Tut! Tut! My puppy is under the Weather not himself, been set-apon by Hooligan Feral Cows roaming Sky Forum prodding him with stick, not nice Cows stop feeding them or letting them in the back door.
attention keep em peeled ............. "STOP and SEARCH" if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. remember this...... https://youtu.be/FC2F38VgVKA
I know ...... I'm an annoying little "Tike" that should be catapulted into black hole in outer space never to be seen again. https://youtu.be/IiggNpRD2AA
Don't you just love Parking Wardens.......... as though the local police haven't got tough enough job with knife crime on the increase they get (jobs worth) adding to it. It's wonder anyone want's to be in the police force now-a-days.
You're doing well my little "Dobi Puppy" don't get yourself banned like "Rani" You have interesting stuff to Post with happy followers liking your threads.
People not prepared to call in anymore, got it on their phones post it on utube.
Didn't make it this time ..........
Wife's always whacking the kids.
It's wonder anyone want's to be in the police force now-a-days.
You have interesting stuff to Post with happy followers liking your threads.
Why men dress as........ yep! Wo'men