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Adsthepro7 from £500 to............. more than 500 hopefully.



  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    Saturday 18th Results - Mini UKOPS Day 3

    Our final day in the series and 5 hours of action Live on Twitch TV.

    Check out my full recap here -

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  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264

    Glgl, hope you come second in the £11 main :wink:

    Unfortunately, I can't get involved in the action tonight. So you've got an even better chance ;)

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    There are lots of ways of making money from poker, 180mans seems like one of the more painful ones. Really not sure on the time difference to play a sky comp compared to a 180man.
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    Yeah listen to Matt. 180s seem the worst of both formats. Can see why they may be softer with RB and grinders moving to other sites but I reckon you'd still be better off grinding other networks or even SnGs. There are more than enough games out there.
  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    MattBates said:

    There are lots of ways of making money from poker, 180mans seems like one of the more painful ones. Really not sure on the time difference to play a sky comp compared to a 180man.

    The reason for the 180 challenge was so I could play in the day when I had work in the evenings, but I'm working pretty much all mornings now so will be keeping my focus on Sky and the main challenge :)

    Thanks for the heads up

  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    Monday 20th of November - £2k Guaranteed Mini Marksman is our Main Event this evening.

    Also streaming it all live on Twitch.

    More Here -

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  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    edited November 2017

  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    Respect for soldiering on with the stream last night ads, despite clearly being under the weather and enduring some brutal beats to boot! (online tournament poker, kicking you when your down since 1998 :s)

    Yep, online poker is almost 20 years old apparently. Would make for a fascinating documentary, charting those 20 years, from all the players that got in early, crushed it and moved on to new pastures, to those that continue to crush, to those that crushed and then went broke (Dani Stern, to name one recent one) to those that crushed, went broke then came back and crushed again (Viktor Blom, to name another recent one). All the different sites that came and went, the historic and ongoing tussle for the player pools, the closed/semi-closed markets (America, Black Friday), the emerging markets (China/India) the scandals... I've got more... any Sky TV producers here? :p


    I had too much on the go last night to tune in live unfortunately but caught up with it later- I see Steve was giving you some great support throughout and Matt Bates even dropped in later on! (hype) :)

    I thought you played well, in spite of not feeling great. One spot you queried was whether you should have checked back the AA in that bvb spot. I think bet/fold with and without the spade is fine but it just sucks to have to fold there when you do have the redraw to the nut flush which is why it might be better to bet your overpair combo's without the spade and check back when you have the spade like you said (was it a paired board too though? I can't quite remember, if it was also paired board on the turn it might be best to check back all your overpair combo's with and without a spade anyway and play rivers)

    The missclick open limp with the 9 4 after you'd just won a big pot was quite funny "ooops, I mean... we don't care, we're on a roll" :D

    You mentioned how much it sucked losing the £60 on Saturday night- it is horrible when you lose the majority of your buy-in amount on any given night- just wondering, how strict are you going to be on bank roll management? £60 is a hefty chunk of the ~£400 as it stands. It might be an idea to lose the £11 buy-ins and/or the turbo's until you get a bit of run good going and steady the ship?... this is what I would do but then I am a bank roll nit of epic proportions and you might just think that is needlessly conservative... or maybe just boring B) Maybe consider it at least if you run bad in a few more sessions and drop closer to ~£300... which you won't because you're going to bink something next session so just ignore this...

    PMSL in the DTD when 3Barrels declared in chat that he "needed diamonds" BEFORE over-calling preflop OOP three ways when you had KK... some flops could have been so interesting...

    The DTD's are great fun, but I keep forgetting to opt in to the league on the forum! I'm not exactly sure how the league works with regards to the teams etc- whether you can only join existing teams or what have you but... I was thinking it would be great if "we" (you and friends of your stream) could create our/your own team and compete in the league!

    Also be cool if Sky gave you your own (or at least branded it as such) "Home Game"- maybe a weekly free-roll (or micro buy-in) with added prizes maybe ;) and an extra bounty on your head of course. Could be a password protected tournament with Sky directing people to your stream to get the password... (you know the drill, none of this is original, and obviously you and Sky already know how this would potentially be mutually beneficial with the chance that casual UK based Twitch users with perhaps a burgeoning interest in poker could be drawn to your stream and then to Sky poker with the opportunity to play with you live on stream). Almost deleted this because it kind of goes without saying and is an existing model anyway... I'll leave it in.

