Disclaimer; You venture in here at own risk ( risk assessment ) You could be Hounded down till you utter obscene words that get you banned. Plus, no serious question will receive intelligent answer.
Are you suffering from too much swamp fever need a break ....... well get down the Polling station and silence the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Hip, Hip, Harra!
What a lucky find ... Shussssssh Someone Boobed & I found it .... can't stop smiling ....suppose have to give it back......... after down loading. he! he!
Out of the Milkshake Swamp.............. Nigel does not need to be in British Politics he's Superstar in the States, they love him, we love him, well, most of us do. cough!
Plus, no serious question will receive intelligent answer.
Take a Milkshake you could have Essex moment.
Mm! now should I have had my Puppies vaccinated for "Rabies" Forum keeps having them put down.
Are you suffering from too much swamp fever need a break ....... well get down the Polling station and silence the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Hip, Hip, Harra!
Got it in the Garden now and made few bob from the neighbours.
Well, have good news, Dobi your Thread is still going........ bad news, squatters are in, need to call the "Bailiff"
Do you ever get that feeling........... cough! .... you're cycling up hill all the time. !
Nothing to do with half dozen Nations having Nuclear Weapons that could blow the World apart including whoever starts it first.
Mm! gone all Hippy