Hey guys,
I previously had a forum diary with the aim of hitting a 4-figure score. Things got in the way and with the lack of results I eventually gave up on posting. I did however make some poker friends to have regular chats with, which has proven especially valuable compared to any discussion with non-poker players... conversations in real life inevitably lead to 'but how much do you lose?' and 'are you a gambling addict?' questions, which I'm sure everyone is familiar with

Since then, I finally hit the old 4-fig a few months ago with 4th place in the Sunday Major.
For the vast majority of the year I can only play on Sundays due to other commitments, but over Summer I tend to have a tonne of spare time so decided to do a Summer Bankroll Challenge playing MTTs on Sky and another site (hence Sharkscope resets).
First few weeks I sun-ran and moved up stakes quickly. As you can see from the graph I've hit a bit of a rough patch this week so hoping for some classic forum rungood

Thought about posting on 2p2 and joining the dark side, but

Bankroll is any profit from this challenge. 100BI, 50BI for shots.
Due to only being able to play Sundays from September, I can't put in any real volume so want to focus on deep-structured high value tournaments. Inevitably these tend to be more expensive and swings will still happen. Aim is to get to the point where I can dust off a load of funds with a brick Sunday and not give one flying **** because I'm comfortably rolled for the games and confident from past success haha. Would also like to have a bash at UKOPS highroller events if the roll has grown by then, maybe even some higher buy in live events...
All help/heckling along the way much appreciated as ever!
Morning @Angmar2626
Tell us a little about yourself.
What part of the UK do you live? What line of work are you in, & is this what means you can only play on Sundays, summer excepted?
So many players seem to think the Forum is Customer Care & only come here to complain, so we really do need threads like this.
Good luck with this, and at the tables.
Poker talk is good, but even better with a bit of the back story.
Why "Angmar2626"?
Good luck
I ordered a framed Middle Earth lithograph yesterday so I'm definitely top of the nerd points leaderboard.
In before the Duesen funnys begin 😁
All the best mate, glad you done this.
Back story-wise, I've always loved playing games - cards, sports, computer games - anything where you can score points and compete against other people.
James Bond was really good at poker in the Casino Royale film and it looked really cool so my friends and I started playing home games lol. I also played hours and hours on facebook poker (no money involved of course) and eventually graduated up to real money. Cash games aren't really for me, but tournaments... literally the most fun game there is (including playstation, etc), with or without money, as long as there is a score
P.S. Your table count makes me feel queasy - I am definitely not a grinder!
Younger cooler me thought being faced down by The Witch King would terrify other players at the table...
In reality, people mostly don't know what it is, and those that do find it funny!
Great effort with the nerdiness! Have spent a fair amount of time looking at those maps online but never been high enough on the nerd-o-meter to actually get one, maybe if I get a big bink that will be my treat to myself
As a result, he will be playing the SPT Friday and Saturday, but not Sunday
In order to comply with the recent KYA regulations (know your Angmar), the Sky poker forum is going to need answers to the following questions:
1. Who are your top 3 poker idols/heroes?
2. What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
3. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
4. Which member of an orchestra would you least like to be and why?
5. If you had one chance to use a time machine, what year would you visit? (It's a return trip so you get to come back!)
6. How tall do you think Matt Bates is?
Good luck dude!
Already shown good hobbit knowledge
2. Stout
3. JJBinks
4. Percussionist - in slow music they have to wait for ages and ages to play one 'ting' on a triangle, but they have to concentrate the whole time so they don't lose their place and play in the wrong place.
5. Go and meet one of the great composers eg, Mozart, Beethoven, etc and tell them how famous they are hundreds of years later. Most of them died very poor and their music was only performed once in their lifetime, whereas today some of their pieces are recognisable to millions of people.
6. Would have the nickname 'shorty' in Hobbiton?
Thought about posting on 2p2 and joining the dark side, but
Graph blocks second part of the sentence and I can't get it to move with editing