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Harebrained June 2017- June 2018 Challenge: 4NL to £5/10 live



  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    MynaFrett said:

    Hi SR,

    Sorry to hear about your spaffing last night. No Sunday Spaffing from me (I didn't play). Have you been at the tables today? If you have then I hope you unspaffed despaffed antispaffed won lots.

    So... I swanned over to the poker clinic... nothing doing :/ did you decide to write that intriguing play instead? If that gets made I want to hear it... keep us posted on that front please.

    Take it easy.

    Hey Myna - good to have you here. Is £11.96 lots? If so, I won lots.

    Good to have you there, too (cash strat) - will give it overnight to percolate then reply at some point tomorrow.

    Peace out.
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
  • AJackTwinAJackTwin Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2018
    I have been lurking along with this thread for a little while now.

    I have been interested because I have the same goal, playing at the Palm beach. Though the rules to my challenge are slightly different I only count live play, and I want to turn 20 1/2 bullets, into 20 5/10 bullets.

    You said in the op, "There are reasons for wanting to play there and at those stakes. At some point I will go into those reasons". I don't think you have mentioned this yet, and I was wondering if now was the time that you tell all...

    See you at the Palm Beach.

  • ImplicityyImplicityy Member Posts: 65
    @SR23 hopefully see you at the tables soon. I'm going to start playing live again :)

    Your hourly is impressive despite the small sample, especially when rake is factored in. I've lost all my data from when I used to track my sessions but I don't think it was over £15 per hour over 1/1 and 1/2 in raked games (session games not included) over a 500+ hour sample so will be interesting to follow and see how you get on :)
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    AJackTwin said:

    I have been lurking along with this thread for a little while now.

    I have been interested because I have the same goal, playing at the Palm beach. Though the rules to my challenge are slightly different I only count live play, and I want to turn 20 1/2 bullets, into 20 5/10 bullets.

    You said in the op, "There are reasons for wanting to play there and at those stakes. At some point I will go into those reasons". I don't think you have mentioned this yet, and I was wondering if now was the time that you tell all...

    See you at the Palm Beach.

    Yep, see you there. I would have made it long before this with a healthy £6K-7-ish to dust off but my work situation has been in ribbons. Stupid ribbons. I still plan on playing up there - perhaps in the summer.

    Those stakes because they're realistically the highest you can play live in the UK and 4Nl is pretty much the lowest and it has a nice symmetry to it. And I plumped for the Palm Beach because I used to walk past it every day when I worked in Mayfair and, again, there is some sort of symmetry of going back there for poker-type work. I know: spurious - but it's something, I suppose.

    I am not remotely good enough to play £5/10 live on any serious level but as a one-off I felt it would be a neat bookend to this diary. I'm probably not even good enough for live £1/2 at the moment. That said, I feel like I have something of an edge in £1/1 games, especially if the table's deep.

    Do you play/live in London? I used to play at the Vic/Hippo/Aspers a reasonable amount but have not played up there for ages now, save a brief trip to the Hippo in November. I'm interested in this 20 1/2 bullets becoming 20 5/10 bullets. Perhaps start a diary?
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228

    @SR23 hopefully see you at the tables soon. I'm going to start playing live again :)

    Your hourly is impressive despite the small sample, especially when rake is factored in. I've lost all my data from when I used to track my sessions but I don't think it was over £15 per hour over 1/1 and 1/2 in raked games (session games not included) over a 500+ hour sample so will be interesting to follow and see how you get on :)

    Excellent, I'll hopefully see you soon then.

    Not that you would, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this diary to the regs there (although they may already be reading it, in which case: hello) as I'll be talking more about hands and stuff over the coming weeks and months.

    The figure was over a tiny sample size live and online and not remotely sustainable. I'm not sure what I would consider a decent hourly at £1/1 but I'm planning on recording all sessions until the end of the year and if I was hovering anywhere near the 10 bigs an hour mark (inc points/promos) I'd be delighted.

    I may play at the weekend (I think you're in Manchester, right? If so, good luck) but certainly planning on going down next Tuesday for Chinese New Year: free buffet, prize draws, Peter having his yearly brandy and bonhomie, hopefully.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    SR23 said:

    Tikay10 said:

    ".....beatability (perhaps not a word, but if it isn't then it should be)....."

    I get pretty exasperated by poor grammer - especially the ridiculous overuse of punctuation marks, sometimes even in batches of 4 or 5 ("!!!!!"), God knows what the thinking in that is. Some folks even add a full stop after the punctuation mark, thusly ("?. & !.). Ugh, sends me crazy.

