Very nice recovery there Steve - you certainly appear to be Mr Roller Coaster! I guess the next time someone posts questions about variance in the forum we'd best send them straight to your diary.
Enjoy your getaway (there's no minimum distance required for that term to qualify is there?!) and finger crossed the upswing continues .
Thanks dude, appreciate it. It appears that I'm operating along the lines of the maxim, "If you're not playing with half your roll on the tables at all times, then you're not doing it right." I've always had hilariously bad brm but can always deposit if I need to, so the game never really has me by the throat.
Thanks dude, appreciate it. It appears that I'm operating along the lines of the maxim, "If you're not playing with half your roll on the tables at all times, then you're not doing it right." I've always had hilariously bad brm but can always deposit if I need to, so the game never really has me by the throat.
Only half? Nit.
Really enjoy reading of your toils, Steve.
Vbol with everything, poker and life, over the coming weeks, months and indeed for the rest of the year(s).
Would it be picky of me to give you a nudge regarding the title of your blog?
Thanks dude, appreciate it. It appears that I'm operating along the lines of the maxim, "If you're not playing with half your roll on the tables at all times, then you're not doing it right." I've always had hilariously bad brm but can always deposit if I need to, so the game never really has me by the throat.
Only half? Nit.
Really enjoy reading of your toils, Steve.
Vbol with everything, poker and life, over the coming weeks, months and indeed for the rest of the year(s).
Would it be picky of me to give you a nudge regarding the title of your blog?
Once again, gl for 2018.
That, Lmfao, is a cracking message - thanks.
And you're right about the blog title - there are a couple of different challenges I have in mind so will be changing soon. Still planning on playing live £5/10 at some point, though, if only for an hour.
Played live cash for the first time in five or six weeks last night. Didn't drink any alcohol. This may be a first. Brought my own herbal tea bags. Also a first.
If we're going to do some sort of grading system - and we are, we definitely are - I'd say I hovered around a B- for most of the night in terms of how well I played.
As for how I ran, if we're doing some sort of grading etc. (and we are, definitely) then I probably nailed a B+. In for £150, cashed out £467. The plan was to down a hefty number of pints at the end of the session, but I just came back to my wistful hotel room and had a chamomile tea. I'm not sure what's happening to me.
Back for some more live dalliances this evening and hoping to sat-bink my way into this weekend's £40K guaranteed.
If any followers are in Bournemouth and playing tonight do come and say hello. I might even make you a herbal tea*.
* unless all of this worthiness unravels - and at some point it will, it definitely will - in which case I'll get you lots** of lovely pints instead.
I'm slightly frustrated, but perhaps not outwardly. Frustrated at stacking off with a baby flush on the turn versus a bigger flush when I could and should have folded. This was an orbit or so ago. Still, undeterred I flat a MP 4x (at £1/1) on the button w/54cc. The big blind comes along as well.
The flop is fairly interesting and totally foldable: Th9d3c. Big blind checks, MP c-bets £7 and with position and back doors coming out of my ears, I decide to float. Big blind calls, too.
I've pretty much decided to give up if the turn's not a club, 2,6,4 or 5. Turn is the king of clubs. BB checks, MP checks and, with just under £100 behind, I bet £18. BB calls, MP folds.
BB is a decent, albeit slightly-too-ABC semi-reg who I've played a fair amount with. He probably sees me as roughly the same.
The river's an off-suit 2 and he checks. Sigh. What do we like to do here? I could totally have QJ here - or a set, or KT. I don't, I have 5-high, but I totally could do. Does he know I could do? After ten to fifteen seconds or so I decide that, yes, he totally knows that I could do and jam.
He doesn't insta-fold. This is bad. In fact, he tanks for about three or four minutes. This is badder. I just stare at the pot wondering how I get myself into these situations (erm, pre-flop, flop, turn, perhaps), try to look calm, and go through the various ways I could muck my hand and say goodnight to the table with some dignity. Then he looks at his cards again. Then he sighs. Then he looks at me. Then he counts out a call: £75:75. I wait for another five or six years to hear his chips go in but then, eventually, he sighs yet again and folds. Obviously I show, just to break the tension.
