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Harebrained June 2017- June 2018 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live



  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited October 2017
    Hey MP33,

    Here's an example - had almost forgotten I'd made a few of these but since remembering am hoping to do a few more (20nl+) over the coming weeks and months. Thanks for dropping by.

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited October 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live : +£600 since the 6th! Good going!
    Posted by K0BAYASHl
    If we're facing in the right direction, all we've got to do is keep on walking. 

    (Thanks man)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited October 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live : If we're facing in the right direction, all we've got to do is keep on walking.  (Thanks man)
    Posted by SR23

    “If you were to ask me to name three geniuses, I probably wouldn’t say Einstein, Newton, you know. I’d go Milligan, Cleese, Everett…..Sessions.”
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2017
    Add another "great to see you back" post to the collection.

    PS Thanks for the shout out on another thread and I too will be back soon (-ish, hopefully)
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited October 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live : <3 “If you were to ask me to name three geniuses, I probably wouldn’t say Einstein, Newton, you know. I’d go Milligan, Cleese, Everett…..Sessions.”
    Posted by Lambert180
    I could sit here all year doing quotes from The Office, but I won't. And that's the tragedy. 
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited October 2017
    In Response to Re: Harebrained June-December 2017 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live:
    Add another "great to see you back" post to the collection. PS Thanks for the shout out on another thread and I too will be back soon (-ish, hopefully)
    Posted by Phantom66
    Good stuff, I'm all eyes and ears for your return. 

    Brief update.

    Was going to grind the promo this week but tend to take Monday and Tuesday as rest days from online and so have played live. Tonight went well - cashed out for £883 at £1/1 after buying in for £325 and spaffing a load on (expensive) cigarettes, beers, and £17 to play the 25/25 satellite. Within minutes I would have paid £17 not to be playing a live satellite. Live cash is the nuts but I'm beginning to think that live tournaments are the pits. Shouldn't stop me going to Brighton, though. 

    Cash games in Bournemouth at the moment are really good. This doesn't mean you should move down here to play them - but if you do, please come and say hello. Think the rest of the week will be a mixture of live and online cash and little else. 

    Starting bankroll: £40
    Current bankroll: £1,620 (£1,000+ withdrawn)
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Oh my.

    So, I had my biggest ever losing day online (in roughly six years) on Friday due to a heady combination of run bad/play bad and playing under rolled against much better players. To celebrate, I went off to play live and dusted off another buy in or so due to a less heady combination of run bad/play good.

    Saturday was no better.

    Sunday was a lot better for a while and then no better.

    Monday has been no better. So far.

    Gunning for prio/getting higher up in the leader boards/playing live and online promos at the same time has been something of a disaster the last few days. My mind, much like Henry Hill's towards the end of Goodfellas, has turned into mush. My bankroll has also turned to mush. Not sure about my spirit, but I would imagine it's fairly mushy too.

    But it's not all bad. I'm probably up around £2,000 for the month from a very slender bankroll and there's a whole one and a half days left. And only about 900 points or so to get to make prio, which should cost me only another dozen or so buy ins.

    Plus, even though I've been playing like I don't know what that little white disc that moves around the table means and have to consult my hand ranking chart on every street, I know which leaks to plug and, more importantly, how to plug the rascals.

    Roll on November, when I'm looking forward to familiarising myself with sleep.

    Thanks as ever for reading.

    Starting bankroll: £40
    Current bankroll: £1,000+ (withdrawn £1750+)

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228

    Dusted off another £150 or so live and a fair bit more online yesterday. Got it in first hand of the day earlier at 30nl on a KXX board w/AA and lost to AK. Lost some other stuff. I lose with everything. I lose with flopped sets to rivered straights. I lose with flopped sets to bigger flopped sets. I lose with top pair/top kicker to top pair/laughable kicker. I lose.

    Even when I win I lose. Yesterday live I flopped top set on a J95 board, bet, and got two callers. Turn was a brilliant looking 3. I bet and got two callers. I was praying for a 2,3,4,5,7-type non-front-door-flush completing river. River's an offsuit 8. I lump my remaining £210 into a £200-ish pot. My opponent, probably the best player in the card room, says "This could be one of the sickest folds I've ever made" and I know then that he has a set and he's going to fold. He tanks for a few minutes and folds pocket 9's. No one else at the table would have done. Run bad is a subtle beast.

    But run bad be damned! I just carefully scrolled down this week's winners of SPT Brighton seats... and I only went a binked one. Good old run good. Think the £12,000 or so I'm going to pick up for winning it will ease the pain of losing fairly standard all ins at 30nl.

    Thanks for reading - hopefully see some of you in Brighton.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    So, SPT Brighton tomorrow.

    Faith in my game is so low at the moment, that I've not bothered booking a hotel and instead plumped for a day return train ticket from Bournemouth. Good old optimism.

    Hope this means that I've gone and anti-bocked myself. Although perhaps by writing, "Hope this means I've gone and anti-bocked myself" I've gone and re-bocked myself. Who knows? Not me.

    Going to eat some oily fish and float around in some MTTs in preparation for tomorrow. If that doesn't work, nothing will.

    Come and say hello tomorrow, readers. Or now. Or anytime.
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    Always enjoy reading your updates, such an enjoyable style.

    Good luck in Brighton.
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Best of luck in Brighton.

    It's always a pain in the backside having you on my tables (meant in a good way!) so fingers crossed for some morale boosting run good coming your way this weekend. :)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    All the best in Brighton, and look forward to the write up.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Thanks drags, and Dues and hhyfs. Your good wishes will inspire me to great heights. Probably.

