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Timebank argument



  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited August 2015
    It doesn't make sense to introduce a new function to please the tiny percentage of players who are multi-site multi-table grinders at the inconvenience of the majority. Most Sky players, including me, have no need for a timebank and would find it an irritation imo.
  • YoungUnYoungUn Member Posts: 422
    edited August 2015
    I'd like to see a timebank but - not sure I've seen this point raised yet - it should be activated voluntarily i.e. you have to click the timebank button to use it. I haven't played on Stars (or any other site, for that matter) in a ruddy long time, so this might have changed, but it used to bug me that the timebanks would automatically come into play if a player hadn't acted within the regulation time. Opening hands of Tournaments were a huge drag because of this and it's just not necessary.

    And while I tend to agree with points like GaryQQQ's, I still see enough recs take time over some decisions that they will still find it useful and hence it won't be such an advantage for the multi-site, multi-table players that are asking for this.
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2015
    It's 10 seconds that won't be used very often, and when it is used, a decent % of the time it will be used by people who maybe went to make a coffee, or had to answer the door, and the timebank saved them from folding. so it's not just for multi-table grinders, it can be used by everyone. I know a lot of recreational players who like browing the internet when they're 1 or 2 tabling on Sky, and it's very easy for them to time out. This leads me to believe the small inconvenience caused for some is outweighed by the small (but bigger) benefit that comes from just having 10 additional seconds. 

    Now, once this 10 seconds has been used up by a player, then perhaps it's gone for that entire hour and they get 5 seconds the next hour. This avoids exploitation of the timebank. 

  • daggers747daggers747 Member Posts: 193
    edited August 2015

    I agree the vast majority of players on sky are not inconvenienced by time issues.

    No change for me.

    However talking of banks I wonder if any one can let me know where the nearest
    food bank is situated.

    Times are hard, and my cat has moved away.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited August 2015

    See "Parkinson's Law".

    In brief, if you give people more time to complete a task (or space, or whatever) you can be sure they will use it.
  • paige55paige55 Member Posts: 2,953
    edited August 2015
    Today i have been Married for 33 years,Do i need a time bank NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Timebank argument:
    See "Parkinson's Law". In brief, if you give people more time to complete a task (or space, or whatever) you can be sure they will use it.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Sure, let's decrease the current timer to 5 seconds then. It's all about getting the balance right, and at the moment I don't think it is for reasons outlined above. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,187
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Timebank argument:
    In Response to Re: Timebank argument : Sure, let's decrease the current timer to 5 seconds then. It's all about getting the balance right, and at the moment I don't think it is for reasons outlined above. 
    Posted by percival09
    That's what the thread is about.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited August 2015
    Personally I make my decision in the first 5 seconds, may make me a bad rec but thats the way it is. I feel if timebanks were introduced it would have a detrimental effect on small stakes tournament players like myself,and I could envisage myself playing less and getting discouraged from playing.
     I can understand the point for higher stakes players, but as mentioned balance is the key and moving forward it is recs like myself who are the bread and butter of the game.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Timebank argument:
    Today i have been Married for 33 years,Do i need a time bank NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    Posted by paige55
    Happy anniversary, have a wonderful day-thats quite an achievment in this day and age.x
  • paige55paige55 Member Posts: 2,953
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Timebank argument:
    Personally I make my decision in the first 5 seconds, may make me a bad rec but thats the way it is. I feel if timebanks were introduced it would have a detrimental effect on small stakes tournament players like myself,and I could envisage myself playing less and getting discouraged from playing.  I can understand the point for higher stakes players, but as mentioned balance is the key and moving forward it is recs like myself who are the bread and butter of the game.
    Posted by tomgoodun
  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited August 2015
    getting discouraged from playing? really? because of a 10 second timebank that when used, runs out completely and is replaced with a 5 second timebank the next hour? 

    I actually believe this to be completely unreasonable from those in favour of no timebank - 10 seconds and then less when fully used seems like common ground. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2015
    Some of the comments in this thread just seem bizarre.

    Are people really saying you would not want to play on Sky anymore if they gave players one 10 second timebank? Where would they play because every site has one, they'd totally stop playing online poker?

    Let's assume about 20 people are left in the roller round the bubble (about average) and every single one of them decided to use their full timebank of 10 seconds (vvv unlikely), that's 200 seconds, barely 3 minutes, about 25% of 1 level. Is that really a big enough deal to make you leave online poker behind?

    From a personal POV, I don't really feel the need for a timebank, but I've got no problems/quite happy to Sky to add one
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited August 2015
    Add 5 seconds on to the current time allocation and barely anyone will notice. 
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited August 2015
    @Lambert and Percival, my opinion may seem bizarre to you but as we are all of sometime different opinions I am just being as honest as I can at this moment in time, as to where would I play - nowhere, I would take up another pastime, poker is not the be all and end all, and as I have politely...pointed out recs are the bread and butter of the game.

