N1 Wee, rolling along nicely.You are a good all-rounder,maybe you can give Tikay some advice on the 2 card game. You know, help him along. What are your targets? A withdrawal at some stage, or keeping your head above water and going with the flow. Posted by chilling
I honestly don't know chiĺling my main aim is not to deposit and play as much as possible I play a lot of little games and fling the odd big one in I love the Freerolls even the little ones they can pay for the rake of your next tourney or even the whole lot if your lucky and if I can get a withdrawal all the better sky owes me nothing and it is keeping me in cauliflower soup ;-)
First a public health warning do not mix OVD with bailys then think you can play poker
Ok that's the official bit out the way now the poker bombed the two morning bounty hunters won the lunchtime plo8 then went on the drink.This was my first real drink of the festive season and they were going down nice roll on the plo8 tournaments at night feeling fine oops there goes the first one mmmm bad luck oops there goes the second one mmmm hard tables tonight oops oops well you get the picture by the end of the night I was squinting at the screen like a Japanese footsoldier time for bed lol still I enjoyed my day
opening balance £195.04
Closing balance £202.14
Ukops tonight best behavior hope it makes its reserve gl all and run golden
Another poor day tried a few sats bah tried a few all in sats bah played the ukops plo8 humbug I just don't seem to perform well on the big stage �� opening balance £202.14 Closing balance £156.32 onwards and upwards gl Posted by weecheez1
Ul m8. Looking forward to just the one plo8 ukops event makes making any mistakes tough to take.From what i saw, some must have thought it was PLO. Still, many of those who did , added to the turnout, which can only be a good thing.
Strange day yesterday started with my normal two bounty hunters and played poorly .then tried the lunchtime plo8 £50 guaranteed and took it down followed by a sat for a ukops seat got that .This bring me to the evening session oh dear what an absolute mess I made of that my exit hand in the ukops was a shocker but these things happen onwards and upwards gl all
He's only gone and binked the lunchtime plo8 again for an impressive double. That cauliflower soup must be on a par with the Angels Dust. Give the rest of us a chance m8. Posted by chilling
Ha ha ty mate hope it carries on to the ukops tomorrow night
Time for a little life story I grew up in a little village in the west coast of Scotland called Springside going way back it was a mining place but this had long died out before we moved in .Springside was a tough place full of characters,whippets,greyhounds,pigeons, and the occasional ferret flung in for good measure and most of note in the village was a boxing club it spawned a few Scottish amateur champions back in the day I don't know if it's still running Growing up I was really good with numbers and loved a gamble horses puggys three card brag and my favourite dominoes I was quite a good domino player so much so that I was let into the pub underage so that I could play for them in the league every Sunday after the league games the gambling started and it could get pretty serious pretty quickly punters side betting on games.One Sunday we were hosting another pub and after the games the real fun started and on this occasion I ended up center stage playing a chap that had been a bit mouthy all day the locals put me in to play him and I put my pound down he covered it.unbeknown to me the locals were betting heavy on me.The game started and quickly I went three nil up and at that the gentleman put his hand out to congratulate me.Without thinking I waved his hand away and said we play to four in here .Straight away I knew I had messed up you could of heard a pin drop I could hear the murmuring and feel all the eyes on my back.We played on and he drew back to three all and I started to panic the last hand played out and I won happy days sitting with a shandy after an extremely large guy came up and said if I had lost I was getting pasted and not the wallpaper kind after that I stuck to the league games lol Posted by weecheez1
Was going to have a quiet night last night few drinks play the Freerolls and the orfordable deepstack
tried a few all in sats and won entry into the BH main so I thought might as well try the mini as wel ended up playing the rebuy BH got absolutely outplayed and made early exits from them all and sent back down to daytime poker with my tail between my legs (see earlier health warning
Got pumped out of hufa cup lost a couple of Dyms but it was double points and tried the mini bounty hunter got two bountys but it plays way different to the daytime ones like the wild west lol must try harder
Well here we are happy new year only played one game on the first small profit then yesterday was my oldest daughters birthday so by the time I got rid of family managed a bounty hunter which I bricked and the dtds I made the ft in the third one and got £4 from fr
Good day yesterday lost Hu in rainman's deepstack then sat down to play the evening session only to find free entry's for fosp courtesy of finishing fourth in the league even better took the third one down got seventh in the last one so that's a good start to this month also got a tenner off the freeroll
I grew up in a little village in the west coast of Scotland called Springside going way back it was a mining place but this had long died out before we moved in .Springside was a tough place full of characters,whippets,greyhounds,pigeons, and the occasional ferret flung in for good measure and most of note in the village was a boxing club it spawned a few Scottish amateur champions back in the day I don't know if it's still running
Growing up I was really good with numbers and loved a gamble horses puggys three card brag and my favourite dominoes I was quite a good domino player so much so that I was let into the pub underage so that I could play for them in the league every Sunday after the league games the gambling started and it could get pretty serious pretty quickly punters side betting on games.One Sunday we were hosting another pub and after the games the real fun started and on this occasion I ended up center stage playing a chap that had been a bit mouthy all day the locals put me in to play him and I put my pound down he covered it.unbeknown to me the locals were betting heavy on me.The game started and quickly I went three nil up and at that the gentleman put his hand out to congratulate me.Without thinking I waved his hand away and said we play to four in here .Straight away I knew I had messed up you could of heard a pin drop I could hear the murmuring and feel all the eyes on my back.We played on and he drew back to three all and I started to panic the last hand played out and I won happy days sitting with a shandy after an extremely large guy came up and said if I had lost I was getting pasted and not the wallpaper kind after that I stuck to the league games lol
Enjoyed yesterday bricked my first two mtts and changed to spin ups made a small profit then last night got into the main via satellite and took two bountys job done there was no major dramas in the game but I still think I play scared in the bigger games which does not make sense because I don't buy in direct maybe I just link the bigger buy ins with better play and I think that might not be the case
opening balance £137.54
Closing balance £175.95
P.s.also done a double at the football picked the two Manchester teams and as the old saying goes don't give up your day job gl all