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Cheezy bountys all round



  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    HAPPYDAYS youngest daughter just passed her driving test wiiiiiiiii 
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round:
    HAPPYDAYS youngest daughter just passed her driving test wiiiiiiiii 
    Posted by weecheez1
    Sad days you now have to buy her a car

    Ps enjoying reading cheez keep it up
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round:
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round : Sad days you now have to buy her a car Ps enjoying reading cheez keep it up
    Posted by stuarty117
    Thanks mate need to up my game for car lol
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    Quite a good day yesterday but the dyms let me down again I can't put my finger on it but something is not right with my game I will post one of the hands in the plo8 tips thread I can't decide if it was a bad play or not but other than that hay ho gl 
    opening balance £181.01
    Closing balance  £188.43
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    Good buzz yesterday got into the big bounty hunter through the freeroll played too many hands early on but they just looked so ****.nice managed to get back to my starting stack and bowed out in 52nd  still got 100 points so might need to try for 500 this week 
    Opening balance £188.43
    closing balance  £191.45
    ps thanks for the rail angel
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    Quiet day with a bit of everything showed a small profit and the points went up nicely 
    opening babance  £191.45
    Closing balance   £198.72
    Points  206
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    Best job in the world (2)
      Ok so we're now married and thinking about a family the nhs has decided to privitise the laundry this whole process left a bad taste in my mouth they cut our bonus in the name of keeping our jobs the unions were terrible to this day I still have a deep mistrust of them and the workforce were turning on each other time for a change 
       I approached the manager and told him I was looking for another job and he was very supportive and told if I needed time off it was not a problem.At the time my brother in law was working on the oil rigs as a painter and he told me to do the survival training and try for a job.The training took five days and I done it with the brother in laws brother.My intentions were good do the course through the day get something to eat at night phone home and bed.After my first day I phoned home and Elaine told me she was pregnant cue celebrations and a massive hangover and we had fire training the next day it was mental in smoke filled rooms trying to find breathing apparatus great fun.That night Scotland were playing football cue more drink swimming the next day no problem.The swimming involved jumping of high platforms in emergency senarios then going in to a helicopter simulater and being turned upside down and having to escape great fun and I was comfortable in the water.the course was one of the best things I have done so far and it was done with a hangover every day.
      After the course was done I started a little black book with company names and numbers and every week I applied and phoned different ones.This went on for about a year but I was in a catch 22 situation the company's wanted experienced men and I couldn't get experience without a start.Then out of the blue a catering company sent me a letter to come for an interview result.My dad ran me through to Aberdeen and waited outside.I was always a confident person and had a gift of the gab.The girl that interviewed me was rather large and by the end of it I had her giggling like a schoolgirl got into the car going home and my dad asked how I got on I told him I had it in the bag just at that my phone went it was the girl offering me a start happy days 
      I went up the following Monday for an induction there was about 15 of us there and I was the only one sent to a platform the rest went to accommodation barges I went to the claymore alpha where I spent 8 years the the piper bravo for another four.most of my time offshore was spent in the galley I loved it washing pots and pans preparing all the veg for the chefs and helping them out it was great 12 hours on 12 off two weeks on two off this is where the problems started too much time on my hands and too much money I also had a love of a good smoke it lasted 12 glosious years and then the company I worked for lost the contract I had the chance to change hats or stay with the company I chose to change hats.I had a weeks holiday and the girl that interviewed me asked me to come into the office before I went offshore.She thanked me for my service and asked me if I would consider staying with them but my mind was made up.Just as I was getting ready to leave she said the company were taking the chance to do some random drug tests oops party over phoned the wife and told her was on my way home coming next railway madness
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2017

    Hi Cheezy,

    This is a great read, but I don't know why it is on the Brags, Beats & Variance Board - let's move it to the ail where it will get more exposure.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round:
    Hi Cheezy, This is a great read, but I don't know why it is on the Brags, Beats & Variance Board - let's move it to the ail where it will get more exposure.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Thanks TK I thought it was better out the way because I tend to ramble on now and then and it would keep bumping good threads down when I was posting daily results but hay ho we will see how it goes gl
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2017

