Thanks Guys, have spoken to them and they have confirmed that they will be looking in to reviewing my original refund amount, so fingers crossed.
If sky agreed I would stream aging just because Deuesen is my fan boy not pushing anything its up to Sky what they thinks best for the brand I'm fine with that.
Stars just gone down again. They must be using Sky software
Thanks to the new GDPR Sky (and any other Euro site) will have to regulate streamers. A logical way forward would be to put in ts and cs that people consent to their info being streamed and license individual streamers.
'Stars down again tonight? Wowzer, that's three nights on the bounce, which follows Party having the same problem on Friday and Saturday. Party admitted it was due to a DDOS, whilst 'Stars - almost certainly the same thing - were more discrete and never acknowledged the cause of the problem. 'Stars software simply does not fall over 3 nights running.
It's almost as if online poker is undergoing a concerted and co-ordinated attack.
'Stars down again tonight? Wowzer, that's three nights on the bounce, which follows Party having the same problem on Friday and Saturday. Party admitted it was due to a DDOS, whilst 'Stars - almost certainly the same thing - were more discrete and never acknowledged the cause of the problem. 'Stars software simply does not fall over 3 nights running.
It's almost as if online poker is undergoing a concerted and co-ordinated attack.
No doubt blackmailing sites in some form of 21st Century protection racket. I believe they want £10,000,000 from Stars, £3,000,000 from Party and £2.73 from Sky. Sky have only been willing to offer the head of HHY so far, which has not been accepted
'Stars down again tonight? Wowzer, that's three nights on the bounce, which follows Party having the same problem on Friday and Saturday. Party admitted it was due to a DDOS, whilst 'Stars - almost certainly the same thing - were more discrete and never acknowledged the cause of the problem. 'Stars software simply does not fall over 3 nights running.
It's almost as if online poker is undergoing a concerted and co-ordinated attack.
No doubt blackmailing sites in some form of 21st Century protection racket. I believe they want £10,000,000 from Stars, £3,000,000 from Party and £2.73 from Sky. Sky have only been willing to offer the head of HHY so far, which has not been accepted
No problems last night AFAIK, but 'Stars have now acknowledged it was due to DDOS attacks. This follows similar attacks on both ACR & Party in the previous 5 nights. Interesting times.....
'Stars down again tonight? Wowzer, that's three nights on the bounce, which follows Party having the same problem on Friday and Saturday. Party admitted it was due to a DDOS, whilst 'Stars - almost certainly the same thing - were more discrete and never acknowledged the cause of the problem. 'Stars software simply does not fall over 3 nights running.
It's almost as if online poker is undergoing a concerted and co-ordinated attack.
No doubt blackmailing sites in some form of 21st Century protection racket. I believe they want £10,000,000 from Stars, £3,000,000 from Party and £2.73 from Sky. Sky have only been willing to offer the head of HHY so far, which has not been accepted
No problems last night AFAIK, but 'Stars have now acknowledged it was due to DDOS attacks. This follows similar attacks on both ACR & Party in the previous 5 nights. Interesting times.....
Didn’t play last night on there and cashed out, then goes back to normal lol just my luck, can’t moan played all my volume in here and won a 500gtd, 2nd in another 500gtd deep in 7-7 and few other deep runs last night, so will just stick with Sky now, only go back for the scoop & wcoop events.
'Stars down again tonight? Wowzer, that's three nights on the bounce, which follows Party having the same problem on Friday and Saturday. Party admitted it was due to a DDOS, whilst 'Stars - almost certainly the same thing - were more discrete and never acknowledged the cause of the problem. 'Stars software simply does not fall over 3 nights running.
It's almost as if online poker is undergoing a concerted and co-ordinated attack.
No doubt blackmailing sites in some form of 21st Century protection racket. I believe they want £10,000,000 from Stars, £3,000,000 from Party and £2.73 from Sky. Sky have only been willing to offer the head of HHY so far, which has not been accepted
No problems last night AFAIK, but 'Stars have now acknowledged it was due to DDOS attacks. This follows similar attacks on both ACR & Party in the previous 5 nights. Interesting times.....