I felt exhilarated, then proceeded to get queens five times and two orbits and got precisely zero action. Stupid live pokers.
Played online this afternoon for an hour or so and made about a half a buy-in but completely loved it.
First, as of February 1st - and prompted by a thread on this forum - I've decided to record all of my sessions. I know: thrilling. Not sure why I haven't done this before rather than just having a vague I idea of how well (or otherwise) I'm doing, but I can already tell that it's going to help with instilling some psychological and emotional discipline.
The second day of my (thrilling) new system was pretty bleak, though: having to write down that you earned minus £7 an hour over eight hours is a pretty miserable end to the day.
Still, yesterday was better - up £30 or so online in an hour and another £325 live. Did a fair bit of hero-ing live, including calling a jam on a 6588T board with 77 ( I had a read, and a feeling, and 77) and also won a 250bb pot on a Q929Q board with AA after villain led, led, led. Again: feelings. Tanked for ages on the river, though.
Second, with a heap of shiny, new, interesting and nicely written diaries coming onto the scene in 2018 I've decided to give up. Not really, I've decided to try and update more often - hopefully with more borderline inspired/horrible river calls.
Have just flicked through the last page or so - very interesting to see your live hand history over at Bournemouth. Are any of your hands vs Tony by any chance?
Ah, Tony. Tony, Tony, Tony. For much of last year he was swanning around Vegas, Canada and Europe playing the pokers and I barely saw him. The hand where villain folded a set wasn't against Tony, but the most capable card player in the room, imo. Stupid capable card players. That said, I have got into some interesting spots with Tony over the years.
Most of the regs you might remember - Tony, Robbie, Daryl, James - all seem to be playing elsewhere and the game can often be exceptional. As soon as I build up something of a roll again* I'll be back playing regularly - come and say hi if you're about. Pete's still around though - and is actually pretty good now. Mostly.
*and not just a roll, some psychological resilience. I sat down and realised the other day how much I spaffed off on booze, taxis, cigarettes etc. when playing and it helped me realise why my hourly rate is probably half what it could be (if you're making, say, 10 bigs an hour and 5.5 of those bigs every hour are going on a pint/tip then, well, then it really carves into your profit. I'm rambling - good luck with your challenge, will follow with interest.)
It's good to hear the game is still good, because rake was quite high IIRC. Spoke with Tony the other day and he mentioned he was in Oz, I bet he misses Bournemouth lots! /s
edit: Are you planning on playing SPT manchester mate?
But some drink herbal tea, meditate and take cold showers, apparently.
Haha, thanks. I've deviated slightly from the herbal tea, meditation and cold shower regime but planning on getting back on track.
As for a shiny new diary title, I'm working on it. As soon as I decide where this thing is headed - and it is a thing - then I'll change the thread title. By the end of the week, I reckon.
Have just flicked through the last page or so - very interesting to see your live hand history over at Bournemouth. Are any of your hands vs Tony by any chance?
Ah, Tony. Tony, Tony, Tony. For much of last year he was swanning around Vegas, Canada and Europe playing the pokers and I barely saw him. The hand where villain folded a set wasn't against Tony, but the most capable card player in the room, imo. Stupid capable card players. That said, I have got into some interesting spots with Tony over the years.
Most of the regs you might remember - Tony, Robbie, Daryl, James - all seem to be playing elsewhere and the game can often be exceptional. As soon as I build up something of a roll again* I'll be back playing regularly - come and say hi if you're about. Pete's still around though - and is actually pretty good now. Mostly.
*and not just a roll, some psychological resilience. I sat down and realised the other day how much I spaffed off on booze, taxis, cigarettes etc. when playing and it helped me realise why my hourly rate is probably half what it could be (if you're making, say, 10 bigs an hour and 5.5 of those bigs every hour are going on a pint/tip then, well, then it really carves into your profit. I'm rambling - good luck with your challenge, will follow with interest.)