    Oh, and when you get your Youtube page going be sure to use click-baity titles for your videos (see Doug Polk for inspiration) I know you don't like hype... but you have to play the game to snag those casual viewers :)

    gl in your next session ads and thanks for the great streams... keep 'em coming :)
  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    Thanks for the awesome reply Myna.

    First thing is you're a much better writer than I am :) So you will have to give me some pointers on that one.

    No problem, hope you're grind went well.

    Thankyou, it's always good to get some reassurance that you aren't making any big mistakes especially when you are losing. In regards to the aces, I like the idea of checking a spade and bet/folding non spades for sure.

    Haha, well I was on a winning streak ;)

    Yes, last night I did leave out the 11s and I will be doing the same tonight, I'm not overly worried with losses like that it's just frustrating when you are documenting all your results and want to get this challenge moving forward you know?

    Haha got to love the DTD's, would be awesome to get my own team set up at some point but I don't think I am at the level where I can get enough people yet.

    Same with the Homegame, would be a super fun thing to do in future on the channel and I agree it would get some new faces to the site, lets just hope the bosses at Sky are reading this ;)

    I'll keep that in mind for the youtube content in future for sure haha

    Thankyou for the support Myna appreciate the input and having you around for the streams :)

  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    edited November 2017
    Monday 20th Results - So Close Yet So Far!

    Ended up with a losing session overall but only a small one :) I wasn't feeling 100% as some of you were aware watching the channel ;)

    Full Results Post Here -

    Will have some highlight style content coming to YouTube soon for those that watch the replays :)

    Ads :D
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126

    Thanks for the awesome reply Myna.

    First thing is you're a much better writer than I am :) So you will have to give me some pointers on that one.

    No problem, hope you're grind went well.

    Thankyou, it's always good to get some reassurance that you aren't making any big mistakes especially when you are losing. In regards to the aces, I like the idea of checking a spade and bet/folding non spades for sure.

    Haha, well I was on a winning streak ;)

    Yes, last night I did leave out the 11s and I will be doing the same tonight, I'm not overly worried with losses like that it's just frustrating when you are documenting all your results and want to get this challenge moving forward you know?

    Haha got to love the DTD's, would be awesome to get my own team set up at some point but I don't think I am at the level where I can get enough people yet.

    Same with the Homegame, would be a super fun thing to do in future on the channel and I agree it would get some new faces to the site, lets just hope the bosses at Sky are reading this ;)

    I'll keep that in mind for the youtube content in future for sure haha

    Thankyou for the support Myna appreciate the input and having you around for the streams :)


    I'll join a team with you for the DTDs
  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    That's 3 already :) lets do it!
  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264

    so close in the DTD last night!

    Ads :D
  • BoxsterBoxster Member Posts: 4,462
    Let me know your team name and preferred colour and I'll put your team in next week :smile:
  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    edited November 2017
    Boxster said:

    Let me know your team name and preferred colour and I'll put your team in next week :smile:

    ADS and red please Boxster :D
  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    Delighted to announce I have uploaded my first highlight video to Youtube!

    Thanks to Ben Morris, Morris707 on Sky, for editing the video.

    All my streams from now will be made into videos like the one above so you guys don't have to watch through the whole broadcast to see key hands.

    The video above is from saturday the 18th. Will appreciate it if you enjoy it, to like and suscribe to my YT Channel :)

    Ads :D
  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    Any chance I could join this DTD team ads? Was briefly on your table last night :)
  • BoxsterBoxster Member Posts: 4,462

    Boxster said:

    Let me know your team name and preferred colour and I'll put your team in next week :smile:

    ADS and red please Boxster :D
    Ok, no problem. All you need to do is post on the DTD thread (pinned) and ask to be put in the league 'Team Ads'. Anybody else that wants to join do the same, simples :smiley:
  • adsthepro7adsthepro7 Member Posts: 264
    Allan23 said:

    Any chance I could join this DTD team ads? Was briefly on your table last night :)

    yes, just select ADS when you post in the DTD forum
  • Morris707Morris707 Member Posts: 12
    Keep up the streams and I'll keep editing them mate; if anyone has any criticisms of the videos/things you'd like to see in future episodes, drop them here and I'll take the ideas on board.
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