    It has plenty of poker stuff, & we like a good ramble.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    Not a bad day but a minging night I bounced out of the fosp in a spell of five minutes of really bad play the first was probably the worst play I've made in ages the second was tilting from the first and the last ran into markycash who I wouldn't believe if he told me it was dark outside at midnight (he is very very good )
    opening balance  £198.72
    Closing  balance  £194.42
    Not a lot of poker today going on the ibrox tour can't believe I am 51 and never done it also going to see my name on a brick my daughter got me for birthday may have to have a few drinks :-))))
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round:
    Not a bad day but a minging night I bounced out of the fosp in a spell of five minutes of really bad play the first was probably the worst play I've made in ages the second was tilting from the first and the last ran into markycash who I wouldn't believe if he told me it was dark outside at midnight (he is very very good ) opening balance  £198.72 Closing  balance  £194.42 Not a lot of poker today going on the ibrox tour can't believe I am 51 and never done it also going to see my name on a brick my daughter got me for birthday may have to have a few drinks :-))))
    Posted by weecheez1
    Ha, excellent, & you are a very wise man.
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round:
    Not a bad day but a minging night I bounced out of the fosp in a spell of five minutes of really bad play the first was probably the worst play I've made in ages the second was tilting from the first and the last ran into markycash who I wouldn't believe if he told me it was dark outside at midnight (he is very very good ) opening balance  £198.72 Closing  balance  £194.42 Not a lot of poker today going on the ibrox tour can't believe I am 51 and never done it also going to see my name on a brick my daughter got me for birthday may have to have a few drinks :-))))
    Posted by weecheez1
    Lol Cheez

    Enjoy the Ibrox tour and drinks mate!
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    The tour of ibrox tour was out of this world great day and a nice break in routine not so good was hangover yesterday logged into account in a cold sweat in case I had blown br and it was a relief to see I had only played the free roll happy days so yesterday play was light played three dyms last night won 2 lost one then tried the new plo8 bounty hunter it was fun but I overplayed two pairs strange the difference a bounty hunter makes I had already got away with one really bad play and you can't keep doing that against the plo8 boys more dicipline required 
      My eldest daughter opens her own dance school today so i will go and show her support I know she will be a success and the local press have given her good coverage and she is a very driven girl who has worked extremely hard so she deserves all the good things that will happen for her from Disney to the biggest cruise liner in the world now her own business I am the proudest dad ever 
      Opening balance £194.42
     Closing  balance  £176.46
  • LmfaoAllinLmfaoAllin Member Posts: 1,213
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round:
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round : Thanks TK I thought it was better out the way because I tend to ramble on now and then and it would keep bumping good threads down when I was posting daily results but hay ho we will see how it goes gl
    Posted by weecheez1
    Have you not read Jac35's blog?

    Enjoyed the story, more please!

  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    Still frustrated with my play both on the plo8 bounty hunters and nlh (calling an all in with straight on a board with 4 diamonds )the plo8 bountys are different the £11 one is OK for a once a week treat not every night for my br  and the £5.50 one plays quite different to normal tournys so a bit of tinkering under the bonnet is required it's easy saying you need dicipline then the little fuse in your head pings gg 
     Opening balance £176.46
     Closing  balance  £165.59
    Ps my daughters first day went amazingly well with over 40 girls signing up for classes and if anyone has Facebook they can see her page it's called DDI dream dance and inspire 
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited January 2017
    Yes I agree the BH's do require a slightly different approach.

    Glad your daughters class went well! I will look up the page on FB and share it. If you want to add me and let me know if I have the correct page my email for adding is No problem if anyone else wants to add me it is fine too I think about half the people on my FB are poker players lol.

    Edit: Think I have got another couple of people to go and share the page too. Both relatively local.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round:
    Yes I agree the BH's do require a slightly different approach. Glad your daughters class went well! I will look up the page on FB and share it. If you want to add me and let me know if I have the correct page my email for adding is No problem if anyone else wants to add me it is fine too I think about half the people on my FB are poker players lol. Edit: Think I have got another couple of people to go and share the page too. Both relatively local.
    Posted by markycash
    Thanks marky I will have a look for you
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited February 2017
    Enjoyed my poker yesterday and made a loss still not took 1 plo8 bounty now it's personal (theme tune to rocky playing ) I got busted last night playing AA into a board of JJJ so I figured if he has it fair enough he did :-( tried a few dyms and was glad that I was not the only person making  strange calls 
    opening balance £165.59
    Closing  balance £155.79
    Ps thanks marky
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Cheezy bountys all round:
    Enjoyed my poker yesterday and made a loss still not took 1 plo8 bounty now it's personal (theme tune to rocky playing ) I got busted last night playing AA into a board of JJJ so I figured if he has it fair enough he did :-( tried a few dyms and was glad that I was not the only person making  strange calls  opening balance £165.59 Closing  balance £155.79 Ps thanks marky
    Posted by weecheez1

    Yeah I seen that hand cheez, unlucky.

    I am also on a bad run in these. Started out yesterday very focussed but couldn't catch a break and then I start to play bad and run bad, never a good mix. I am sure it will turn for us soon :)

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