Friday Sat and most of Sunday was a disaster, every time I had a good hand there like AK and hit A or AK on flop opponent had A-A, was becoming disillusioned with my game, luckily the 8pm BH tonight helped out a bit. I also thought it was a god idea to try cash again on Sat whilst had a few ( It wasn't).
Today I finished 2nd in the 8pm BH and I recouped a bit and im now in Profit. Oh the Friday mini I was awful because of the Micro made me lose my head. Had AA AK AK and QQ in 4 straight hands only won the blinds off one of them and ended up out after those 4. 67 knocked out my A-A.
Thanks guys, what a difference 1 result makes to your mood and feeling.
@bbMike I am a confidence player like RVB at darts and am trying so hard to not let one result effect another but I have got myself knocked out of other tournaments because of a bad result in a previous one. That's a reason for the diary I thought it would help focus me on each game but sometimes I slip :P
Out of interest, how many tables do/can you play at a time? The more tables you play the better it is to deal with the variance (even though I still have a moan). Try upping the table count and then a beat on one table is less likely to affect your play on others, or so I find anyway.
you,re a good player at the stakes you play at and you seem to have good BRM let the beats go over your head and move on don,t dwell your BRM means it should be easy enough to brush them beats off
@waller02 I have a laptop have had for abut 6 years, I don't like the small view so the max I could possibly play and use chat box is 4, but I rarely do this three is a hassle but doable, I however like to play 2 and is probably what I need to play. If I had a PC with 2 screens I would try more, but I like the social aspect of poker too. If I played more there would be no interaction and I probably wouldn't enjoy it at all. I see what your saying I wouldn't have dwell time I suppose I am just not good enough to concentrate on more than 2 or 3
Played yesterday but ended up about even maybe a few pence down, Today I played the following Micro £.55 - played ok was called until the river in 2 big pots where they hit and ended up being too low that when I pushed with I think 66 2 callers and was out. £.55 Loss 7.45 Deepstack £1.10 played this really well never really short and wasn't all in much at all, this was proper poker and really enjoyable even at this low buy in. To cash was 11 that came and went and made it to the FT in 5th out of 6, and that's where I finished. Going out with top pair flush draw v top pair better kicker, no flush came with the last 2 cards. Finished 5th £6.25Profit and a ft 8pm BH £2.20 started well took an early had but because of a different tourney didn't concentrate on this and when I came back to it I was 34th out of 35. A nice treble up with K-K helped get me back in. was still extremely short but somehow made it to the bubble of 24 with a head. It didn't take long to cash and I thought my game would be over quick but I won a decent hand then bullied the big stack off a pot where an even shorter stack than me was all in and I took it down. Must have donked it all the way to the FT as I don't remember anything else but I took another head on FT. 2 stacks were V large then the rest of us and somehow I got to heads up with the big stacks fighting. Had 3 chances to win twice with AK v 33, once I even hit the A but a 3 hit on the flop too, the other I didn't hit, the last chance I had to win was with 9-9 v a-q and hit both the A and Q. Was a long good game. and I was second. Cash £35.59 Heads £3.16 Profit £36.55 Oh the 7pm Freerole £0 96 was my hand of the tournament twice giving me a big pot. don't remember too much hands now they have all mushed together. Was always high up in the leaderboard until the last 50 or so when I was mid pack, people started falling away around here fast and the last 2 tables was right there. I had never made more than £1 from the freerole was happy with £20. so opened my range and picked up a lot of pots putting me in top 4. Where I was until FT never got near first in this I don't think but did well and came in 2nd. £60 Profit 9.45pm BH £2.20 Normal service resumed, early on flopped 2nd nut club flush, no other clubs came went out to nut flush arrrrgghh, £2.20 Loss
3 FT tonight 2 x 2nd places I cant complain really.. and even thought I decimated the BR its now looking decent again
Day Start - £80.54 Day Finish - £184.19 Profit/Loss - £103.65 Profit
Rear that night was amazing was great to watch you and chat to you.😁
Today I finished 2nd in the 8pm BH and I recouped a bit and im now in Profit. Oh the Friday mini I was awful because of the Micro made me lose my head. Had AA AK AK and QQ in 4 straight hands only won the blinds off one of them and ended up out after those 4. 67 knocked out my A-A.
Weekend Start £ 178.89
Weekend End £ 197.08
Profit/Loss £18.19 PROFIT
Profit/Loss £18.19 PROFIT
Nothing wrong with that bud, well done.
@bbMike I am a confidence player like RVB at darts and am trying so hard to not let one result effect another but I have got myself knocked out of other tournaments because of a bad result in a previous one.
That's a reason for the diary I thought it would help focus me on each game but sometimes I slip :P
let the beats go over your head and move on don,t dwell your BRM means it should be easy enough to brush them beats off
I see what your saying I wouldn't have dwell time I suppose I am just not good enough to concentrate on more than 2 or 3