Nice work crusher. There's something borderline obscene about a 115% average roi in my opinion!
I also know sweet fa about sports betting but one thing I think you'd have to consider is that if you climbed the stakes due to making consistent profits, you'd probably soon find that your betting account(s) would be restricted. I guess it's a bit like Doug Polk no longer being able to get any heads up action after having consistently beaten anyone who'd try and take him on (to continue the poker comparison theme).
September is proving to be really hectic with orchestra stuff - much more so than expected so not had much time for pokering. Am hoping I'll be much more free by the time UKOPS comes around (think TK suggested it might be on the cards for some point? Hope so - flippin' love it) and might be able to get some time off to play the whole series or something close
Not much to report, just 2 smaller sessions. Winning Sunday session with frustrating end busting AA all in pre for monster chip lead 4-handed in the 33bh (ran really well up to that point though of course). Winning session this morning which takes roll up to 4k for the first time.
Will be back to play Sunday eve - hope the Mega Mini does well for Sky's sake - fair play to them for running it and taking the hit so far.
Also I might treat myself to a go at the Major - heard @Duesenberg won a ticket so should be softer than usual!
ROI now up to 121% I see. Is Justin Bonomo allowed an account on Sky @Tikay10? I thought it was uk players only .
There may well be some overlay in the Sunday Major this week. Most of the usual Sky endbosses tend to give it a miss when they see my name in the lobby.
Put in a lot of sessions last week and got absolutely smashed results-wise Roll still above 3k so not really affected any BRM decisions.
Would like to think some of it is runbad, and I definitely had a few suckouts in high equity spots deep in bigger events, but it is what it is.
Before Summer I planned to split play/study around 50/50 but so far this has been a bit of a fail, more like 90 play/10 study so going to take some time off playing this week to sharpen up
Drew up a draft schedule for Sundays in September and it looks absolutely insane. Definitely need to hit the lab hard before then!
You never know, Sky Poker may have a few MTT surprises up their sleeve in September.
@Brrrrrrr it was here that the MTT surprises were mentioned by @Tikay10
Been working a lot on my game recently and really trying to improve and put some solid hours into going over spots I feel I'm weak at.
Unfortunately results at the tables had not been reflecting the work I was putting in. Had an eight-session losing stretch, which is probably standard to some but is a lot when only able to put in low sporadic volume in September. To be honest my confidence had been completely shot, and had been feeling like I'd forgotten how to win a tournament, and what is the point in all of these hours spent improving away from the tables, when you just lose every flip when you do play. Solid mental game right there... I used Primed Mind in August and really got a lot out of it but unsubbed at the end of the month feeling like I'd consumed all of the content and mastered it (ha...) perhaps I'll go back to it...
Loaded up a few tables on Friday night and lost every single all in etc. Was left with one table left and got it in bad on 6bb nowhere near the bubble and won the hand. From there just ran really hot and went on to take down a nice win that completely eclipsed the losses from previous weeks... funny old game isn't it!
Pinky-promise I was going to update this week anyway and it's not just a case of only singing when winning. To that end, no graphs/brags today, though overall bankroll graph looks a bit like the Loch Ness Monster with some humps and a good old neck going on
MTT variance is pretty tough on the human brain and your whole internal work/results system! Hats off to those who do it for a living and have losing months etc :S
Probably a bit of an overall negative-nelly tone to this post, but still really loving the game and the community around it! Podium series is super fun and a great idea - really looking forward to UKOPS as well!!!
"....Had an eight-session losing stretch, which is probably standard to some but is a lot when only able to put in low sporadic volume in September. To be honest my confidence had been completely shot....."
I can really identify with that.
Despite playing the game over 20 years, & knowing exactly where I am in the scheme of all things poker, when I have a little bad run - 6 or 7 losing sessions - I get so down about it. I'm hopeless.
Then the bounce-back comes, & I have a few straight winning sessions. I'm the best.
Poker is certainly a game that tests our character.
Every MTT player goes through these spells. How you react is the key bit. It is easy to say when you are losing it is variance and winning you are winning it is skill! The thing with poker and MTTs is there isn't a short term direct correlation between standard of play and results. Long term this sorts itself out but short term it can be painful. Part of the problem is you may lose the flip for the CL when down to final 2 tables in the Sunday Million but win the same flip in a £2.20bh. Sounds like you are doing the right things so keep doing that and the results will take care of themselves!
Ye I came 5th in the main last night which you'd think would make me happy. Unfortunately I played so badly on the ft that I've woken up like a zombie, depressed, and in general feeling terrible about the world.
This is why I rarely play tournaments.... They just take too long, you are committed to sitting at a computer for many hours and you can't just get up and attend to real life.
I think @MattBates must be the true Zen Buddhist around here to be able to play all those tournaments every day. It's so hard on the mind.
Ye I came 5th in the main last night which you'd think would make me happy. Unfortunately I played so badly on the ft that I've woken up like a zombie, depressed, and in general feeling terrible about the world.
This is why I rarely play tournaments.... They just take too long, you are committed to sitting at a computer for many hours and you can't just get up and attend to real life.
I think @MattBates must be the true Zen Buddhist around here to be able to play all those tournaments every day. It's so hard on the mind.
Presumably you still had a winning session last night then?
Dw if don't want to answer but didn't you once win back to back UKOPS 110s?? After that did you feel like 'I'm the shizzzz' or did you think 'loldonkaments'?
@MattBates losing for 6 days and then getting up and grinding just the same on day 7 is rather impressive - easy to just not be bothered!
It was a winning session ye but knowing I mutilated a hand vs senorbegs which effectively ruined my chance at winning has given me nightmares.
