In order to comply with the recent KYA regulations (know your Angmar), the Sky poker forum is going to need answers to the following questions:
1. Who are your top 3 poker idols/heroes? 2. What is your favourite flavour of ice cream? 3. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? 4. Which member of an orchestra would you least like to be and why? 5. If you had one chance to use a time machine, what year would you visit? (It's a return trip so you get to come back!) 6. How tall do you think Matt Bates is?
Good luck dude!
1. Timex, €urop€an, Duesenberg 2. Stout 3. JJBinks 4. Percussionist - in slow music they have to wait for ages and ages to play one 'ting' on a triangle, but they have to concentrate the whole time so they don't lose their place and play in the wrong place. 5. Go and meet one of the great composers eg, Mozart, Beethoven, etc and tell them how famous they are hundreds of years later. Most of them died very poor and their music was only performed once in their lifetime, whereas today some of their pieces are recognisable to millions of people. 6. Would have the nickname 'shorty' in Hobbiton?
Solid answers.
With regards to question one, I'm not too sure about Timex and €urop€an myself but that third guy rocks!
Also, it would be nice to see JJBinks have another stab at the acting game, despite having ruined Star Wars: Episode I
@Angmar2626 got to watch that MR Smith he’s a bit good 😊 I would say to the point you even need to watch your time bank action, to balance value and bluffs I’m sure he will pick up on every spot.
@Angmar2626 got to watch that MR Smith he’s a bit good 😊 I would say to the point you even need to watch your time bank action, to balance value and bluffs I’m sure he will pick up on every spot.
Going to watch Don Giovanni at the Estates theatre in Prague ok? I turned down Hooters for that!
Very nice indeed! It's so great - you can tell from the very first chords that it's going to be so much darker than the usual lovers' tiff sort of opera
Also, assuming you reside in Derby, there's literally a Hooters in Nottingham - next to the train station (allegedly...) so that would have been a poor choice!
Gl at the tables man. Good pick on top players. Check out this€urop€an/ Set it to most recent and I think it is a great resource. A lot of good players seem to share hands on it. pads11611 and elmerix are also other good searches.
Gl at the tables man. Good pick on top players. Check out this€urop€an/ Set it to most recent and I think it is a great resource. A lot of good players seem to share hands on it. pads11611 and elmerix are also other good searches.
Yeah man, got a lot of time for all the bitb stuff!
Put in a lot of sessions last week and got absolutely smashed results-wise Roll still above 3k so not really affected any BRM decisions.
Would like to think some of it is runbad, and I definitely had a few suckouts in high equity spots deep in bigger events, but it is what it is.
Before Summer I planned to split play/study around 50/50 but so far this has been a bit of a fail, more like 90 play/10 study so going to take some time off playing this week to sharpen up
Drew up a draft schedule for Sundays in September and it looks absolutely insane. Definitely need to hit the lab hard before then!
Put in a lot of sessions last week and got absolutely smashed results-wise Roll still above 3k so not really affected any BRM decisions.
Would like to think some of it is runbad, and I definitely had a few suckouts in high equity spots deep in bigger events, but it is what it is.
Before Summer I planned to split play/study around 50/50 but so far this has been a bit of a fail, more like 90 play/10 study so going to take some time off playing this week to sharpen up
Drew up a draft schedule for Sundays in September and it looks absolutely insane. Definitely need to hit the lab hard before then!
You never know, Sky Poker may have a few MTT surprises up their sleeve in September.
Put in a lot of sessions last week and got absolutely smashed results-wise Roll still above 3k so not really affected any BRM decisions.
Would like to think some of it is runbad, and I definitely had a few suckouts in high equity spots deep in bigger events, but it is what it is.
Before Summer I planned to split play/study around 50/50 but so far this has been a bit of a fail, more like 90 play/10 study so going to take some time off playing this week to sharpen up
Drew up a draft schedule for Sundays in September and it looks absolutely insane. Definitely need to hit the lab hard before then!