Didn’t play last night on there and cashed out, then goes back to normal lol just my luck, can’t moan played all my volume in here and won a 500gtd, 2nd in another 500gtd deep in 7-7 and few other deep runs last night, so will just stick with Sky now, only go back for the scoop & wcoop events.
In my last (seriously overdue) update I attempted to give myself a bit of kick up the backside to get this rapidly failing challenge back on track. Did it work? Well, a bit I suppose. I haven't exactly morphed into a Donttelmum on a rake race mission type of player, but I have managed to put in a few more lengthy and and well focused sessions than had previously been the case. Barring some sort of extreme rungood, I'm not expecting to hit the £10k target by the end of the year, but it's good to still be chipping away at it.
This diary often ends up sounding like poker is some sort of a chore for me, but I really do still enjoy my time at the tables - I just all to readily find myself disappearing down other less fruitful rabbit holes. For example, we're moving house soon and I'm now far more familiar with the ins and outs of currently available washing machines than should ever be healthy. I'm starting to suspect that I might figure on a spectrum somewhere!
Moving on to results, cash games have seen a few steady (if unspectacular) sessions provide the biggest boost the running total. There were a few too many break-even sessions mixed in here for my liking but, on the flip side, there weren't really any downswings of note along the way, so I'd happily take that as a status quo. Total cash game profits came to +£377.33.
MTT volume had previously dropped off a cliff but I've been giving tourneys a bit more of my time again these last few weeks, with somewhat mixed results. On the plus side, I finally managed take down one of the weekend Mega Stack tourneys, which I was obviously pretty chuffed with. On the downside though, I'm starting to think I might just have to accept that I really suck at bounty hunters! All told, I eked out a tiny profit of +£21.16.
Finally, there is of course some rakeback to add. A few modest placings in the Premiership promo have helped give things a little boost in this department with a grand total of £180.92 being added to the kitty.
With just under 4 months left you are a shade behind the pace, but still very impressive.
Do you take the cash out of your account in dribs & drabs, or leave it there until it is a meaningful sum & then use it for something?
Thanks for the morale boost Tikay.
When it come to my winnings, it's a bit of a mixture really. A fair chunk of it often ends up going on boring real life stuff. However, I also set little mini targets along the way for specific desired but non-essential items - a new iphone being the most recent treat from my poker endeavours.
Poker can be a tough grind at times and I think it's important to have a few tangible things to show from it to help keep one motivated. I have a fairly high-end computer set up which was all paid for with poker winnings, so every time I sit down to grind I am literally staring at the fruits of my labours .
Hi Duesenberg I’ve been posting my cash game progress (or lack of it!) every month. I can only dream of figures like that! Good luck.
Hi Mr Unpronounceable, thanks for posting.
I've seen your updates and it certainly looks like you're heading in the right direction, so keep up the good work!
I spent years as a break-even fun player before finally deciding to put some work into improving. I wasn't easy (I'm certainly not a natural at this game), but the rewards are definitely still there to be had if you're prepared to put the effort in.
As it happens, I actually managed to bink one of the UKOPS events last time out, so I'll certainly be giving it a go again. I'm sure no one will be surprised to hear that is wasn't a bounty hunter though
Well, once again, it has been a while since an update. As per usual, this was mostly due to having little to report - other than slowly plodding onward in an unspectacular fashion. However, this past week has seen a bit of a first as I have rather unexpectedly found myself sitting at the top of a leaderboard. So, I guess I finally have something worth reporting.
When I first saw the announcement of the Podium Series I was really pleased. I also had no intention of actively trying to achieve anything with it. The reasons I was glad to see this were twofold. Firstly, two new nightly regular freezeouts had been added to the schedule. Many times in here I've written about my general ambivalence towards bounty hunters and I was happy to have the option of something different to play from time to time. The second reason was that these leaderboard-based promo's usually involve cash games and points races. Although a bit of extra rakeback is always nice, I often find the overall effect that rake races have on the quality of cash games negates any upside from the added rakeback, so I was hoping the cash grind might ultimately be a little more fruitful whilst this was on.
