Just to let you all know, I will be going live on my Twitch channel this evening.
Will be starting around 7pm and be playing all the Mini UKOPS Events - Mini UKOPS 05 £2.20 Turbo Mini UKOPS 06 £5.50 Turbo Mini UKOPS 07 - £11 Turbo Megastack Mini UKOPS 08 - £3.30 Turbo Bounty Hunter
RE the other plan... last played stars 5 years ago (different sn) and 180s were reg-fests back then even at micros. There's a thread on 2p2 (sorry Sky, you're still my favourite!) from around that time called something like '$300 to 100k' where some turbo crusher started again at micro 180s (and completed his challenge) but his roi in 2.20s was lower than 20% and the swings were brutal - he nearly had to redeposit at the start. That was 5 years ago so presume they've only gotten tougher since then? Would imagine you'd need to put in HUGE volume to beat them. But I dno as I don't play there
I understand the need to find something to fit in around work though and other life plans! Recently just been doing some cash where I can and then having big MTT sesh on Sundays. Kind of annoying though if you have a losing Sunday because it's like "mannnnn a whole week until I get to try rectify it!"
Glgl in Mini UKOPS, will play all of them on Sunday!
In regards to the Stars challenge, it's going to be more of a casual one, I've only put up $100 and I don't plan on reloading for a second try if it fails. I just wanted something for some extra content while I'm back at work. The reason I chose the 180s is because apparently a lot of the regs on the site were moving because of the rakeback changes, therefore making the games easier, whether that's true or not I do not know.
My main grind will always be the Sky challenge, love the site and all the tournaments, great community here as well.
Sundays can be either really good or really bad haha. As you have probably seen on the blog we haven't had the best record on sundays so far, hence the bankroll still being around 500
I enjoy you're twitch streams. You have a good solid game. I like your persona too. Some streamers come across really badly by either trying to be funny or having a pop at players on the table etc. You come across really well and you took that QQ<JJ?? hand for the 90K pot like a man.
I enjoy you're twitch streams. You have a good solid game. I like your persona too. Some streamers come across really badly by either trying to be funny or having a pop at players on the table etc. You come across really well and you took that QQ
Thanks dude, yeah i'm pretty chill, don't like forcing myself to overhype everything, which is probably the thing you should be doing on Twitch, but hey, that ain't me.
That QQ<JJ was painful but i've seen a lot of hands, and been playing online for years so I guess it's down to experience that my keyboard doesn't fly accross the room
Finally! This is exactly what I've been looking for- somebody combining two of my favourite things; Twitch and Sky Poker! Was also a real bonus to watch the replay of your stream from the other night and find you to be a very likeable and easy going lad (I've dropped you a follow and look forward to tuning in live!). Spotted myself at one of your tables and happy to find that I hadn't been "purple labelled"... phew!
It looks like we have very similar schedules when playing but I don't remember seeing you at the 6:00pm £7.20 "semi" to the £33 nightly main event, I might be wrong about that but if you aren't then you really should heed angmar's advice and get these in your schedule. I actually think (from what I've seen) that your game will be well suited to satellites and to this one in particular (I avoid the "later semi" which is faster and has fewer guaranteed entries).
Also, were you struggling slightly with the multi-tabling aspect or was that purely down to having to manage the stream, and chat etc as well? Personally, I do struggle with the multi-tabling aspect especially on Sky with the lack of timebank. What I do if I do manage to bink a seat to a main from a satellite is take some of the other tournaments I would normally play out of the schedule so as to have fewer tables going when at the main to give myself the best opportunity for focusing on that table and (hopefully) minimising the likelihood of missing "spots" or making big mistakes... some of the guys on here can play absolutely everything going and it probably doesn't affect their ROI at all because their games are so solid and they are so comfortable with their ranges in every spot... the rest of us have to cope as best we can and hope to get close to that level one day... : )
One more little point if I may, and it's not a criticism at all... I'm also not sure if it's my place to say... but... purple is essentially your "fun player" label right? Well... I noticed at least three or four or possibly five solid/good winning "regs" labelled as "fun players" It is sometimes a little tricky categorising players especially on sites where you have no HUD and are maybe basing it on too few hands or because you perceived them to have missplayed a hand or two- I've made numerous mistakes like this (I've also gone from giving a few players a green label (my weakest) to a red label (my strongest) (would be a an interesting forum discussion actually) How are you assigning labels- is it just based on your own experience with them at your tables? Are you giving people a fair crack of the whip over a decent sample? Are you utilising a site like SharkScope to check whether they are actually winning or losing or breakeven players?
