I've heard 80/20 as a possible optimal figure but as you say its completely different for everyone and indeed what level/ability they're already at
Good paper you linked, theories of learning are pretty interesting, but i wonder if you're ever able to actually pigeon hole everyone. For example I thought I was the type not to get reallllly into anything but enjoy lots of different things at an average interest, but over lockdown I've found myself diving deep into things I never thought I would be bothered with a few months ago
Not sure how much sense this will make since it's a few years since I got into it but I'll have a go.
Most of these learning theories are decades-old but it is definitely still contested whether there can be such a thing as a universal theory of how people learn. I would say that Kolb isn't trying to pigeon-hole anyone as much as he's trying to explain and accomodate everyone's different approaches and preferences.
Most of us probably learned in school about learning modalities, where people are supposedly visual learners, or auditory learners, and so on. Those kinds of models have been reduced more or less to pseudoscience status now and don't hold much water in scholarly research, though they remain weirdly influential in our education system (largely because there are a lot of financial interests attached to them, I think). That's what I think of when you talk about pigeon-holing.
Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory isn't so much an attempt to pigeon-hole people as it as an attempt to describe the cognitive process in which learning takes place, and suggests ways to reinforce or strengthen that process. It's more of an epistemological view than a prescriptive framework. We can learn in whichever way most pleases us, but it will be most effective if we can satisfy the stages of his learning cycle.
The main takeaway from the theory, and what is missing in most people's halfhearted interest in whatever subject, is that learning should involve an experiential element where you attempt to apply the ideas you've learned in some manner. Whether I want to read about poker, listen to a podcast, or chat with a coach doesn't matter; it's the process of trying to use the information I've gained that converts information acquisition to actual learning or knowledge. If you've ever read something in a book and immediately forgotten it, that's why, in Kolb's view; no attempt to use that information in a concrete experience was made.
I think it's important here to make a distinction between acquiring information and truly learning about something. Reading a Wikipedia page on metal detecting or whatever isn't really learning, it's simple information acquisition and only one stage of the learning process.
Very interesting.
Would you say learning is highly correlated to the formation of memories? The more senses you can apply to a memory (visual/auditory/olfactory/pain(!) etc) the more concrete the memory becomes. I think using the learning would then help to develop the memory, like talking with others about the podcast you'd listened to as you're increasing the number of times you've visited the subject as well as having the chance to develop understanding.
What a great time to be alive with resources like YouTube, podcasts and free content available to many people across the world (yet insanely expensive university courses in this country). Should be a learning boom - if only we could be motivated to go and study!
Would you say learning is highly correlated to the formation of memories? The more senses you can apply to a memory (visual/auditory/olfactory/pain(!) etc) the more concrete the memory becomes. I think using the learning would then help to develop the memory, like talking with others about the podcast you'd listened to as you're increasing the number of times you've visited the subject as well as having the chance to develop understanding.
What a great time to be alive with resources like YouTube, podcasts and free content available to many people across the world (yet insanely expensive university courses in this country). Should be a learning boom - if only we could be motivated to go and study!
Yep. I'm not aware of any research specifically justifying that but I think it makes logical sense. Imagine a chef trying to recreate his signature dish without his sense of smell, for instance, even though it's not strictly part of the recipe. This is part of why it's problematic to pigeon-hole people into being purely visual or auditory learners; we use all of our senses when we have an experience, and they all contribute to creating strong memories, which are what we use to retrieve knowledge stored upstairs. Sometimes a smell can trigger a memory, sometimes it's a passage from a book, etc.
I've read research on creativity that views it primarily as the ability to make associations between different memories/information that we have stored, so the more associations we can make, the better. Something I find really interesting is efforts to recreate this sort of free-association element in knowledge management through projects like Zettelkasten. The idea behind that is to take text-based notes on everything using Wiki links judiciously to link key phrases and concepts to other notes in your database, which after a while should create a massive database of things you've learned about/read about/made notes about/thought about with built-in connections that you hadn't even considered yourself. Basically you're outsourcing the work of being creative to an application that you can use to explore and find interesting links between subjects that you might not notice yourself. I tried it for a while but it's very high maintenance. Fun to read about though.
It's more or less taken for granted in Education Land that having a group discussion/exercise element helps reinforce learning, so you're bang on point with that, and that's one way to create the experiential element of Kolb's theory. Almost all my classes at university have elements of this. The idea is that you're a) testing yourself on the subject with peers, b) reinforcing what you've learned, c) sharing/receiving ideas you or your peers might not think of on your own, and probably more.
It is a shame that university is so expensive. Making it available to as many people as possible is a subject of great debate and interest, and a major policy goal of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developments that most of the world has committed to. So hopefully that will only improve between now and 2030.