So, for the first couple of nights last week, all I played were the two new freezeouts with a bit of cash grinding thrown in too. Having then spotted the changes to the structures of some of the usual fixtures in the MTT line-up, I also decided to jump into a couple of other events on Wednesday for some bounty hunter 'fun'. More of the same followed on Thursday and, by reaching two final tables, I suddenly found myself in 12th spot in the bronze league with 10 points in the bag. By now it seemed silly not to at least give it a go, so I made a concerted effort over the weekend to play the full bronze schedule. It went rather well! Friday saw me win the 7 at 7 which was followed by another win on Saturday in the £3.30 rebuy. One last FT in the £5.50 freezeout on Sunday was just about enough to secure a highly satisfying and unexpected first place in the league table. Ukops has suddenly got a whole lot more interesting as I now have a seat in a £220 event - something I'd never normally dream of buying into directly. I may even have another go at this Podium malarkey for this week now. Excluding leaderboard prize money, total MTT profits since the last update came to +£515.53
Tales of grinding low/micro stakes cash games are never going to make for particularly exciting reading so I'll keep this bit brief. It has mostly been steady-going stuff with the exception of one absolute shocker of a session where I managed to spew away 12 buy-ins at 20nl in just two hours. Despite that, I still managed to come through the last few weeks with a total profit from cash games of +£369.22
Finally, the rakeback column gets a hefty boost in this update. I won £300 by topping the bronze podium leaderboard and I also picked up £55 from the final couple of weeks of the Premiership promo. Adding in the regular weekly rewards payment (which in themselves weren't particularly impressive), total rakeback came to +£430.20
Thanks to the new GDPR Sky (and any other Euro site) will have to regulate streamers. A logical way forward would be to put in ts and cs that people consent to their info being streamed and license individual streamers.
'Stars down again tonight? Wowzer, that's three nights on the bounce, which follows Party having the same problem on Friday and Saturday. Party admitted it was due to a DDOS, whilst 'Stars - almost certainly the same thing - were more discrete and never acknowledged the cause of the problem. 'Stars software simply does not fall over 3 nights running.
It's almost as if online poker is undergoing a concerted and co-ordinated attack.
I believe they want £10,000,000 from Stars, £3,000,000 from Party and £2.73 from Sky. Sky have only been willing to offer the head of HHY so far, which has not been accepted
But well done, obv.
In my last (seriously overdue) update I attempted to give myself a bit of kick up the backside to get this rapidly failing challenge back on track. Did it work? Well, a bit I suppose. I haven't exactly morphed into a Donttelmum on a rake race mission type of player, but I have managed to put in a few more lengthy and and well focused sessions than had previously been the case. Barring some sort of extreme rungood, I'm not expecting to hit the £10k target by the end of the year, but it's good to still be chipping away at it.
This diary often ends up sounding like poker is some sort of a chore for me, but I really do still enjoy my time at the tables - I just all to readily find myself disappearing down other less fruitful rabbit holes. For example, we're moving house soon and I'm now far more familiar with the ins and outs of currently available washing machines than should ever be healthy. I'm starting to suspect that I might figure on a spectrum somewhere!
Moving on to results, cash games have seen a few steady (if unspectacular) sessions provide the biggest boost the running total. There were a few too many break-even sessions mixed in here for my liking but, on the flip side, there weren't really any downswings of note along the way, so I'd happily take that as a status quo. Total cash game profits came to +£377.33.
MTT volume had previously dropped off a cliff but I've been giving tourneys a bit more of my time again these last few weeks, with somewhat mixed results. On the plus side, I finally managed take down one of the weekend Mega Stack tourneys, which I was obviously pretty chuffed with. On the downside though, I'm starting to think I might just have to accept that I really suck at bounty hunters! All told, I eked out a tiny profit of +£21.16.
Finally, there is of course some rakeback to add. A few modest placings in the Premiership promo have helped give things a little boost in this department with a grand total of £180.92 being added to the kitty.
