You Guessed it have two more Funerals one Friday one next week. Rip off prices to get buried these days......... you can get permission to be buried in your back Garden but the loved one's will struggle to sell you're property if dead body in the garden. Me & the Misses gonna do " Thelma & Louise" over Beachy Head in me old Banger.
Asked the Funeral Directors at my Friday Funeral about the "Fines" for delay at Crematorium ...... they said, our Council have 10 minute allowance overrun but it varies from Borough to Borough. No hitches only tears. just thought I'd share.
If he tells you to shut up and continues to snore ( close ears children) "Shoot him."
Will the Government carry out the wishes of it's People who voted to leave......... Moral
The only Social Justice is ....... it happens to us all.