well well well, out of the main in two bullets! But frenzied into the £110 summit for £6 and on FT now. Hardest tournament I think i've ever played lol.
Some results that i need to update; lumping them here until I can tidy them up
7@7 ; £7.70 buy in; 10th for £14.11 in cashes; £17.73 in bounties. Main: £63 buy in; 2 bullets; zero cashes, zero bounties £110 Summit: Frenzied in for £6.80, finished 2nd!!!! Hardest tournament I've had to play yet, but learnt loads. Midnight Express: £22 buy in, finished 5th for £46.40 cashes and £22.97 bounties. NEW BINGO CARD RECORD ALSO.
Tidying up all my buy ins and cashes/bounties I've included the summit in this despite it not forming part of the "Bingo 9" mainly because this is really an accountability diary with a fun game/target on the side. I've included non 100+ tournaments at £5.50 and £11 level so no different to that
The stats
Total buyins = £309.90
Cashed = £1098.71 Bounties = £384.71
Total cost of Operation Unicorn 2: +£1173.52
Best Results:
Main Event 4th - 27 January 2020
FTT3 3rd - 27 January 2020
Midnight Express 6th - 28 January 2020 5th - 5 February 2020
Most definitely. Especially after the success of Operation Unicorn 1. Although that said it was actually helpful to see how much i was actually spending on poker without really thinking about it. Towards the end of last year onwards i've tried to put in some study (mostly via @StayOrGo) which has helped massively, particularly against the better players on the site who adopt a similar style.
I've also managed to curtail any rage against particular hands, a prime example being last night on the FT in the Midnight Bounty Hunter. The small blind, who was chip leader, shoved all in with any two; I called knowing he was light and i'd be ahead. My A6 v his 57, he binked a 5 and that was that. In times gone by I'd have been raging, however I now understand that that is part of poker, and I've been in the reverse position to my fortune many times also
Overall accountability has been a good factor so far. Biggest Sharkscope I've ever had (not that that's actually worth anything) and hopefully not a "cards" falling nicely factor if that makes sense.
Played a £500 5.50 Turbo BH last night but it only made 87 runners. Thankfully then, I lost the heads up 😊
What time does the Midnight Express finish up, looking at the structure maybe 1.30-2am? Might give this ago on the weekend, just a bit too late for me midweek.
Played a £500 5.50 Turbo BH last night but it only made 87 runners. Thankfully then, I lost the heads up 😊
What time does the Midnight Express finish up, looking at the structure maybe 1.30-2am? Might give this ago on the weekend, just a bit too late for me midweek.</blockquote
Finished 2nd recently in this and was done by 140am
Playing the main just now then will do an update post tomorrow night
7@7 ; £7.70 buy in; 10th for £14.11 in cashes; £17.73 in bounties.
Main: £63 buy in; 2 bullets; zero cashes, zero bounties
£110 Summit: Frenzied in for £6.80, finished 2nd!!!! Hardest tournament I've had to play yet, but learnt loads.
Midnight Express: £22 buy in, finished 5th for £46.40 cashes and £22.97 bounties. NEW BINGO CARD RECORD ALSO.
A good night in the end.
The secret stratagy, if the queen dies in scotland.
Bit of useless info.
The stats
Total buyins = £309.90
Cashed = £1098.71
Bounties = £384.71
Total cost of Operation Unicorn 2: +£1173.52
Best Results:
Main Event
4th - 27 January 2020
3rd - 27 January 2020
Midnight Express
6th - 28 January 2020
5th - 5 February 2020
10th - 4 February 2020
11th - 30 January 2020
"Total cost of Operation Unicorn 2: +£1173.52"
Do you think keeping a Diary has helped?
I've also managed to curtail any rage against particular hands, a prime example being last night on the FT in the Midnight Bounty Hunter. The small blind, who was chip leader, shoved all in with any two; I called knowing he was light and i'd be ahead. My A6 v his 57, he binked a 5 and that was that. In times gone by I'd have been raging, however I now understand that that is part of poker, and I've been in the reverse position to my fortune many times also
Overall accountability has been a good factor so far. Biggest Sharkscope I've ever had (not that that's actually worth anything) and hopefully not a "cards" falling nicely factor if that makes sense.
If your were seeking a short answer, then YES...
What time does the Midnight Express finish up, looking at the structure maybe 1.30-2am? Might give this ago on the weekend, just a bit too late for me midweek.
I’ll review it at the end of March, and if folk finding it hard or tournaments aren’t reaching 100+ enough we can tinker it
Midnight Express, out in 14th for £16.88 in bounties.
a £-27.12 night.
jumped into a £5.50 just now with 2 minutes late reg,....it had 99 runners so had to make it 100
Jumped in an £11, just 51 runners, but now on FT and picked up 5 bounties so far. Noice. @waller02 also on my table, but at least i'm to his left....
"The PKRPar Saver".
Sounds like an advertising slogan, but it's surprising how sometimes that last one saves the night.