For some years I had French and German Neighbours that came here after the war, sadly they have both passed now, miss them dearly. They were very reluctant to talk about their war years as both suffered physically and mentally from their own Countrymen. My German neighbour, she left me things in her "Will" which (shock'ed me to the core) to realize they were victims too and why they could not speak about it. From the documents she was eligible for compensation from the German Government but never claimed it, wont say why here, but nasty things happen in Wars. My French neighbour lost his hearing from the Guns and used lip reading, didn't respond if he wasn't looking at you. My own Dad came home broken man. Mum told me he never got over it and turned to booze, she said, he went out one Friday night never came back. Police wouldn't say where he was, only he was alive. As war baby I played in the Bomb sites and went without ......... unlike kids today. So pardon me if I think Democracy is worth fighting for.
Another protest vote against this Government. Wake up Nigel, need to get new party up running going down to the wire. You're Ace's won't always win. cough!
For some years I had French and German Neighbours that came here after the war, sadly they have both passed now, miss them dearly. They were very reluctant to talk about their war years as both suffered physically and mentally from their own Countrymen.
My German neighbour, she left me things in her "Will" which (shock'ed me to the core) to realize they were victims too and why they could not speak about it. From the documents she was eligible for compensation from the German Government but never claimed it, wont say why here, but nasty things happen in Wars. My French neighbour lost his hearing from the Guns and used lip reading, didn't respond if he wasn't looking at you. My own Dad came home broken man. Mum told me he never got over it and turned to booze, she said, he went out one Friday night never came back. Police wouldn't say where he was, only he was alive. As war baby I played in the Bomb sites and went without ......... unlike kids today. So pardon me if I think Democracy is worth fighting for.
Democracy is the best one.
How much for a gram of white ?