starting to think after 8 years its time to give up on this site. just recently(last half year) ive noticed so many things that just don't seem true to digest. for example, the amount of times a flop is a flush, almost 1 in 10 hands, I'm sure you stats guys will say that doesn't conform to a good programming of the RCG. also, every time I make a big cash withdraw, for days the worst cards come out with the worst luck, don't get me wrong I don't mind losing as my wins are greater, just what I'm saying it just seems strange that this happens. I really do genuinely believe that there may be an issue with the software, to many bad hands are calling and always hitting and winning as if they cans see the cards face up plus they know the outcome, and I'm not talking about the hands I'm playing in before anyone says I'm a bad/sore loser.
I think when I find a new site I'm happy with I shall be moving, id rather not as ive been on here and only here for 8 years. it just doesn't seem balanced
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Not everyone like one another but most give respect and are very helpful in sharing
strategies , good luck if you move on .
Spooky! for a while that is.? Stay with the Devil you know. gl
people look for other reasons for things not going the way they expect, rng is rigged, now I have cashed out my run bad starts, you hear it every day, but in real terms it is just variance.
all the best hope things work for you but would say look to get some good books or info on poker mindset it would really help you in the long run.
You never need to worry about about the software being rigged,hands hit the amount of times they are meant to hit,
It's a game of chance,some days the cards fall for you some they dont,that's poker, all you can do is try and make as few mistakes as possible,and get the chips in good,the rest is luck,which no one can control.
thanks for the replies
Ps one of the best communities my **** a few year back it was but know it's full of multi accounting Muppets who only answer they're own opinions and never question the wrongs on the site like the last 3/4 year every time you move table in a tourney you can't see the hole cards without reloading the table , playing 2/3/4 or more tables this is a complete pain in the **** as tables don't always load without you clicking launch tables might only affect you now and again tikay but to be fair the fact it has continued all these years is pretty bad no matter how often it happens it still happens and costs people money
getting dealt the nuts trying call a raise or all in getting folded pre because timer keeps going even after you instantly call/raise/reraise but nothing happens
Players being caught multi accounting being given different screennames as it keeps the numbers up if you check through some previous posts you'll find a more than a few with name changes after they deposited in the "wife's name"or some other bs reason
Ps anyone that wants proof of all multi accounts i know no problem will forward them for you to check but it's ok sky advised them to do it keeps the numbers up also there is a few been caught by several people in the forum seen them comment on two names on same thread then inst a deleting the comment when they notice they have used different account people being reported for multi accounting but being given different usernames instead of being banned/blocked.or other wise sky not giving a duck as long as the money roles in
Then probably the worst is tikay telling us even if we delete our posts on the forum he can still see them ffs what else can he see we don' .
Best community out really?
Really don't care what people think not played a game tonight no tilt no rage just an observation.
Just because it's only pounds does not mean certain players won't cheat plenty of profit out there for people that would kill for a quid.
stats of flush on the flop 1 in 10 hands
This is awkward , what do you actually mean. @benhur7200
Do you mean, 3 cards on the flop being all the same suit?
If this, then thats not a flush without someone else having 2 of the suit, is it ?
Or am I mistaken and the flop is technically still called a flush with 3 of the same suit regardless of known or unknown hole-cards
Do you mean, 3 of the same suit on the flop and someone has 2 hole cards that make the flush?
If this, then are you including preflop folded hands as well as preflop kept hands?
A folding person could claim they would of had a flush.
Can you narrow down what you are calling a flush on the flop , because im tying myself into a knot here.
@churchy18 , using the forum to criticize the forum and launch personal attacks on an individual . Says a lot about how accommodatingly good the forum is.
The forums so good, you can even monitor TKs phone-calls. Can you point me to the section that allows this cool feature please.
2 cent.......
1, doubt flopped flushes is 1/10
2, make sure you are rolled for the stake you play - Due to variance you may suffer if you are not a big winner at the game, (dont withdraw tonnes and play same stake)
^^^^ you can put in your bb/100 to figure how bad you can run over sample size.
3, You shouldnt moan that weak players are calling!.
4, Honestly, you need to watch videos/read up about mental approach in poker or invest in some coaching program like raise your edge / upswing poker.
For those unaware, Brian (churchy) & I have shared tables hundreds (thousands?) of times, & he's always been warm & friendly towards me in the chat box, we have good bants (or I thought we did) & he never once raised any complaints as to my conduct. Now he wants to call me out on the forum. Lovely job.
Let's look at this statement first;
"Then probably the worst is tikay telling us even if we delete our posts on the forum he can still see them ffs what else can he see we don'"
Yes, any post which has appeared on the Forum - & ONLY if it has appeared on the Forum - I can see in my role as a mod. If it was not on the Forum, & therefore not visible to ALL users, I cannot see it. So I can see exactly the same as everyone else. I just see it longer.
The Forum is run on something called Vanilla Software. The back end contains something called "Change Log", which records all amendment & deletions. This is what the back-end says as to Change Log;
Change Log
Every edit or deletion is recorded here. Use ‘Restore’ to undo any change.
I'm not really sure why it does that, but it does.
Currently, there are 97 pages of amended or deleted posts recorded in the Change Log. I never review them, unless someone asks me to restore a deleted or amended post.
This is what the Change Log looks like typically. (This is a C & P).
">"Binks Twitch Stream Going out with a bang!!!!Binks Twitch Stream".
Those with even a modicum of insight, will see what that is, & how it works, so I won't explain it unless someone asks, except to say ALL regular forum readers will know what that is, JJBinks amended his thread title. Why that's a problem to Brian I have no idea.
The horse racing boys (who are a credit to the Community & Forum) do tons of amendments, & there's nothing even remotely sinister about that.
Do I spend all day perusing the Change Log? What do you think?
So that's the sum total of what I can see that you cant. But you WERE able to view everything I can.
"Also tikay having phone conversations with another player giving him advise them for the next year or so the only games he plays are ones tikay is playinwe. Would that be okay if it was other people doing that and playing versus tikay"
What might that refer to, you may well ask?
I assume this is a reference to the fact that when a player is having a bad time - an extended period of run-bad maybe, or one of those guys that comes on the Forum & claims the site is rigged as they never win, I often send them a PM, & offer to help. If they reply, I give them my phone number, & get them to ring me, & I talk them through a typical game whilst he or me - but never both at the same time - play a game or two.
That might cause some roffling, as most of you know I'm pretty hopeless these days. If the best players on a 1 to 10 scale are a 10, I'm a 2 or 3 at best. But many of these guys are zero, complete newbies. Others are good players - way better than me - but extended downswings can shatter the confidence & self-belief of any player. So I try to help.
I've done that loads of times, & with 100% good intent. If you expect me to apologise for trying to help others, good luck with that.
What sad times when genuine attempts to help others are so dreadfully maligned.
"for the next year or so the only games he plays are ones tikay is playinwe"
That is completely untrue & is a disgraceful suggestion, implying some sort of skulduggery. If @churchy18 can provide a shred of evidence, then he should go ahead & post it here. Go on Brian, find me a player who only plays in games I play in. GL with that, too.