    I enjoy the inventive use of new or strange words though. The USA is particularly good (or is it bad?) at that. Think my favourites are "winningest" & "winningmost", but there are many others.

    Love this Diary. Oh, & be in Manchester.

    If you think about it, every word ever has been "invented" by someone at some point or another and I'm a big fan of neologisms and language evolving.

    Not a big fan of screamers, though - or dog's c0cks (!) as they're called in my old trade. That said, I don't mind judicious use of an interrobang!?

    I'll try to get to Manchester, brother, but it depends on my tatty finances and time. Will certainly make a couple of SPTs over the coming year, though.

    Thanks for the diary love. As such, I won't mention grammer/grammar. Whoops.

    I am OK with screamers used properly, but I'm mega-anti their improper use.

    If I see an e-Mail which begins......

    "Hi, my name is Peter!" goes straight into the Delete Box.


    Now there's a lovely word, which I enjoy seeing. Not sure I like the combined ! & ? though. It's so very rare to see it used correctly.

    God knows why so many have this fixation with exclamation marks though. It's really poor quality writing when over-used.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited February 2018
    "Hi, my name is Peter!" Is a terrifying start to an email. As if Peter is really surprised/angry/urgent about being Peter.

    Screamers are far too common is poker promotions and literature (not here, necessarily, but generally) and a bit of a poor shortcut to making what you are writing about sound exciting ("£1,000 guaranteed!", "You have successfully requested* a rebuy!" and so on) without actually giving too much thought behind the words.

    *is this wording wrong? It seems it. But I should know it off by heart.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    You've nailed it perfectly, perfect examples there.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    @SR23 @Tikay10


    Regarding Peter. He maybe chatted to you briefly in a chatbox and was thrilled to have a conversation with a legend of the game. He sends you a message hoping to goodness that you remember him.
    You delete the poor chap!!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Received a text this morning.

    Three sentences.

    First had an interrobang.

    The 2nd & 3rd both had an exclamation mark.

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Tikay10 said:

    Received a text this morning.

    Three sentences.

    First had an interrobang.

    The 2nd & 3rd both had an exclamation mark.


    Sorry about that. It's just that after @Jac35 's post - although I don't necessarily want this thread going all 'Twelve Angry Men' - I've had a change of heart. Or, rather: A change of heart!

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Hi mate!

    Nice day today!

    See you soon!

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Monster Freerolls!
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228

    Erm, another so-so poker breakthrough happened this week which, (a) may not be a breakthrough and, (b) might be a bit boring. But here goes:

    So, I was busy lamenting my poker lot on Tuesday after having a grim week or so breaking-even/losing. I'd become a little jaded at routinely getting counterfeited (or players acting like I'd just been counterfeited) and having a spate of hitting the worst turn and river cards imaginable. You know the ones: the ones where villains get there, or where your hand shrivels up, or where the board gets so colourful that you can't extract value, or where you don't really know where you are. Yep, those ones. And they just kept coming.

    But then, a breakthrough. It might have been boredom or something snapping in my head due to frustration at hitting THE WORST TURN AND RIVERS IMAGINABLE but I began to see these cards in a different light.

    Perhaps, I thought, these are the THE BEST TURNS AND RIVERS IMAGINABLE because any fool can boat up or turn the nut straight or do any number of things but learning how to navigate choppy poker waters is actually a skill, and if I'm being presented constantly with cards that will help me navigate choppier poker waters better then it's a blessing, right?

    Armed with this apparent leap in thinking, and after a quick consultation with my WHY I SHOULD GIVE UP POKER/WHY I SHOULDN'T GIVE UP POKER sheet, I fired up a mixture of cash and tournaments, won at cash, won the 6:30pm £1K bounty hunter, won some more cash, came second in the £1K bounty hunter the following day, won at cash, and generally, now, feel a bit better about things. Good old breakthroughs.

  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    SR23 said:

    Erm, another so-so poker breakthrough happened this week which, (a) may not be a breakthrough and, (b) might be a bit boring. But here goes:

    So, I was busy lamenting my poker lot on Tuesday after having a grim week or so breaking-even/losing. I'd become a little jaded at routinely getting counterfeited (or players acting like I'd just been counterfeited) and having a spate of hitting the worst turn and river cards imaginable. You know the ones: the ones where villains get there, or where your hand shrivels up, or where the board gets so colourful that you can't extract value, or where you don't really know where you are. Yep, those ones. And they just kept coming.