Just for fun, I looked up my Sharkscope results for the £22 Mega Stack Bounty Hunter after taking fourth in it last night. Feels like I run really well in it, and it looks like I do! 72% ROI over 16 attempts with three final tables. Not bad. Going to have to play this one more often.
It's been a while since I've seen any reason to update this but given the goals I set out with I would be remiss not to post something today.
Cash main events was one of my vague goals when I started this thing. I more or less let go of that as a target since I don't feel it's productive to be that results-oriented. I've instead focused on playing good poker and having good study habits, with the assumption that results will follow.
And follow they have. Sparingly.
It's actually been a rough couple of months that's followed an approximate pattern of £300 downswing, back to slightly above even, £300 downswing, back to slightly above even, £300 downswing. It's been frustrating and dispiriting but I'm more aware of where I'm failing to play well today than I ever have been and the numbers are still broadly going in the right direction.
So it was nice to be rewarded for my suffering last night, when I managed to finish 4th in the Hitman main event.
I cashed for almost twice as much as my previous biggest cash on this site. In fact, I took almost as much in bounties alone as my previous biggest cash. It was a pretty phenomenal run that obviously involved a lot of extraordinary luck. The luckiest part was avoiding all of Sky's scary regs almost until the final table. Every rebalance I held my breath and every time I was put on a table of unknowns and (presumed) weak players. Until I ran into one of the site's biggest winners on the final table and he promptly took all of my chips.
Having a look this morning, I've actually run pretty well in main events recently.
in April, I finished 39/464 in the Hitman. In May, I finished 23/343 in the Predator. Earlier this month, I finished 15/258 in the Marksman. And then last night.
If this pattern continues, I will finish 1st in tonight's main event. I'm not actually playing tonight, so I'll be impressed if I manage that. But I did freeroll into Sunday's Major, so perhaps I'll just win that. Good enough.
My Sharkscope if quite pretty at the moment, so here's a screenshot of that to end this with.
Well done Nostri - was watching that but missed your exit hand.
Was it you who lost a big pot a bit before that. Think loolollo raised from SB You 3 bet - he 4 bet and you flatted . Think he took it down on flop or turn. Just wondering what you had (think i,ve got that right)
Well done Nostri - was watching that but missed your exit hand.
Was it you who lost a big pot a bit before that. Think loolollo raised from SB You 3 bet - he 4 bet and you flatted . Think he took it down on flop or turn. Just wondering what you had (think i,ve got that right)
I don't remember a hand like that on the FT, so I don't think it was me. I will post a few pivotal hands though.
This was my last big hand with him. The large sizing on the flop and river really threw me off and made it kind of hard to fold, but I think it's quite likely he had Tx. Happy with the fold, though.
What a night that was. I won the 18:30 £1.5k Bounty Hunter and then I won the Mini Marksman, for about £640 in winnings. I've often felt cursed in these two. They're the highest value tournaments on the £5 schedule but I never seem to do well in them.
The Mini especially is something of a white whale for me. I started this thread moaning about how I never do well in them and wanted to get more good results. I don't think I've succeeded in that even once since I started this thread, despite playing them in every session 3-5 nights a week. I'm glad that streak is finally over.
It wasn't my biggest score but it's absolutely the result I'm proudest of in my short poker career, partly because of my poor results in it but it's also one of the biggest fields on Sky.
I couldn't tell you how it went. My memory of it is completely overhsadowed by the gruelling heads up it ended with. I think it must have lasted over two hours despite being one of the easier heads ups I've played in recent memories. I was absolutely in control 100% of the time, constantly chipping away at his stack, and then he'd get to around 10bb and I'd lose a flip and we'd start all over again. We must have gone through that process 3 or 4 times before I finally got one to hold.
I'm really proud of how far my heads up game has come. In a HU that long it would not be unusual for me to get bored or impatient and punt it off but I held my patience throughout, made good adjustments to the villain, and I think it's fair to say I had his number through the whole thing.
I only made one obvious blunder, which was more of a bad read than a mistake. Here's the hand.
I limped KK, which is fairly standard at 8bb effective anyway, but I was doing a lot of limping versus this guy since he'd been jamming an awful lot of hands even at 25-30bb. He didn't bite this time, so we went to the flop.
I think I should bet this flop most of the time but I chose not to, again based on villain's play style. He'd been making a lot of marginal value bets and big bluffs with air and was getting increasingly tilted by my hero calls, so I decided to let him hang himself.
The other thing villain had been doing was donking flops he hit value on, which is why I felt comfortable jamming river. I absolutely should just have called here but I took the lack of donk to mean trips were relatively unlikely. Turns out villain decided to slow play a value hand for once. Whoops.
