2017 was my best year yet with poker. I made real progress both on the tables (£££

) and off of them through continued study of the game and, thanks to some extreme good fortune here at Sky, I also managed the ultimate highlight of getting to experience the WSOP for the first time. However, for reasons I can't quite put my finger on, my motivation levels really dropped towards the end of the year and so did my volume as a result.
In an attempt to up my game (in all ways) I thought I'd start this challenge and keep track of it on the forum in the hope that some level of public accountability may help put an end to the near epic levels of procrastination I've developed of late. My game of choice has always been 6max cash but I've also very recently started dabbling in MTT's and a smidgen of heads-up cash to help rekindle my enthusiasm. £10k in profit is no easy feat but I believe it to be achievable. An equally, if not bigger challenge, will be keeping up with this diary - I've always been rubbish with sticking at things like this but will give it my best. I don't really expect anyone else to follow as it's unlikely to make for a riveting read, but if it keeps me showing up at the tables it will have served its purpose.
Although the year is already 12 days old it's all been fairly break even stuff so far so I'll consider today to be the start of this challenge/year.
Progress so far:
Cash - £.0.00
MTT's - £0.00
Rakeback - £0.00
Total - £0.00
Any idea on expectations for split between the 3 to get to your target?
What MTTs are you planning on playing?
What sort of volume do you think you will put in?
If you could be any animal for a day which one and why?
Try and keep the updates going, it is easy to only sing when you are winning! MTTs can be swingy so don't get downbeat if you go through a bad run as it only takes one good win to turn it around.
Thus far I've just been randomly jumping into any MTT from £1 up to a max buy in of £33 in order to get a bit of experience in them. I've managed a few FT's and have booked one small win so there are some signs of hope but it's very early days still. I certainly prefer the slower deeper games but I guess that would make sense coming from a cash background. If things go well on the MTT front I may start mixing in some of the £55 games but that won't be for a while yet. I may also get fed up with them all together and go back to playing cash exclusively. Time will tell.
As for the animal question, I'll go with a donkey as I've always thought it must be nice to be hung like one.
Thanks everyone for the good wishes and I'll do my best to keep up with this.
post some interesting hands and tough spots love breaking hands down ect...
Since you've started having a bash at tournaments Sky Bet have cut your odds to 3/1JF on being one of the 3 winners of the Race to Main comp.
I think you'll find that -£2.5K on the MTTs is very pessimistic, I have every confidence that you'll be able to show a decent profit on the MTTs, you may even be an MTT convert after a few months, after all if you can win the main and mini on the same night the £5K bonus will give you nearly £10K on a night's work!
10k is deffo achievable even at nl20/30.
All the best
Well, the first session is over so time for the first update.
To begin with, tonight was a bit of a first in that I hadn't really had a proper session before where I was grinding cash and had tourneys on the go at the same time - I was in 2 evening tourneys and had 5 tables of 20nl-30nl running alongside. Pleasingly, this all felt very comfortable so I should definitely feel happy doing this moving forward. I won't always be mixing formats but it was good to confirm it's a viable option.
I felt a little rusty in the cash games as it had been a while since I'd put in any kind of proper cash session. It started like poo frankly and I was quickly in the hole for around £120. I don't think there was anything too far off with my game although I was perhaps a little overly ambitious with a couple of river hero calls. There was plenty of runbad too though - getting it all in pre with my AA vs K5s and losing was probably the 'highlight' there. I'd decided to call it a session once I'd busted my final tourney and by that point we'd managed to turn things around for a grand profit of... 11p. Still, a win is a win and at that rate it'll only take me 249 years to reach the £10k target
Tournaments were a little kinder to me but nothing spectacular. I started by having a chilled afternoon with Rainman's favourite - the £2.20 deepstack @ 2.15 in which I finished 5th. The evening consisted of the mini and the mega stack and I managed a min cash in both plus a couple of bounties to secure a small overall profit from tourneys of £18.48 for the day. I'm very much still learning the ropes with these so I'll happily take that.
Best of luck to you all out there.
Progress so far:
Cash: +£.0.11
MTT's: +£18.48
Rakeback: £0.00
Total: +£18.59
I'm still getting to grips with ICM but I elected to fold (it felt like the 'correct' play in this scenario) and two hands later the min cash was secured. My inner cash game player was looking back at me with utter contempt as folding AK on the btn goes against every natural poker instinct I have - it felt dirty for want of a better expression. It still felt right though.
I had a similar position this morning in a very small MTT, 4 left 3 get paid and I am second in chips, but even then I only have less than 10 bb (it WAS a small MTT). I get A7 on the button and jam, of course the chip leader has AJ so I'm out on the bubble, so what do I know!