Anyway, keep up the great work ads, it's exciting and I look forward to following your progress...
Good thread ads you put a lot of effort into it added to the fact you are a very competent player its gonna be a winner on myna's comments on colour coding i use it like a league system red being the premier going down to yellow being scots division 3 😃i reserve purple for nasty ratbags.and know to turn the chat off when they turn up but there is not to many on sky. Best of luck and keep up the good work
Watched the stream at work yesterday and I agree with Waller, you take these beats on the chin (QQ v JJ just yuk) my cat has learned the hard way to stay clear if I am on my laptop :-)
Always find it interesting how people use the colour coding, I make notes as I get to know the players, adding things like SS profit, ave buy ins, tendencies I have seen over decent sample sizes, then start to add the broad colour coding as follows, obviously there is some crossover so its a very rough guide;
Purple - Very strong (avoid whenever possible) Green - Good (tread carefully) Red - Unpredictable (avoid marginal spots, expect odd stuff) Yellow - passive/face up (believe them) Turquiose - Station (do not bluff......ever) Brown - The clue is in the colour :-)
In regards to the notes, it wasn't really planned, when I first started on Sky I just transferred the colours I was using on Stars over to Sky without any extra thought.
Myna - Yes as I told you, no purple for ya The notes are based on a mix of hands I see, and sharkscope stats. I probably have got some good players noted up from isolated hands, which will change if I see anything different from them. Also, with the semi at 6pm, I have been advised a couple times on that one, it all depends if I can get online for 6 to play it, but I will take it into consideration in future for sure. In regards to multi tabling, I can handle only 4 on stream, while focusing on chat, table switching, constantly talking etc. off stream I will go for 6 - 8 a the most (usually on a sunday).
WeeCheez - Agreed that the notes need looking into but I'm kind of used to the ones I have now. Liking the league system you're using though
Hendrik - Love the system you're using, pretty much covering all the bases there. May have to look into using more of the colours from now on.
"Brown - The clue is in the colour :-)"
Thanks again for all the feedback, just about to upload my new post on the blog
Well done Adam.
Full Post Here - http://adamyelland123.blogspot.co.uk/2017/11/promo-mini-ukops-xx.html
I will be live streaming a lot of the events on my Twitch channel (adamyelland123) so hope to see some of you guys there
Good luck to everyone and have a great Mini UKOPS!
Will be starting around 7pm and be playing all the Mini UKOPS Events -
Mini UKOPS 05 £2.20 Turbo
Mini UKOPS 06 £5.50 Turbo
Mini UKOPS 07 - £11 Turbo Megastack
Mini UKOPS 08 - £3.30 Turbo Bounty Hunter
Link - AdamYelland123
Hope to see some of you there and GL to anyone grinding
RE the other plan... last played stars 5 years ago (different sn) and 180s were reg-fests back then even at micros. There's a thread on 2p2 (sorry Sky, you're still my favourite!) from around that time called something like '$300 to 100k' where some turbo crusher started again at micro 180s (and completed his challenge) but his roi in 2.20s was lower than 20% and the swings were brutal - he nearly had to redeposit at the start. That was 5 years ago so presume they've only gotten tougher since then? Would imagine you'd need to put in HUGE volume to beat them. But I dno as I don't play there
I understand the need to find something to fit in around work though and other life plans! Recently just been doing some cash where I can and then having big MTT sesh on Sundays. Kind of annoying though if you have a losing Sunday because it's like "mannnnn a whole week until I get to try rectify it!"
Glgl in Mini UKOPS, will play all of them on Sunday!
