A very good morning to you all.
Today sees Day 2C of the WSOP Main, in which Mr Ambo starts with a 70,000 stack, with blinds starting at 300-600/100.
They will play five full levels, starting at 11am Vegas (7pm UK), then around half of level 11 I believe. Play will therefore continue until around 1am Vegas.
We'll try & follow his progress for most of the day.
Anyone care to speculate on how many chips Neil will have at close of play?
We'll be meeting Neil shortly, to do the Daily Video Update, after that, we'll leave him alone to concentrate.
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Also today, is Day 1B of the $1,111 Droplet.
I'm very pleased to say that thanks to great work by Liz & Mark, we know.....
1) What table & seat each of them have been allocated.
2) Their Sky Poker alias.
3) Their real name. (We FIRST need their permission to mention that).
4) How they qualified. (Freeroll, Satellite, Billionth Hand, various promos etc).
Around 18 or 20 of our team will be playing this today, so it will take me a while to type up all the info, but play does not start until 3pm (11pm UK) so we've got plenty of time.
Big thanks go to Liz & Mark for collating all the info for us. Those 2 are working SO hard. Sam is here too.
This is Neil's Table today - Amazon 439, seat 1.
Pick of that bunch - Ambo apart, obv - is Paul Volpe - 8 cashes, (including one Bracelet) this series alone.
Daniel Tsang is the other Brit - he has 3 WSOP cashes this series.
GL MR Ambo...... 235,000
This is how Ryan Spittles looks like when he is loving life.
...and here's the Neil Channing version.
The photo of Neil was just after he unveiled his trusty FIVE BET.
Aces, obv.
Here's todays "Daily Update" from the WSOP.
Here are the Sky Poker qualifiers playing TODAY in the Droplet. Play starts at 3pm Vegas (11pm UK). The rest play tomorrow (Thursday) except the 2 who played yesterday, both of whom, sadly, perished.
One player is missing from this list (thanks Sam....), as I have his real name but don't have his alias. I'll add him as soon as I get the info.
There are also several "TBC", so I'm not sure if they play today or tomorrow. I'll update if & when I know.
gooner473 - Satellite - Table 12, Seat 1
Safron - Billionth Hand - Table 12, Seat 4
Haysie - Satellite - Table 13 (or 3?) seat 6
BruceB75 - Satellite - Table 6, Seat 6
pizzaman92 - MAYHEM - Table 18, Seat 2
Tatopagao - VLV League - Table 16, Seat 2
lew11122 - 2nd Chance Freeroll - Table 10, Seat 7
The_Reflex - VLV Leagues - Table 13, Seat 8
nickd49931 - MAYHEM - Table16, Seat 4
HAPPYNIGE4 - Satellite - Table 4, Seat 2
RLT16 (Lee Tarn aka Bus Bloke) - 2nd Chance Freeroll - Table 18, Seat 8
IrishRose - HTT - Table 2, Seat 6
roscopiko - HTT - Table 10, Seat 8
TommyD aka Up the Arsenal - MAYHEM - Table 10, Seat 2
F_Ivanovic, aka Tennis Bloke VLV League - Table 9, Seat 2
Ned17 - Satellite - Table 16, Seat 1
Nutter5932 - 2nd Chance Freeroll - Table 14, Seat 4
The_Fishhh - 2nd Chance Freeroll - Table 65, Seat 1
Greggor01 - HTT - Table 8, seat TBC
Meanwhile, back in the Main, Ryan & Neil are both having a challenging day so far.
Ryan is down to around 45,000, running Q-Q into K-K did a lot of the damage. Hard to get off them coups.
Neil is also down to about 45,000. No car crashes, just lack of material, really tough table, & an absence of spots or situations. Some really aggro players on his table, & he's not really deep enough to engage too much when the 3 Bets are flying.
It's fine though - blinds are still only 400-800/100, so they both have 50 Bigs or more, which is more than enough.
I'll send them both a copy of my new book - "How to min cash without ever having more than 5 Bigs".
The sequel "How to win without ever having more than 5 Bigs" may take a while longer to write.