When I won the back to back Ukops I thought I was the shizz ye but that confidence bred negligence and if you look at my scope I didn't even come close to a cash for the rest of Ukops. I managed to **** 2 grand of the winnings back to everyone by the end of the series.
Been working hard going over lots of spots recently and also running quite well on the tables Roll up to 6k for the first time, which means I'll happily fire a shot at the Sunday 110 each week. Used very aggressive BRM at the start of this roll-building exercise in Summer whilst playing micro/low stakes but am playing a bit higher now so generally sticking to 100 buy-ins for regular games and shots/treats on 50 buy-ins.
My question to throw out there is what sort of bankroll management people use/suggest for something like UKOPS? Have got the week off work for it, and more importantly cleared it with gf Seems a good time to go for the goal of this thread and commit some blasting at higher stakes! On the other hand I'd rather not just dust off recent winnings straight away and will still use some sort of BRM. 50BI for UKOPS shots? Less? 40? 30....? Am much worse than average at sats so would rather not play too many - plus some can end up being tougher than the target tournament! :P
Oh actually, roll is just below 6k - have been good at not spending winnings and just keeping them for this bankroll, but I did buy a new dining set that gf wanted...
I also know sweet fa about sports betting but one thing I think you'd have to consider is that if you climbed the stakes due to making consistent profits, you'd probably soon find that your betting account(s) would be restricted. I guess it's a bit like Doug Polk no longer being able to get any heads up action after having consistently beaten anyone who'd try and take him on (to continue the poker comparison theme).
Keep up the good work bud
Not much to report, just 2 smaller sessions. Winning Sunday session with frustrating end busting AA all in pre for monster chip lead 4-handed in the 33bh (ran really well up to that point though of course). Winning session this morning which takes roll up to 4k for the first time.
Will be back to play Sunday eve - hope the Mega Mini does well for Sky's sake - fair play to them for running it and taking the hit so far.
Also I might treat myself to a go at the Major - heard @Duesenberg won a ticket so should be softer than usual!
Yup, UKOPS will be along quite soon.
There may well be some overlay in the Sunday Major this week. Most of the usual Sky endbosses tend to give it a miss when they see my name in the lobby.
Good spot by The Bates.
I wrote;
"You never know, Sky Poker may have a few MTT surprises up their sleeve in September."
Been working a lot on my game recently and really trying to improve and put some solid hours into going over spots I feel I'm weak at.
Unfortunately results at the tables had not been reflecting the work I was putting in. Had an eight-session losing stretch, which is probably standard to some but is a lot when only able to put in low sporadic volume in September. To be honest my confidence had been completely shot, and had been feeling like I'd forgotten how to win a tournament, and what is the point in all of these hours spent improving away from the tables, when you just lose every flip when you do play. Solid mental game right there...
Loaded up a few tables on Friday night and lost every single all in etc. Was left with one table left and got it in bad on 6bb nowhere near the bubble and won the hand. From there just ran really hot and went on to take down a nice win that completely eclipsed the losses from previous weeks... funny old game isn't it!
Pinky-promise I was going to update this week anyway and it's not just a case of only singing when winning. To that end, no graphs/brags today, though overall bankroll graph looks a bit like the Loch Ness Monster with some humps and a good old neck going on
MTT variance is pretty tough on the human brain and your whole internal work/results system! Hats off to those who do it for a living and have losing months etc :S
Probably a bit of an overall negative-nelly tone to this post, but still really loving the game and the community around it! Podium series is super fun and a great idea - really looking forward to UKOPS as well!!!
"....Had an eight-session losing stretch, which is probably standard to some but is a lot when only able to put in low sporadic volume in September. To be honest my confidence had been completely shot....."
I can really identify with that.
Despite playing the game over 20 years, & knowing exactly where I am in the scheme of all things poker, when I have a little bad run - 6 or 7 losing sessions - I get so down about it. I'm hopeless.
Then the bounce-back comes, & I have a few straight winning sessions. I'm the best.
Poker is certainly a game that tests our character.
Staying grounded after a win probably just as important as not getting too glum after a loss I suppose.
The thing with poker and MTTs is there isn't a short term direct correlation between standard of play and results. Long term this sorts itself out but short term it can be painful. Part of the problem is you may lose the flip for the CL when down to final 2 tables in the Sunday Million but win the same flip in a £2.20bh.
Sounds like you are doing the right things so keep doing that and the results will take care of themselves!
This is why I rarely play tournaments.... They just take too long, you are committed to sitting at a computer for many hours and you can't just get up and attend to real life.
I think @MattBates must be the true Zen Buddhist around here to be able to play all those tournaments every day. It's so hard on the mind.
Bravo Sir
Dw if don't want to answer but didn't you once win back to back UKOPS 110s?? After that did you feel like 'I'm the shizzzz' or did you think 'loldonkaments'?
@MattBates losing for 6 days and then getting up and grinding just the same on day 7 is rather impressive - easy to just not be bothered!
Edit: Matt Bates does not lose for 6 days
When I won the back to back Ukops I thought I was the shizz ye but that confidence bred negligence and if you look at my scope I didn't even come close to a cash for the rest of Ukops. I managed to **** 2 grand of the winnings back to everyone by the end of the series.
Been working hard going over lots of spots recently and also running quite well on the tables
My question to throw out there is what sort of bankroll management people use/suggest for something like UKOPS? Have got the week off work for it, and more importantly cleared it with gf
Oh actually, roll is just below 6k - have been good at not spending winnings and just keeping them for this bankroll, but I did buy a new dining set that gf wanted...
Bankroll I go for 70-100 BIns depends what the line ups like.
Really as many as that, even for shots? So you wouldn't play something like UKOPS Main Event on 6k roll?