In regards to the Stars challenge, it's going to be more of a casual one, I've only put up $100 and I don't plan on reloading for a second try if it fails. I just wanted something for some extra content while I'm back at work.
The reason I chose the 180s is because apparently a lot of the regs on the site were moving because of the rakeback changes, therefore making the games easier, whether that's true or not I do not know.
My main grind will always be the Sky challenge, love the site and all the tournaments, great community here as well.
Sundays can be either really good or really bad haha. As you have probably seen on the blog we haven't had the best record on sundays so far, hence the bankroll still being around 500
thanks GL on sunday hope you get a big win!
Couple deep runs last night and a winning session!
Ended up being a case of what could've been though with two final table bubbles
Full post and stream highlights here - http://adamyelland123.blogspot.co.uk/2017/11/thursday-14th-results-ukops-05-deep-run.html
That QQ<JJ was painful but i've seen a lot of hands, and been playing online for years so I guess it's down to experience that my keyboard doesn't fly accross the room
It looks like we have very similar schedules when playing but I don't remember seeing you at the 6:00pm £7.20 "semi" to the £33 nightly main event, I might be wrong about that but if you aren't then you really should heed angmar's advice and get these in your schedule. I actually think (from what I've seen) that your game will be well suited to satellites and to this one in particular (I avoid the "later semi" which is faster and has fewer guaranteed entries).
Also, were you struggling slightly with the multi-tabling aspect or was that purely down to having to manage the stream, and chat etc as well? Personally, I do struggle with the multi-tabling aspect especially on Sky with the lack of timebank. What I do if I do manage to bink a seat to a main from a satellite is take some of the other tournaments I would normally play out of the schedule so as to have fewer tables going when at the main to give myself the best opportunity for focusing on that table and (hopefully) minimising the likelihood of missing "spots" or making big mistakes... some of the guys on here can play absolutely everything going and it probably doesn't affect their ROI at all because their games are so solid and they are so comfortable with their ranges in every spot... the rest of us have to cope as best we can and hope to get close to that level one day... : )
One more little point if I may, and it's not a criticism at all... I'm also not sure if it's my place to say... but... purple is essentially your "fun player" label right? Well... I noticed at least three or four or possibly five solid/good winning "regs" labelled as "fun players"
Anyway, keep up the great work ads, it's exciting and I look forward to following your progress...
Always find it interesting how people use the colour coding, I make notes as I get to know the players, adding things like SS profit, ave buy ins, tendencies I have seen over decent sample sizes, then start to add the broad colour coding as follows, obviously there is some crossover so its a very rough guide;
Purple - Very strong (avoid whenever possible)
Green - Good (tread carefully)
Red - Unpredictable (avoid marginal spots, expect odd stuff)
Yellow - passive/face up (believe them)
Turquiose - Station (do not bluff......ever)
Brown - The clue is in the colour :-)
In regards to the notes, it wasn't really planned, when I first started on Sky I just transferred the colours I was using on Stars over to Sky without any extra thought.
Myna - Yes as I told you, no purple for ya
Also, with the semi at 6pm, I have been advised a couple times on that one, it all depends if I can get online for 6 to play it, but I will take it into consideration in future for sure.
In regards to multi tabling, I can handle only 4 on stream, while focusing on chat, table switching, constantly talking etc. off stream I will go for 6 - 8 a the most (usually on a sunday).
WeeCheez - Agreed that the notes need looking into but I'm kind of used to the ones I have now. Liking the league system you're using though
Hendrik - Love the system you're using, pretty much covering all the bases there. May have to look into using more of the colours from now on.
"Brown - The clue is in the colour :-)"
Thanks again for all the feedback, just about to upload my new post on the blog
Last night was Day 2 of my UKOPS Series and it was a big one with 4 juicy Bounty Hunters to get involved in. See how I got on below.
Full Results -
More here - http://adamyelland123.blogspot.co.uk/2017/11/ukops-day-2-results-4-chances-at-trophy.html
Will be live on my Twitch Channel tonight. Come sweat the action live!