    I cannot speak for all just myself, so yes I would just stop playing if I am not comfortable with the way the gameplay is.
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Timebank argument:
    @Lambert and Percival, my opinion may seem bizarre to you but as we are all of sometime different opinions I am just being as honest as I can at this moment in time, as to where would I play - nowhere, I would take up another pastime, poker is not the be all and end all, and as I have politely...pointed out recs are the bread and butter of the game. I cannot speak for all just myself, so yes I would just stop playing if I am not comfortable with the way the gameplay is.
    Posted by tomgoodun

    Can you please give a reason why a 10 second timebank would have this effect on you? why would 10 seconds not make you comfortable with gameplay? nothing has changed other than the opportunity to take an extra 1o seconds if you need it (once) you are not obliged.

    I seriously find the opposition to this and some of the answers beyond bizzare its like there has been a brainwashing
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited August 2015
    I find playing online poker a nice relaxing interlude to my evening and as I said earlier make my desicions rightly or wrongly in probably the first 2 seconds of play, I do play 3 or 4 tournaments at a time and if timebanks were introduced and used on every table I play ( Which may happen ) I would probably get bored with the gameplay.

    I may have a short attention span or just like the way things are and am too old for change.

    I am not a serious player like some are and can understand their points on timebanks for big decisions.

    I play small stakes so decisions to me are sort of ok if win, ok if I lose- Maybe I am not cut out for the nuances of the game and will never be a big winner or loser so I hope you can see where I am coming from and my previous post doesnt seem as bizzare.

  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    edited August 2015
    I'm genuinely surprised about any backlash towards having a small time-bank. It makes minimal difference if someone spends 15 seconds longer in a hand every hour, people are acting like its going to add a minute onto every hand.

    In my opinion a time bank would benefit recreational players as much as multi-tabling regs. In theory regs will have more 'hands where the decisions are pretty 'standard' and will be experienced in certain spots whereas lesser experienced might need more thinking time. recreational players are also more likely to miss hands browsing the internet whilst playing. On the flip side regs might be multitabling more so need more time on certain hands. As someone who generally plays 4 or less tables a time-bank isn't crucial for me but would be nice to have when neccassary and there's definitely spots where I don't have enough time to think through the hand.
  • reelerreeler Member Posts: 422
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Timebank argument:
    I'm genuinely surprised about any backlash towards having a small time-bank. It makes minimal difference if someone spends 15 seconds longer in a hand every hour, people are acting like its going to add a minute onto every hand. In my opinion a time bank would benefit recreational players as much as multi-tabling regs. In theory regs will have more 'hands where the decisions are pretty 'standard' and will be experienced in certain spots whereas lesser experienced might need more thinking time. recreational players are also more likely to miss hands browsing the internet whilst playing. On the flip side regs might be multitabling more so need more time on certain hands. As someone who generally plays 4 or less tables a time-bank isn't crucial for me but would be nice to have when neccassary and there's definitely spots where I don't have enough time to think through the hand.
    Posted by FeelGroggy
    im with ya use it once only per hour 15 seconds what is 15 seconds in 1 hour nothing and im gonna make ya laugh. while i typed this i timed out with aa flop a lol
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited August 2015
    In Response to Re: Timebank argument:
    I find playing online poker a nice relaxing interlude to my evening and as I said earlier make my desicions rightly or wrongly in probably the first 2 seconds of play, I do play 3 or 4 tournaments at a time and if timebanks were introduced and used on every table I play ( Which may happen ) I would probably get bored with the gameplay. I may have a short attention span or just like the way things are and am too old for change. I am not a serious player like some are and can understand their points on timebanks for big decisions. I play small stakes so decisions to me are sort of ok if win, ok if I lose- Maybe I am not cut out for the nuances of the game and will never be a big winner or loser so I hope you can see where I am coming from and my previous post doesnt seem as bizzare.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    I really doubt time banks, especially if they are small, will make much difference at all. I play on other sites alot that use timebanks, and its not that often that someone will dip into their timebank. There will of course occasionally be individuals who use it in an annoying way, but overall I think people want the game to move at a reasonable pace.

    however, if you do find yourself twiddling ur thumbs a little more... then just play an extra table and that should soon solve that problem.

    for those of you that are worried about regs having more time to make decisions, and therefor outplay you more, i would suggest as Groggy did that timebanks would likely be equally benefitial to recreational players as they are for regs. I would argue that alot of timebank time that is used for regs is because they have multiple complex decisions to make at the same time due to the number of tables (definately the case for me), wheras a recreational player may use the timebank more often to think about one decision.

    Im not that bothered about it, but am in favour of timebanks. 

    On a side note, timebanks could lead to slightly increased traffic on the site, because people will feel able to play an extra table or 2 without the fear of having the occasional time when they have too many decisions to make. 
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