raise the white flag,idiom
Definition of raise the white flag
: to admit defeat !
got, a maHoosive Bank roll yippee dippee doo daa,
@essexphil, would ' av a fit !' that French company,the 'dodgy'one,the one that the UK Gov hands out contracts ( multi multi million pound ones) like confetti,I.T etc, NHS etc, ..multi multi millions + I took a bird in the hand ! ( albeit, a maHoosive,big fat juicy one,but why wait 4 (two) 2;in da bush ? barrister 8k ..... yes 8k ... a day, 25 years ago, I thought £800 was steep, but, who gives a 'flyin'
hit my Barclays account, 48 hours ago,gone from pauper,too share holder invite, in an instant, 99.9% now ferreted away, ' A Barclays Premier Customer.. no less ! , when I wanted an 'overdraft extention', not a Scooby doo,so it's' quick time to Coutts (Monday) I digress again, hiatus,self imposed sabbatical's cancelled.............
anyway, 'the skypoker family ?' fancy sum of dat..........sounds like Eutopia ? A picture postcard, chocolate box village ? where all ya Poka dreams come true ? '
All On 4 dat ? ( and, I will BANKROLL my fav, 10k , level stakes 4 Myna, against the PHENOM,and.... I will take, as much as YOU like, odds against, Myna v the PHENOM, (large)
skypoker family ? adopt ME, is it ? by invitation ? ( I got da juice (NOW) babi, or committee ? happy to roll up trouser leg, ( anything Guv) even if, via social services ( special needs ? ) but , wid a maHoosive roll babi
big difference, 'scared MONEY v don't give a WHOTSIT ( OH BABI ) its EutopiA
LETS CELEBRATE, DRINKS ON ME ............getting 'happy' all day long, ps ?
@skypoker all good in France ( let me know quick) can I play from France ? before I ' impulse purchase me A castle Wiv a Moat b4 Sunday ! might buy two, one for me, one for 'free BABI free' all inc, for all my skypoker friends, BUT , Myna is Da special ONE, ...supreme confidence, AND all ,every backing he wants (sav av it LARGE)
Anyway, I surrendered, ! , last night,'plotted, on the HUGE stack chip leader, y'day, ran better than IVOR de Engine, full pelt, wiv da juice, and ,had the audacity, AUDACITY.. I tell ya babi, to have a moan up, ................it was Raucas babi, raucas, when I pointed, de MATH, abacus, you do it !
nearing 40 years, (me) playing Poker, NEVER, ever ,NEVER , have I seen , six handed, no limit hold em, maHoosive stack, chip leader, get dealt, pocket JJ (moan up !, folded !! ,against AK KQ suited, and would have hit JJJ and got the lot, straight inta, AA yes, followed by KK, three deals, pocket JJ, pocket AA, pocket KK.....six handed..........how many times Tony ? oh, I know, all day ,TWICE ON SUNDAYS, ! in every Poker club in the land, Do Me A Flava !
I'll have a pint of whatever you've had please.
0719 £5.50 pocket JJ (mine) on a 10 6 4 flop, babi, look at the play, two babi, not 1 two .... chasin, BANG BANG guess what appears on da turn !
And, with articulation, if ? , you got 'smashed, as in , your Body, smashed 2 smithereens,and, zero Ambulance chasin, and, 5 years down da line, ..... when the oppo ' shrinks; aint ya gonna celeb Kool an Da gang rate HArd,
For, the uninitiated, ' you must get it ? ' typos, intentional !
now, I might, know, the inside line on Un Pentium ,elle 115 , and, a tonne more, @ ' that, I am ok John, and Not in my backyard Jack,..... have a large DRINKSIE, ON ME, when I laugh last babi, I wrote, next is straight over straight, HILARIOUS...... ALMOST, THAT I CAN DE c (SEE) INTA DA FUTA ?
MY BABI Waller ,................ nIL aDMIRARI
LATIN BABI ' Nil Admirari ' ..........inked on me neck.... chav stamp (R.O.F.L) ...... go Hereford babi, or, Garcia......
two questions, (a) Myna ) (b) Phenom ? I play too tight ?
for the Durrasic era ( mine ) bit of Ol Blu Eyes............ enhanced, remixed,....
4 DA YOOOF.....................
remixed reblend club.........
Paul DiMaggio ( dj legend fact BABI)
love You ALL , major PARTIES...............an,
me, playin, POKER ALL DAY..........
NASH ,CHARTS,out da window !
Im a GOING, ALL Levy ( Ruuufless babi) .................................