As i derailed a previous post earlier I have taken Tikays advice to post a slight concern of mine.
Now this wont be for everyone but I think at the higher limits of MTTS cash and sngs it would be massively beneficial.
I for one play more than 1 table usually around 10 - 16 if I am having an MTT session 6-8 for cash and 4 for HUSNGS - I find myself really struggling when playing across multiple sites to keep myself sitting in with sky.
I would figure the majority of players playing the roller / mains etc would also be playing multiple other tables.
My major argumennt is not that I cant keep the tables going but that I do indeed struggle to come up with the correct logical move to make and get forced into a decision (with the time permitted) --- this game after all is a game of skill and I will promote that until the end.
It does not need to be anything drastic a 30 second time bank replenished by 15 seconds every hour would suit just fine. The last thing I would want is to disrupte the flow of a game or anybodys enjoyment but realistically 30 seconds x 6 players is 3 minutes and it would be extremely unlikely that everybody would use the entire timebank in the same hour.
This would not be of benefit to just multi table players but also the recs who may need breathing space to make that tough decision, giving them a chance to develop the neccesary thought patterns to become a succesful player & make tough spote more "standard"
I do hope this can be taken into consideration
Thanks Danny.
Let's get some other feedback going, then I can get it sent upstairs.
I'm pretty sure a clear answer would be forthcoming, but it would be good if plenty of people aired their view, rather than, as is usually the case, just those in favour.
I'm not trying to put words into anyone's mouth, just get a good civilised debate going.
If it is that big an issue to the recs then they'd all join speed tables only and the regs would (mostly) be forced to play those games anyway.
I'd love to have them personally, and I don't even play DTM-volume of tables, I'm just old and slow and need to (over)think things through before leveling myself into making a h#sh of an otherwise easy decision.
ps why is h#sh on the banned words list?
Don't even go there, the wonders of this forum software, but we have to play the hands we are dealt.
I imagine because it has a recreational drug connotation. Like I say, don't ask. Please.
Have to say, in Live Poker, it is far worse. In a typical WSOP event in Las Vegas, it can take up to a an hour.
There is a beyond simple solution to this, just make the timebank 10 seconds.
This should satisfy all parties to a certain extent and take nothing away from the game.
Personally, I think 30 seconds is fine. I think people are exaggerating the time wasters, and as touched on by op, poker is a tough game. Some decisions are not so easy and I think allowing your players to have that extra few seconds to (in their opinion) make a better decision is a very reasonable thing to do.