It's good to hear the game is still good, because rake was quite high IIRC. Spoke with Tony the other day and he mentioned he was in Oz, I bet he misses Bournemouth lots! /s
edit: Are you planning on playing SPT manchester mate?
Yeah, Tony certainly gets around. And rake's high/standard but the beatability (perhaps not a word, but if it isn't then it should be) of the games somewhat mitigates that.
Undecided about Manchester, though leaning towards a no unless my b/r skyrockets. Let's hope. If I do go, hopefully see you there...
".....beatability (perhaps not a word, but if it isn't then it should be)....."
I get pretty exasperated by poor grammer - especially the ridiculous overuse of punctuation marks, sometimes even in batches of 4 or 5 ("!!!!!"), God knows what the thinking in that is. Some folks even add a full stop after the punctuation mark, thusly ("?. & !.). Ugh, sends me crazy.
I enjoy the inventive use of new or strange words though. The USA is particularly good (or is it bad?) at that. Think my favourites are "winningest" & "winningmost", but there are many others.
".....beatability (perhaps not a word, but if it isn't then it should be)....."
I get pretty exasperated by poor grammer - especially the ridiculous overuse of punctuation marks, sometimes even in batches of 4 or 5 ("!!!!!"), God knows what the thinking in that is. Some folks even add a full stop after the punctuation mark, thusly ("?. & !.). Ugh, sends me crazy.
I enjoy the inventive use of new or strange words though. The USA is particularly good (or is it bad?) at that. Think my favourites are "winningest" & "winningmost", but there are many others.
Love this Diary. Oh, & be in Manchester.
If you think about it, every word ever has been "invented" by someone at some point or another and I'm a big fan of neologisms and language evolving.
Not a big fan of screamers, though - or dog's c0cks (!) as they're called in my old trade. That said, I don't mind judicious use of an interrobang!?
I'll try to get to Manchester, brother, but it depends on my tatty finances and time. Will certainly make a couple of SPTs over the coming year, though.
Thanks for the diary love. As such, I won't mention grammer/grammar. Whoops.
So, the first week of recording results has been cracked. Turns out that over live and online I earn £18.50 p/h. Clearly this is not sustainable.
The illuminating (and slightly worrying) thing about recording all sessions is the discrepancy between how many hours I think I do (lots) and how many in reality I actually do (not lots). Turns out I did 27 hours in my first week but would have guessed at roughly 40-odd. Must try harder, as my teachers never tired of telling me.
So, the first week of recording results has been cracked. Turns out that over live and online I earn £18.50 p/h. Clearly this is not sustainable.
The illuminating (and slightly worrying) thing about recording all sessions is the discrepancy between how many hours I think I do (lots) and how many in reality I actually do (not lots). Turns out I did 27 hours in my first week but would have guessed at roughly 40-odd. Must try harder, as my teachers never tired of telling me.
Happy weekending, all.
I’ve been doing that Think I’ve grinded hard all week and feel quite pompous. Then I see I’ve actually only put in the volume that Rara does in a day
So, the first week of recording results has been cracked. Turns out that over live and online I earn £18.50 p/h. Clearly this is not sustainable.
The illuminating (and slightly worrying) thing about recording all sessions is the discrepancy between how many hours I think I do (lots) and how many in reality I actually do (not lots). Turns out I did 27 hours in my first week but would have guessed at roughly 40-odd. Must try harder, as my teachers never tired of telling me.
Happy weekending, all.
I’ve been doing that Think I’ve grinded hard all week and feel quite pompous. Then I see I’ve actually only put in the volume that Rara does in a day
Nuts, innit. Really struggling to figure out where time goes. Might have to film myself for a day to see what I get up to.
Spaffed off £300+ live last night, then came home and spaffed off some more doing I-don't-know-what online. Booze, innit. Bed at 7am then woke up an hour ago feeling sensational. I put it down to my new mattress.
May look for some work in the next couple of weeks. Or at least make strides towards getting work in. As much as I like playing poker semi-seriously, it does have me by the throat sometimes.
