he understands perfectly the need to communicate well.  Very strange career path though - before he came to Sky Poker he was a belly dancer.

    Having said that, 8 of the £11-ers ran last night, must be the most in many a month, attracted no doubt by the Double Points weekend.
    Fingers crossed the same again tonight & tomorrow. There were certainly some interesting characters playing, with an eclectic range of starting hands. ;) Huge fun.

    Hope to see you in them tonight or tomorrow, you deffo liven the games up. Last night we had 13 @ £5.50 & 8 @ £11, so that's pretty good.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited August 2015


    Unfortunate type in my previous post - he was not a belly dancer - obv - he was a ballet dancer.

    My apologies.
  • bluffulot6bluffulot6 Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See? : Hi Tony. No, I've not bent his ear about bigger PLO8 DYM's, until there is enough liquidity at the £11 level, there's no point, sadly. Dan's a great guy, by the way, he's really making a difference, & he understands perfectly the need to communicate well.  Very strange career path though - before he came to Sky Poker he was a belly dancer. Having said that, 8 of the £11-ers ran last night, must be the most in many a month, attracted no doubt by the Double Points weekend.   Fingers crossed the same again tonight & tomorrow. There were certainly some interesting characters playing, with an eclectic range of starting hands. ;) Huge fun. Hope to see you in them tonight or tomorrow, you deffo liven the games up. Last night we had 13 @ £5.50 & 8 @ £11, so that's pretty good.
    Posted by Tikay10

    Sorry tikay
    was out with the family last night ( then played about 25 £5 turbo DYM ) DOUBLE POINTS

    out again tonight tonight birthday

    but should be back tomorrow

    always nice to see a few new players at the hi low tables

    But i'm not sure a lot of players have the bank roll for the £10 and above games .....was just thinking out loud of how we could generate in the £10 and above games and some sort of laddering system say from the £2.25 would be a great way for the those  with a lesser bank roll to play the bigger games

    not sure how much work on SKY part this would take

    But it would be a great introduction to the site

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See? : Sorry tikay was out with the family last night ( then played about 25 £5 turbo DYM ) DOUBLE POINTS out again tonight tonight birthday but should be back tomorrow always nice to see a few new players at the hi low tables But i'm not sure a lot of players have the bank roll for the £10 and above games .....was just thinking out loud of how we could generate in the £10 and above games and some sort of laddering system say from the £2.25 would be a great way for the those  with a lesser bank roll to play the bigger games not sure how much work on SKY part this would take But it would be a great introduction to the site
    Posted by bluffulot6
    Ahh yes, of course - sorry. See you tomorrow, then. Oh, & Happy Birthday. ;)

    Going back to your suggestion, I'm not dissing it, but in effect, is it not the same as playing a few @ £3.30 or £5.50, & winning them?

    Anyway, I'm very confident that come the dark nights, the PLO8 DYM's will be heaving.

    Amazing really, but I played 57 of them last night, really surprising there is so much PLO8 liquidity here. Only the Big Site (with all their third party software stuff) can offer more, surely?
    I keep being told how good Unibet is these days, (& I don't doubt it) so I logged on last night to have a shoofty - I have money in there anyway, as I use them for Sports Betting.

    I'm not very good with navigating lobbies & stuff, but for the life of me, all I could find in the SNG Lobby was NLH. Err, no ta.     
  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited August 2015
    Good afternoon Sky Dan.
    Would it be possible to do sats into the £2.20 @2.20 deepstack.
    All the best.
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    edited August 2015
    +1 to SNG SATs. 
    How about random direct entry prizes to ME in the SNG's? Announced after SNG starts!
    Sky used to run daily micro SATs with 10pm final with seats to Thursday ME. Please revive these.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See? : Sorry tikay was out with the family last night ( then played about 25 £5 turbo DYM ) DOUBLE POINTS out again tonight tonight birthday but should be back tomorrow always nice to see a few new players at the hi low tables But i'm not sure a lot of players have the bank roll for the £10 and above games .....was just thinking out loud of how we could generate in the £10 and above games and some sort of laddering system say from the £2.25 would be a great way for the those  with a lesser bank roll to play the bigger games not sure how much work on SKY part this would take But it would be a great introduction to the site
    Posted by bluffulot6
    How would a SNG sat be vastly different than a DYM?
  • neil1970neil1970 Member Posts: 264
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Satellites - What Changes Would You Like To See?:
    Introduce sats for the Roller much earlier. Would like to see them running all week from the Monday.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Totally agree with this harry i think sats for the roller should be available all week not just at the weekend...
  • suzy666suzy666 Member Posts: 221
    edited August 2015
    15K roller sat for £2.20. 1 seat guaranteed.

    I don't recall seeing a min number of players, is this normal cancelling at the last minute?
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