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Cheezy bountys all round



  • bearacebearace Member Posts: 135
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round:
    49th out of 127 enjoyed myself but think i could of played better roll on next time thanks sky
    Posted by weecheez1
      That pair of sixes you called with was the turning point  - I felt you were going to be in trouble.  Anyway well played Wee you lasted a lot longer than I did.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round:
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round :   That pair of sixes you called with was the turning point  - I felt you were going to be in trouble.  Anyway well played Wee you lasted a lot longer than I did.
    Posted by bearace
    Thanks bear looking back I think it was a fold pre even though I was in front but had a good buzz and it was a good experience 
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited July 2017
    Sunday update 
      Quiet week much the same as last week with the mtt results up on the spin ups. I am needing something to focus my attention. Gave the plo8 bhs a rest and played the mini a few times so I think I will play the sats for the main and just win the jackpot seeing as how all the big guns are away to Vegas (not jealous in the slightest :-)  )very best of luck everyone 
     Had night off last night and had film night with good lady cheezy horrors being the order of the day and a few stellas forgot how much of a kick they have and on top of tablets not my best idea my head feels like someone is squeezing my brain 
     Opening balance £367.80
     Closing balance  £360.27
         Remember play nice 
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited August 2017
    Not updated in a wee while real life has a way of creeping up on you 
      Start with the poker been on a bit of a downswing a combination of far to many hero calls,playing when I was in a bad mood,bad starting hands and in general just some plain bad play. I needed something to focus on and Irish rover getting the dym challenge started again is ideal it's a challenge that can give you a good buzz and you don't lose much if you have to start again. Still going to play the sat's and a few mtts but take a step back when I am not feeling like it.
      On the home front it's been hectic to say the least yesterday was a festival in the town called marymass and the eldest daughter was taking part in the parade with her dance school seeing her and all her wee dancers was a proud moment she has worked very hard and deserves all the good things that she gets. Been doing a lot of work in the garden bought the wife a hottub for her 50th and we have a new summerhouse on order so we can use it in the winter nights,but the taking down the old hut and getting all the rubbish removed is a pain in the rs but it's starting to take shape and it keeps the good lady happy and that's all that matters. I am taking a night class called the European computer driving licence it starts on Thursday night and I am a little bit apprehensive not about the course but about the traveling it's in Ayr college and that means a bit of walking as well and I don't know how the leg will hold out but I will give it a go.
     That brings us to the health bit I have been doing another round of medicals this time for the other sides lawyers so far I have done two one in London and one in Edinburgh but I have been picked up at the door by taxi and dropped off so it's ok must be costing them a fortune but hay ho. Hopefully they are all done but I think they might ask me to do another one with a psychologist they are not my favourite but again necessary. I am just desperate to get the lot finished and get on with real life. Also off the ciggys and on to a vape pen thingy don't know if it's any better for me but again I will give it a go been two weeks now and I am really stuggling but no one said it was going to be easy.
      So a short version stop the hero calls stop playing bad starting hands try and up the exercise and keep off the cigs thanks for reading and remember just be nice gl and run golden 
     Opening balance £360.27
     Closing balance  £230.15
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