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Harebrained June 2017- June 2018 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live



  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    Very professional looking blog sir looking forward to keeping up with it. It's nice to read things that we can relate to rather than the high rollers that we can only dream about.
    Posted by weecheez1
    Thanks very much, appreciate it. I am by no means a web developer but they (whoever they are) have made it really easy for the novice to put together a reasonable looking site simply and quickly. Hope you stick around. 
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    #subscribed too Entertaining stuff. I think about diverging away from TDYM to cash but it just freaks me out. All 6 players limp pre-flop and then you have to work out your post flop pot odds and bet size accordingly. Too much maths! Whereas in TDYM you wait 10 minutes to get to Level 6, go AIPF and hope for the best. (as they are 2 minute blinds, I guess you have to wait 12 minutes for Level 6... no wonder I keep losing... too much maths!)
    Posted by QUICKFEET
    Thanks for subscribing, Quickfeet. Have you given cash much of a whirl? I still find myself in tons of spots where I have no idea about what to do - so often plump for Doug Polk's "If you don't know what to do, bet" advice - but I suppose after grinding TDYMs for a while most spots are second nature to you. 

    Lots of limping at 4NL, but go past that level and the ramping up of pre (and to a lesser extent, post) flop aggression is marked, even at 10NL.

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    Still lurking. Great start to the blog, that pic that how the pyramids were built?  Often wondered about that, and Stonehenge - my first ( and still) hypothesis was aliens were involved somehow. I see the word 'Cliffs' used quite often, when I wer a lad we called them ' highlights', when did it change and how is the word ' Cliffs' appropriate ? Is it anything to do with the Shadows? Keep up the good work.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    Still good to have you here, Tom. Thanks for your kind words. 

    The pic is of the Stoa of Attalos. I hadn't heard of it either, but I was looking for a suitably pretentious image for my first post and I think what I was trying to suggest, is that both my website and poker "career" are still under construction, much like the Stoa of Attalos was in 1955. Something like that. 

    Cliffs: I don't really know what I'm doing. 
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2017
    Born in the same year as me

    For that reason and that reason alone, I subscribed 
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    Born in the same year as me For that reason and that reason alone, I subscribed 
    Posted by Jac35
    I'll take any reasons I can get, to be honest. Good to have you here/there. 

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live : I'll take any reasons I can get, to be honest. Good to have you here/there. 
    Posted by SR23
    I lied
    Love reading your posts :)
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live : Thanks for subscribing, Quickfeet. Have you given cash much of a whirl? I still find myself in tons of spots where I have no idea about what to do - so often plump for Doug Polk's "If you don't know what to do, bet" advice - but I suppose after grinding TDYMs for a while most spots are second nature to you.  Lots of limping at 4NL, but go past that level and the ramping up of pre (and to a lesser extent, post) flop aggression is marked, even at 10NL.
    Posted by SR23
    I have never been brave enough to go beyond 4NL, I guess that is why I assumed limping was standard cash strategy... and why I generally lost my buy in whenever I ventured down that end of the lobby... lol! If I had a half decent hand in cash, I used to 3x raise pre to thin out the field but about 4 people would still call, I'd then miss the flop and meakly fold!

    The best strategy in TDYM is sit tight and let everyone knock each other out or, if the table is tight, try and build a stack from stolen blinds hence I get a nose bleed if I am still in a hand post flop!
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live : I have never been brave enough to go beyond 4NL, I guess that is why I assumed limping was standard cash strategy... and why I generally lost my buy in whenever I ventured down that end of the lobby... lol! If I had a half decent hand in cash, I used to 3x raise pre to thin out the field but about 4 people would still call, I'd then miss the flop and meakly fold! The best strategy in TDYM is sit tight and let everyone knock each other out or, if the table is tight, try and build a stack from stolen blinds hence I get a nose bleed if I am still in a hand post flop!
    Posted by QUICKFEET
    Ha, quite. I've played probably no more than 200 TDYMs and would often find myself in a similar spot: chip leader on the bubble, then I'd relax for an orbit or so and quickly find myself in - for want of a far better word - trubs. Things can change quickly in the TDYM world. 

    As a sidenote, a few months ago on your diary you linked to a car rally (?) that you went to and I had a semi-stalk of your youtube channel. It's the nuts dude, I was completely bowled over. Best of luck on the tables, peace out. 

  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited June 2017
    Good luck with this I will be follwing.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017

    Good stuff Timmy, appreciate it. 

    I'm in the process of putting up 100 or so of my previously published columns on the site. With annotations. They need annotations because they - well, certainly the early ones - cause me to shiver in embarrassment. 

    If anyone wants to shiver along with me, you can start to read them on my site at (can't seem to add a link at the moment).

    Anyway, an update. I lost AT v A7 aipf yesterday for a reasonable stack in the last Vegas freeroll but I was playing pretty shabbily and wasn't too distressed. I did throw my phone at a chest of drawers, though. That showed it/them. 

    Cash has been a bit...nothing. Lost a bit but hoping to do some solid grinding over the weekend. 

    Opening bankroll: £40
    Current bankroll: £111.43

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    Good stuff Timmy, appreciate it.  I'm in the process of putting up 100 or so of my previously published columns on the site. With annotations. They need annotations because they - well, certainly the early ones - cause me to shiver in embarrassment.  If anyone wants to shiver along with me, you can start to read them on my site at (can't seem to add a link at the moment). Anyway, an update. I lost AT v A7 aipf yesterday for a reasonable stack in the last Vegas freeroll but I was playing pretty shabbily and wasn't too distressed. I did throw my phone at a chest of drawers, though. That showed it/them.  Cash has been a bit...nothing. Lost a bit but hoping to do some solid grinding over the weekend.  Opening bankroll: £40 Current bankroll: £111.43
    Posted by SR23

    Very thin accusation snuck in there ;)

  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited June 2017
    Following and have to say its a great read.