    But then, a breakthrough. It might have been boredom or something snapping in my head due to frustration at hitting THE WORST TURN AND RIVERS IMAGINABLE but I began to see these cards in a different light.

    Perhaps, I thought, these are the THE BEST TURNS AND RIVERS IMAGINABLE because any fool can boat up or turn the nut straight or do any number of things but learning how to navigate choppy poker waters is actually a skill, and if I'm being presented constantly with cards that will help me navigate choppier poker waters better then it's a blessing, right?

    Armed with this apparent leap in thinking, and after a quick consultation with my WHY I SHOULD GIVE UP POKER/WHY I SHOULDN'T GIVE UP POKER sheet, I fired up a mixture of cash and tournaments, won at cash, won the 6:30pm £1K bounty hunter, won some more cash, came second in the £1K bounty hunter the following day, won at cash, and generally, now, feel a bit better about things. Good old breakthroughs.

    Boss Mode Activated.

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228

    Erm, transparency time.

    It's rare for me to meet readers of this diary at my local (Bournemouth) casino. I've met @Jacquesb there a handful of times, mostly when I've been drinking heavily. I've also met @conga38 there once, when I'd been drinking heavily. On Friday night/Saturday morning I met @Implicityy for the first time and drank a pint of Moretti, two bottles of Brewdog Punk IPA (I know, I'm well cool), and a large Jack Daniels with crushed ice, lime and Red Bull (I know, I'm etc.) within a couple of hours of sitting at the table.

    Now, I know this looks like I might be drinking a lot but I'm really not. And I know that by writing stuff like "this looks like I might be drinking a lot but I'm really not" it makes it seem all the more that I am, in fact, drinking too much. But I'm really not.

    And I really am doing all the other stuff that I harp on about here - meditation, cold showers, free range chicken, herbal teas, tennis and writing letters to Viz. It's just that readers are unlikely to see all of that blather and more likely to see me drinking alcohol - especially if they bump into me playing poker on a Friday or Saturday night. That said, if any readers do want to verify any of the above and watch me eat some free range chicken, meditate, take a cold shower, play tennis or write a letter to Viz then they are welcome.

    Glad that that's cleared up.

    So, played live Friday night. Drank a bit (but I'm not drinking too much). Was down roughly £150 within an hour or so playing not only some of the worst poker I've ever played, but probably some of the worst poker that anyone has ever played. Got out of the hole somewhat by hitting cards and playing them okay-ish. Then got it in with an OESD and BDFD for biggish pot and came out with a £230 profit after buying cigarettes (I'm smoking too much), booze (I actually might be drinking too much) and tips (I'm probably tipping too much).

    Was going to play live and/or online last night but, after only sleeping four hours (I had to be up for tennis - see?), a slightly boozy lunch, and feeling about as sharp as a banana, I decided to have an early night and give my poker-saturated mind a chance to breathe. The old me would have played last night regardless, so I think some progress may be being made.

    Okay, I think that's quite enough for now. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, readers.

  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Good stuff
    I’m thinking of inventing a breathalyser for card players like your good self
    Similar to the ones which ( According to Tomorrow’s World, or some obscure Facebook fact I read somewhere, that cars in the 21st century will be started by breathing on them, if your over limit, no dice type of thing)
    I’m in development stage and am considering the writing on the ( Undeniably) fab gadget.
    Something akin to ~ Merry, go ahead raise them suited connectors
    Slightly tipsy ~ Your playing too tight mate , re~raise the s... out of him
    S..tfaced ~ Call him, he’s bluffing for sure.
    Completely Hammered ~ Forget the game, that waitress is giving you the come on.

    I can see no flaw.
    Dragons Den awaits.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    tomgoodun said:

    Good stuff
    I’m thinking of inventing a breathalyser for card players like your good self
    Similar to the ones which ( According to Tomorrow’s World, or some obscure Facebook fact I read somewhere, that cars in the 21st century will be started by breathing on them, if your over limit, no dice type of thing)
    I’m in development stage and am considering the writing on the ( Undeniably) fab gadget.
    Something akin to ~ Merry, go ahead raise them suited connectors
    Slightly tipsy ~ Your playing too tight mate , re~raise the s... out of him
    S..tfaced ~ Call him, he’s bluffing for sure.
    Completely Hammered ~ Forget the game, that waitress is giving you the come on.

    I can see no flaw.
    Dragons Den awaits.

    Essentially flawless. If I had £10K lying around I'd ping it over for you to knock up a prototype in your shed but, alas, I don't have any K's lying around.
  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    Great read. Keep up the winning :D
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