I don't know if writing a 15 minute radio play about an accidental serial killer, or writing a letter to Viz that has been in my head for 18 months can be considered, "making strides towards getting work in" but let's hope so.
In the meantime I'm about to post a hand in the poker clinic if anyone fancies swanning over there and having a look.
Sorry to hear about your spaffing last night. No Sunday Spaffing from me (I didn't play). Have you been at the tables today? If you have then I hope you unspaffed despaffed antispaffed won lots.
So... I swanned over to the poker clinic... nothing doing did you decide to write that intriguing play instead? If that gets made I want to hear it... keep us posted on that front please.
Thanks dude, appreciate it. It appears that I'm operating along the lines of the maxim, "If you're not playing with half your roll on the tables at all times, then you're not doing it right." I've always had hilariously bad brm but can always deposit if I need to, so the game never really has me by the throat.
Only half? Nit.
Really enjoy reading of your toils, Steve.
Vbol with everything, poker and life, over the coming weeks, months and indeed for the rest of the year(s).
Would it be picky of me to give you a nudge regarding the title of your blog?
Once again, gl for 2018.
Really enjoy reading of your toils, Steve.
Vbol with everything, poker and life, over the coming weeks, months and indeed for the rest of the year(s).
Would it be picky of me to give you a nudge regarding the title of your blog?
Once again, gl for 2018.
That, Lmfao, is a cracking message - thanks.
And you're right about the blog title - there are a couple of different challenges I have in mind so will be changing soon. Still planning on playing live £5/10 at some point, though, if only for an hour.
I'm not sure what's happening to me.
Played live cash for the first time in five or six weeks last night. Didn't drink any alcohol. This may be a first. Brought my own herbal tea bags. Also a first.
If we're going to do some sort of grading system - and we are, we definitely are - I'd say I hovered around a B- for most of the night in terms of how well I played.
As for how I ran, if we're doing some sort of grading etc. (and we are, definitely) then I probably nailed a B+. In for £150, cashed out £467. The plan was to down a hefty number of pints at the end of the session, but I just came back to my wistful hotel room and had a chamomile tea. I'm not sure what's happening to me.
Back for some more live dalliances this evening and hoping to sat-bink my way into this weekend's £40K guaranteed.
If any followers are in Bournemouth and playing tonight do come and say hello. I might even make you a herbal tea*.
* unless all of this worthiness unravels - and at some point it will, it definitely will - in which case I'll get you lots** of lovely pints instead.
** one
More live cash last night. No booze. £110 down.
One hand in particular stands out.
I'm slightly frustrated, but perhaps not outwardly. Frustrated at stacking off with a baby flush on the turn versus a bigger flush when I could and should have folded. This was an orbit or so ago. Still, undeterred I flat a MP 4x (at £1/1) on the button w/54cc. The big blind comes along as well.
The flop is fairly interesting and totally foldable: Th9d3c. Big blind checks, MP c-bets £7 and with position and back doors coming out of my ears, I decide to float. Big blind calls, too.
I've pretty much decided to give up if the turn's not a club, 2,6,4 or 5. Turn is the king of clubs. BB checks, MP checks and, with just under £100 behind, I bet £18. BB calls, MP folds.
BB is a decent, albeit slightly-too-ABC semi-reg who I've played a fair amount with. He probably sees me as roughly the same.
The river's an off-suit 2 and he checks. Sigh. What do we like to do here? I could totally have QJ here - or a set, or KT. I don't, I have 5-high, but I totally could do. Does he know I could do? After ten to fifteen seconds or so I decide that, yes, he totally knows that I could do and jam.
He doesn't insta-fold. This is bad. In fact, he tanks for about three or four minutes. This is badder. I just stare at the pot wondering how I get myself into these situations (erm, pre-flop, flop, turn, perhaps), try to look calm, and go through the various ways I could muck my hand and say goodnight to the table with some dignity. Then he looks at his cards again. Then he sighs. Then he looks at me. Then he counts out a call: £75:75. I wait for another five or six years to hear his chips go in but then, eventually, he sighs yet again and folds. Obviously I show, just to break the tension.