    Good luck with all your targets.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017

    Thanks very much day4eire and mumsie - lovely to have you here. 

    Would've replied yesterday but had a holiday from the internet. I can't remember the last time I had a day where I didn't go online. Usually it's the first thing I do in the morning and last thing I do at night. In between, I'm on my computer more than I am not on it. Yesterday, though, I decided to take a break and played tennis, drank beers, went into various rooms in my house and just lay there like a slug and, later, read books. It felt marvellous. I think I'm going to aim for one internet-free day a week. The stuff that's on there doesn't go away, I've come to realise. 

    Yet I should have been itching to get on here and grind. On Friday I horribly misjudged both my bankroll, skill level and the goal of this diary and registered for around £40 worth of tournaments. Within less than an hour I was floundering around and flapping up in all of them and would have snap-taken my buy-ins back. 

    A couple of hours later I had cashed in one and had squeaked onto the final table of another - the £3 rebuy at 9:30pm. At 5/6 I would have snap-taken third, at 3/4 I would have snap-taken second but once I cottoned on to the ridiculous amount of my folding my opponents were doing with 4-5 bigs (this tournament gets dead shallow) and won a flip or two it was a cakewalk. Heads up lasted one hand: my mighty Q5s beating JTo like the dog that it was. 

    So, yes, tournaments. Winning one can re-ignite your love affair with MTTs and, as I may have said before, I reckon they (low stakes MTTs) represent about the best value in online poker. Think I'll have a stab at grinding these for a while, alongside microstakes cash (and lying around like a slug). 

    Thanks, as ever, for reading. 

    Starting bankroll: £40
    Current Bankroll: £406.21
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017

    Bankroll continues to climb. It could have climbed a bit further if things didn't go baps up on the £2.20 re-buy earlier. I reached the FT as a huge chip leader, went absolutely card dead, probably missed a couple of spots and then, when narrowly in second place, A6o couldn't beat up KTs aipf bvb and I finished a disappointing third. 

    I'm not remotely complaining though - I've been running handsomely and my bankroll has grown 10-fold with little effort and not putting in many hours. Been running bad at putting up links to my blog, though. Can't seem to link here anymore. Please see for more thrilling detail about my poker life. 

    Peace out.

    Starting bankroll: £40
    Current bankroll: £469.49

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017

    Thin gruel out here, readers. Things have stuttered. I've been running so-so but had a handful of sessions of playbad, where a sprinkling of better regs have owned me. This, strangely, feels good and has prompted some study/work off the tables. 

    There's been rather thin gruel on the work front, too, meaning I have had to take out money to stop me dressing in rags and eating out of bins. I have lots of writing work apparently hurtling my way, and therefore lots of grands, but it's something of a Mexican stand off at the moment. 

    On a more positive note, my latest blog update is possibly the best thing I've written* - in fact, possibly the best thing that anyone has written**. 

    Take a look if that kind of hyperbole is your bag. Thanks. 

    * true
    ** not true

    Starting bankroll: £40
    Current Bankroll: £118.58 (£350 withdrawn)
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017

    Thursday lunch time poker is the best poker. Plump, fun tables earlier and a £40-45 profit in around 45 minutes has made the bankroll look somewhat healthier. 

    Recording of the is session here - assuming the thrilling detail above hasn't satisfied you. Not sure the appetite for diaries is that keen at the moment - because it's the summer? - so I think I'll be updating slightly less regularly. Once, perhaps twice, a week. I'll keep slogging away though, readers, just you see. 

    Off for a lolament session. Peace out. 

    Starting bankroll: £40
    Current bankroll: £165.82 (£350 withdrawn)
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited June 2017
    You write well and I enjoyed your first video. Will check this one out too. GL with the BR targets.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited June 2017

    Thanks a lot, Mike. Assuming it is Mike. It's Mike, right? Anyway, one will do one's best. 

  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    Thanks a lot, Mike. Assuming it is Mike. It's Mike, right? Anyway, one will do one's best. 
    Posted by SR23
    Ha. Never did get round to posting on the 'your name is' thread. Mike will do. Been referred to as other things in chat but yeah, think I prefer Mike.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited July 2017

    On the tables things have been a little thin lately. Bankroll continues to creep up but my miserable work situation means it's been bleeding out into my liferoll, as I don't want to dress in rags and eat out of bins. Plus - on a less dramatic note - these tennis lessons I'm having don't pay for themselves. 

    Been trying to qualify for Manchester through the (excellent) freerolls but the last couple of weeks I've been ghosting out near the bubble with an average-ish stack and 65-70% equity in jams. Good old jams. Must try harder to win some of these. 

    On a more positive note, I (a) have two weeks of lucrative, interesting and socially benign work coming up so I shouldn't need to withdraw until at least early August and (b) am getting better at the pokers. Study, innit. My game has really stuttered. For the last couple of years I've been incredibly complacent and just kind of turned up expecting to win and/or spent five minutes looking at strategy on forums or two minutes looking at my HH going, "That's fine/that's a cooler/I was drunk in that hand/I was tilted in that hand etc. etc. Right, I'm ready to play."

    But even if I could just turn up and win at the micro stakes (and I just about can) that's not what I want to be doing for the coming months and years. So, yes, I need to study off the tables more. It actually feels really good and has stopped me crying into any foodstuffs that include, but are in no way limited to, boiled eggs. 

    That's about as mawkish as it's going to get around here. Thanks for reading. 

    Opening bankroll: £40
    Current bankroll: £152.71 (£600 withdrawn)

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