Progress so far:
Cash: +£2,153.01
MTT's: +£2,033.04
Rakeback: +£900.22
Total: +£5,086.27
Total: +£5,086.27
With just under 4 months left you are a shade behind the pace, but still very impressive.
Do you take the cash out of your account in dribs & drabs, or leave it there until it is a meaningful sum & then use it for something?
I’ve been posting my cash game progress (or lack of it!) every month.
I can only dream of figures like that!
Good luck.
When it come to my winnings, it's a bit of a mixture really. A fair chunk of it often ends up going on boring real life stuff. However, I also set little mini targets along the way for specific desired but non-essential items - a new iphone being the most recent treat from my poker endeavours.
Poker can be a tough grind at times and I think it's important to have a few tangible things to show from it to help keep one motivated. I have a fairly high-end computer set up which was all paid for with poker winnings, so every time I sit down to grind I am literally staring at the fruits of my labours
I've seen your updates and it certainly looks like you're heading in the right direction, so keep up the good work!
I spent years as a break-even fun player before finally deciding to put some work into improving. I wasn't easy (I'm certainly not a natural at this game), but the rewards are definitely still there to be had if you're prepared to put the effort in.
Best of luck with it
Well well well.
Bronze League Leaderboard - Final Standings
1 Duesenberg 34 £300 £220 - UKOPS 14
You really are the King of GIQ.
Congrats Guitar Bloke, that's wonderful news & some achievement - very well done.
Well, once again, it has been a while since an update. As per usual, this was mostly due to having little to report - other than slowly plodding onward in an unspectacular fashion. However, this past week has seen a bit of a first as I have rather unexpectedly found myself sitting at the top of a leaderboard. So, I guess I finally have something worth reporting.
When I first saw the announcement of the Podium Series I was really pleased. I also had no intention of actively trying to achieve anything with it. The reasons I was glad to see this were twofold. Firstly, two new nightly regular freezeouts had been added to the schedule. Many times in here I've written about my general ambivalence towards bounty hunters and I was happy to have the option of something different to play from time to time. The second reason was that these leaderboard-based promo's usually involve cash games and points races. Although a bit of extra rakeback is always nice, I often find the overall effect that rake races have on the quality of cash games negates any upside from the added rakeback, so I was hoping the cash grind might ultimately be a little more fruitful whilst this was on.
So, for the first couple of nights last week, all I played were the two new freezeouts with a bit of cash grinding thrown in too. Having then spotted the changes to the structures of some of the usual fixtures in the MTT line-up, I also decided to jump into a couple of other events on Wednesday for some bounty hunter 'fun'. More of the same followed on Thursday and, by reaching two final tables, I suddenly found myself in 12th spot in the bronze league with 10 points in the bag. By now it seemed silly not to at least give it a go, so I made a concerted effort over the weekend to play the full bronze schedule. It went rather well! Friday saw me win the 7 at 7 which was followed by another win on Saturday in the £3.30 rebuy. One last FT in the £5.50 freezeout on Sunday was just about enough to secure a highly satisfying and unexpected first place in the league table. Ukops has suddenly got a whole lot more interesting as I now have a seat in a £220 event - something I'd never normally dream of buying into directly. I may even have another go at this Podium malarkey for this week now. Excluding leaderboard prize money, total MTT profits since the last update came to +£515.53
Tales of grinding low/micro stakes cash games are never going to make for particularly exciting reading so I'll keep this bit brief. It has mostly been steady-going stuff with the exception of one absolute shocker of a session where I managed to spew away 12 buy-ins at 20nl in just two hours. Despite that, I still managed to come through the last few weeks with a total profit from cash games of +£369.22
Finally, the rakeback column gets a hefty boost in this update. I won £300 by topping the bronze podium leaderboard and I also picked up £55 from the final couple of weeks of the Premiership promo. Adding in the regular weekly rewards payment (which in themselves weren't particularly impressive), total rakeback came to +£430.20
Run well folks
Progress so far:
Cash: +£2,522.23
MTT's: +£2,548.57
Rakeback: +£1,330.42
Total: +£6,401.22