I felt exhilarated, then proceeded to get queens five times and two orbits and got precisely zero action. Stupid live pokers.
Played online this afternoon for an hour or so and made about a half a buy-in but completely loved it.
You totally got away with total robbery there. Totally.
A couple of things.
First, as of February 1st - and prompted by a thread on this forum - I've decided to record all of my sessions. I know: thrilling. Not sure why I haven't done this before rather than just having a vague I idea of how well (or otherwise) I'm doing, but I can already tell that it's going to help with instilling some psychological and emotional discipline.
The second day of my (thrilling) new system was pretty bleak, though: having to write down that you earned minus £7 an hour over eight hours is a pretty miserable end to the day.
Still, yesterday was better - up £30 or so online in an hour and another £325 live. Did a fair bit of hero-ing live, including calling a jam on a 6588T board with 77 ( I had a read, and a feeling, and 77) and also won a 250bb pot on a Q929Q board with AA after villain led, led, led. Again: feelings. Tanked for ages on the river, though.
Second, with a heap of shiny, new, interesting and nicely written diaries coming onto the scene in 2018 I've decided to give up. Not really, I've decided to try and update more often - hopefully with more borderline inspired/horrible river calls.
Gl with it all Steve.
And remember, not all hero's wear capes.
But some drink herbal tea, meditate and take cold showers, apparently.
edit: Are you planning on playing SPT manchester mate?
As for a shiny new diary title, I'm working on it. As soon as I decide where this thing is headed - and it is a thing - then I'll change the thread title. By the end of the week, I reckon.
Undecided about Manchester, though leaning towards a no unless my b/r skyrockets. Let's hope. If I do go, hopefully see you there...
".....beatability (perhaps not a word, but if it isn't then it should be)....."
I get pretty exasperated by poor grammer - especially the ridiculous overuse of punctuation marks, sometimes even in batches of 4 or 5 ("!!!!!"), God knows what the thinking in that is. Some folks even add a full stop after the punctuation mark, thusly ("?. & !.). Ugh, sends me crazy.
I enjoy the inventive use of new or strange words though. The USA is particularly good (or is it bad?) at that. Think my favourites are "winningest" & "winningmost", but there are many others.
Love this Diary. Oh, & be in Manchester.
Not a big fan of screamers, though - or dog's c0cks (!) as they're called in my old trade. That said, I don't mind judicious use of an interrobang!?
I'll try to get to Manchester, brother, but it depends on my tatty finances and time. Will certainly make a couple of SPTs over the coming year, though.
Thanks for the diary love. As such, I won't mention grammer/grammar. Whoops.
So, the first week of recording results has been cracked. Turns out that over live and online I earn £18.50 p/h. Clearly this is not sustainable.
The illuminating (and slightly worrying) thing about recording all sessions is the discrepancy between how many hours I think I do (lots) and how many in reality I actually do (not lots). Turns out I did 27 hours in my first week but would have guessed at roughly 40-odd. Must try harder, as my teachers never tired of telling me.
Happy weekending, all.
Think I’ve grinded hard all week and feel quite pompous. Then I see I’ve actually only put in the volume that Rara does in a day
Spaffed off £300+ live last night, then came home and spaffed off some more doing I-don't-know-what online. Booze, innit. Bed at 7am then woke up an hour ago feeling sensational. I put it down to my new mattress.
May look for some work in the next couple of weeks. Or at least make strides towards getting work in. As much as I like playing poker semi-seriously, it does have me by the throat sometimes.
I don't know if writing a 15 minute radio play about an accidental serial killer, or writing a letter to Viz that has been in my head for 18 months can be considered, "making strides towards getting work in" but let's hope so.
In the meantime I'm about to post a hand in the poker clinic if anyone fancies swanning over there and having a look.
Happy Sundaying, all - try not to spaff.
Sorry to hear about your spaffing last night. No Sunday Spaffing from me (I didn't play). Have you been at the tables today? If you have then I hope you
unspaffed despaffed antispaffedwon lots.So... I swanned over to the poker clinic... nothing doing
Take it easy.