You never know, Sky Poker may have a few MTT surprises up their sleeve in September.
I like the sound of that any chance you can spill the beans 😉
Put in a lot of sessions last week and got absolutely smashed results-wise Roll still above 3k so not really affected any BRM decisions.
Would like to think some of it is runbad, and I definitely had a few suckouts in high equity spots deep in bigger events, but it is what it is.
Before Summer I planned to split play/study around 50/50 but so far this has been a bit of a fail, more like 90 play/10 study so going to take some time off playing this week to sharpen up
Drew up a draft schedule for Sundays in September and it looks absolutely insane. Definitely need to hit the lab hard before then!
You never know, Sky Poker may have a few MTT surprises up their sleeve in September.
Mates and I are big football fans, play fantasy, (used to) play sunday league (ha!) and normally put on some £1 accumulators on a Saturday or something small like that. By the end of the season we're usually all up 100 quid or something.
When it comes to sports betting I have literally no idea what I'm doing, zero clue about ROI, BRM, variance, value, etc, but have a vague clue about premier league football. Thought was this though:
In poker if you can beat £1 games and practice some form of BRM you can slowly move up stakes but as you move up the games are going to get increasingly tough and your ROI will diminish assuming you're not actively trying to work on your game.
In sports betting, if you have x winrate at £1 stake, I assume your winrate would be the exact same at £1000 level because the 'game' or 'competition' is exactly the same difficulty, unlike poker? So in theory you could move up slowly to higher stakes as long you practice BRM and move back down when you need to?
This is purely from the point of view of trying to apply poker concepts to sports betting (something I know nothing about) and not sure if any of it is true or just the drivelous ramblings of a madman
Willing to accept it's all incorrect and 'winrates' as such aren't really a thing and my friends and I are just on the positive side of short term variance playing for pennies All thoughts appreciated though!
With regards to question one, I'm not too sure about Timex and €urop€an myself but that third guy rocks!
Also, it would be nice to see JJBinks have another stab at the acting game, despite having ruined Star Wars: Episode I
I turned down Hooters for that!
Also, assuming you reside in Derby, there's literally a Hooters in Nottingham - next to the train station (allegedly...) so that would have been a poor choice!
Set it to most recent and I think it is a great resource. A lot of good players seem to share hands on it. pads11611 and elmerix are also other good searches.
Would like to think some of it is runbad, and I definitely had a few suckouts in high equity spots deep in bigger events, but it is what it is.
Before Summer I planned to split play/study around 50/50 but so far this has been a bit of a fail, more like 90 play/10 study so going to take some time off playing this week to sharpen up
Drew up a draft schedule for Sundays in September and it looks absolutely insane. Definitely need to hit the lab hard before then!
Been away/busy in real life so very little to report, although roll is back up to 3.5k after a disaster week towards the end of August
Can actually play some tournaments this eve and the offering looks rather fun on Sky so come say hi if you're at the tables
Mates and I are big football fans, play fantasy, (used to) play sunday league (ha!) and normally put on some £1 accumulators on a Saturday or something small like that. By the end of the season we're usually all up 100 quid or something.
When it comes to sports betting I have literally no idea what I'm doing, zero clue about ROI, BRM, variance, value, etc, but have a vague clue about premier league football. Thought was this though:
In poker if you can beat £1 games and practice some form of BRM you can slowly move up stakes but as you move up the games are going to get increasingly tough and your ROI will diminish assuming you're not actively trying to work on your game.
In sports betting, if you have x winrate at £1 stake, I assume your winrate would be the exact same at £1000 level because the 'game' or 'competition' is exactly the same difficulty, unlike poker? So in theory you could move up slowly to higher stakes as long you practice BRM and move back down when you need to?
This is purely from the point of view of trying to apply poker concepts to sports betting (something I know nothing about) and not sure if any of it is true or just the drivelous ramblings of a madman
Willing to accept it's all incorrect and 'winrates' as such aren't really a thing and my friends and I are just on the positive side of short term variance playing for pennies