    If not, I'll be writing on Monday about drinking my way home on the 1am train. Either's fine by me.

    Thanks again.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Will be just great to see you in Brighton. The write-up should be epic.

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    They say you should never meet your heroes.

    They, clearly, haven't met Jac35 who I met for the first time at the Brighton SPT last Sunday and who semi-railed me but was fully ace. Other people who I met in real life for the first time after playing them/seeing them around here for years included DTM (he may have had a few drinks, was ace), Mumsie (kindly picked me up, was ace), Tikay (obviously ace) Curt360 (saw him all-too-briefly, but ace), Matt Bates (ace), Melty (ace), Conga38 (ace), Alvez (ace) lots of other ace Sky (playing) regs/recs and a heap of Sky (working) dudes who were all, predictably, ace.

    I think I might need to dig out my adjective dictionary.

    Perhaps that will do for the fawning.

    Actually, let's do a little bit more. The whole weekend was marvellous. It was great that the guarantee was obliterated and great too that pretty much everyone was full of bonhomie. I didn't even really fancy going as my game was in the trenches but I dragged myself there for day 1a, fully expecting to bust within four or five levels. Unfortunately, when you flop nut straights and sets and river straight flushes, it's quite difficult to bust so I headed home on the 5:15am train to Bournemouth and came back on Sunday with 126,000 chips (av 73,000, I think).

    The plan was to get it in good (I know: sophisticated) and if it looked like I could squeak into the money, then to nit up and try and squeak into the money. After some reasonably heroic call downs (with A2 on a KQ299 board, for example) and winning a few all-ins when ahead, I survived a fairly harrowing bubble and was in the money with six big blinds. Six big blinds quickly became lots more big blinds after I got it in with KJ versus JT and held, flopped two pair against an overpair and held and lots of other fun stuff.

    I went into the final table fifth, I think, and was out within an orbit or two after losing AK-88 aipf. Actually, I didn't quite go out there. I jammed my following hand UTG with roughly 1.5 bigs and 54s, flopped an OESD, and turned the nuts. That gave me 4-5 bigs which I called off blind against the button's shove on the next hand. I was actually ahead with A7 against A5 but went horribly behind on the turn and that was that. Winning there would have put me right back in things but it was the first time all weekend where I had lost an all in when ahead so I can't really moan too much. Plus, I was in for free. Plus, I was probably on my 26th or 27th beer of the weekend.

    So, eighth for £1,980. It makes going off to play £5/10 next month that bit more likely and my faith in my game has been (somewhat) restored. So, you know, thanks Sky.

    Thanks too for all the people who I met for being so interesting and friendly (and, sometimes, drunk) and for saying nice things about this diary.

    Peace out.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Oh, and cpfc (ace) and probably tons of others...
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2017
    A man who talks sense on the forum

    Whatever next!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Ace though.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    SR23 said:

    They say you should never meet your heroes.

    They, clearly, haven't met Jac35 who I met for the first time at the Brighton SPT last Sunday and who semi-railed me but was fully ace. Other people who I met in real life for the first time after playing them/seeing them around here for years included DTM (he may have had a few drinks, was ace), Mumsie (kindly picked me up, was ace), Tikay (obviously ace) Curt360 (saw him all-too-briefly, but ace), Matt Bates (ace), Melty (ace), Conga38 (ace), Alvez (ace) lots of other ace Sky (playing) regs/recs and a heap of Sky (working) dudes who were all, predictably, ace.

    I think I might need to dig out my adjective dictionary.

    Perhaps that will do for the fawning.

    Actually, let's do a little bit more. The whole weekend was marvellous. It was great that the guarantee was obliterated and great too that pretty much everyone was full of bonhomie. I didn't even really fancy going as my game was in the trenches but I dragged myself there for day 1a, fully expecting to bust within four or five levels. Unfortunately, when you flop nut straights and sets and river straight flushes, it's quite difficult to bust so I headed home on the 5:15am train to Bournemouth and came back on Sunday with 126,000 chips (av 73,000, I think).

    The plan was to get it in good (I know: sophisticated) and if it looked like I could squeak into the money, then to nit up and try and squeak into the money. After some reasonably heroic call downs (with A2 on a KQ299 board, for example) and winning a few all-ins when ahead, I survived a fairly harrowing bubble and was in the money with six big blinds. Six big blinds quickly became lots more big blinds after I got it in with KJ versus JT and held, flopped two pair against an overpair and held and lots of other fun stuff.

    I went into the final table fifth, I think, and was out within an orbit or two after losing AK-88 aipf. Actually, I didn't quite go out there. I jammed my following hand UTG with roughly 1.5 bigs and 54s, flopped an OESD, and turned the nuts. That gave me 4-5 bigs which I called off blind against the button's shove on the next hand. I was actually ahead with A7 against A5 but went horribly behind on the turn and that was that. Winning there would have put me right back in things but it was the first time all weekend where I had lost an all in when ahead so I can't really moan too much. Plus, I was in for free. Plus, I was probably on my 26th or 27th beer of the weekend.

    So, eighth for £1,980. It makes going off to play £5/10 next month that bit more likely and my faith in my game has been (somewhat) restored. So, you know, thanks Sky.

    Thanks too for all the people who I met for being so interesting and friendly (and, sometimes, drunk) and for saying nice things about this diary.

    Peace out.

    This simpleton enjoyed most of this, one very obvious error but other than that a solid write up.

    Hopefully see you again at the next one.
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