Imo the Avenger should just count as the 33 main - average buy in overall isnt far off it anyway, probably more pricey on average than the 33 mains given add on
Agreed, It's my error as I class the 8pm main events (7.30pm on a Sunday) as my intention for the bingo card. When i put £33 I wasn't thinking of the Friday night event. Hopefully everyone playing is ok with that.
Also any readers who are lurking, join up and lets gooooooo!!!
Well done again @waller02; the unicorn will be updated tonight.
TID buddy!!
Couldn't end on that main event exit and played the midnight express. Nearly another FT this time.
Total buyins = £192.20
Cashed = £345.49
Bounties = £261.40
Total cost of Operation Unicorn 2: +£414.69
Best Results:
Main Event - 4th - 27 January 2020
FTT3 - 3rd - 27 January 2020
Midnight Express - 6th - 28 January 2020
£5.50 - 11th - 30 January 2020
Also any readers who are lurking, join up and lets gooooooo!!!
Well done again @waller02; the unicorn will be updated tonight.
The stats
Total buyins = £229.40
Cashed = £345.49
Bounties = £261.40
Total cost of Operation Unicorn 2: +£377.49
Best Results:
Main Event - 4th - 27 January 2020
FTT3 - 3rd - 27 January 2020
Midnight Express - 6th - 28 January 2020
£5.50 - 11th - 30 January 2020
First post also updated.
Absolutley off topic, I though knew what zilch meant and Ive never seen nada used before , so I googled them.
It turns out, that zitch means nothing and my suspicions were confirmed, nada doesnt mean anything either.
Bad news: It only had 94 runners
£11 in tourny buy ins today so far. Cero bounties or cashes so far.
another one for @mumsie there
Maybe back Thurs/Fri for a few more shots.
I’m gonna struggle with the 3 FTT games all at once as I’ve tried them and I don’t concentrate enou..... yes I’ll have a coffee please and a cake yes
Glgl to all who try