I got a little tilted myself here. I'd had villain on the ropes for a little while and was desperate to close it out and get to bed but I doubled him back up to 20bb instead. Regardless, I'm quite proud of myself for staying patient and focused and sticking to the plan and it worked out in the end. The final few hands were just flips so I won't bother posting them.
Would you say learning is highly correlated to the formation of memories? The more senses you can apply to a memory (visual/auditory/olfactory/pain(!) etc) the more concrete the memory becomes. I think using the learning would then help to develop the memory, like talking with others about the podcast you'd listened to as you're increasing the number of times you've visited the subject as well as having the chance to develop understanding.
What a great time to be alive with resources like YouTube, podcasts and free content available to many people across the world (yet insanely expensive university courses in this country). Should be a learning boom - if only we could be motivated to go and study!
I've read research on creativity that views it primarily as the ability to make associations between different memories/information that we have stored, so the more associations we can make, the better. Something I find really interesting is efforts to recreate this sort of free-association element in knowledge management through projects like Zettelkasten. The idea behind that is to take text-based notes on everything using Wiki links judiciously to link key phrases and concepts to other notes in your database, which after a while should create a massive database of things you've learned about/read about/made notes about/thought about with built-in connections that you hadn't even considered yourself. Basically you're outsourcing the work of being creative to an application that you can use to explore and find interesting links between subjects that you might not notice yourself. I tried it for a while but it's very high maintenance. Fun to read about though.
It's more or less taken for granted in Education Land that having a group discussion/exercise element helps reinforce learning, so you're bang on point with that, and that's one way to create the experiential element of Kolb's theory. Almost all my classes at university have elements of this. The idea is that you're a) testing yourself on the subject with peers, b) reinforcing what you've learned, c) sharing/receiving ideas you or your peers might not think of on your own, and probably more.
It is a shame that university is so expensive. Making it available to as many people as possible is a subject of great debate and interest, and a major policy goal of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developments that most of the world has committed to. So hopefully that will only improve between now and 2030.
Very close to a nice bink in last night's Mini Major, but at least it rescued the night.
Am sure a big result is imminent.
But my exit hand was pretty tilting. KQ vs 84s for around 12bb and he flops trips. Calling that light should be illegal.
Just for fun, I looked up my Sharkscope results for the £22 Mega Stack Bounty Hunter after taking fourth in it last night. Feels like I run really well in it, and it looks like I do! 72% ROI over 16 attempts with three final tables. Not bad. Going to have to play this one more often.
It's been a good few nights for you. Hope the run continues.
Cash main events was one of my vague goals when I started this thing. I more or less let go of that as a target since I don't feel it's productive to be that results-oriented. I've instead focused on playing good poker and having good study habits, with the assumption that results will follow.
And follow they have. Sparingly.
It's actually been a rough couple of months that's followed an approximate pattern of £300 downswing, back to slightly above even, £300 downswing, back to slightly above even, £300 downswing. It's been frustrating and dispiriting but I'm more aware of where I'm failing to play well today than I ever have been and the numbers are still broadly going in the right direction.
So it was nice to be rewarded for my suffering last night, when I managed to finish 4th in the Hitman main event.
I cashed for almost twice as much as my previous biggest cash on this site. In fact, I took almost as much in bounties alone as my previous biggest cash. It was a pretty phenomenal run that obviously involved a lot of extraordinary luck. The luckiest part was avoiding all of Sky's scary regs almost until the final table. Every rebalance I held my breath and every time I was put on a table of unknowns and (presumed) weak players. Until I ran into one of the site's biggest winners on the final table and he promptly took all of my chips.
Having a look this morning, I've actually run pretty well in main events recently.
in April, I finished 39/464 in the Hitman. In May, I finished 23/343 in the Predator. Earlier this month, I finished 15/258 in the Marksman. And then last night.
If this pattern continues, I will finish 1st in tonight's main event. I'm not actually playing tonight, so I'll be impressed if I manage that. But I did freeroll into Sunday's Major, so perhaps I'll just win that. Good enough.
My Sharkscope if quite pretty at the moment, so here's a screenshot of that to end this with.
Was it you who lost a big pot a bit before that. Think loolollo raised from SB You 3 bet - he 4 bet and you flatted . Think he took it down on flop or turn. Just wondering what you had (think i,ve got that right)
This was my last big hand with him. The large sizing on the flop and river really threw me off and made it kind of hard to fold, but I think it's quite likely he had Tx. Happy with the fold, though.
Ul - Not sure about 1st one - Could be a bluff after seeing you check turn.
Think i,m leading out on 2nd one on flop
(That hand i was on about could have been before the FT - I was watching from 3 tables out)
Never was a win more deserved, well done Mr Nostri.
The Mini especially is something of a white whale for me. I started this thread moaning about how I never do well in them and wanted to get more good results. I don't think I've succeeded in that even once since I started this thread, despite playing them in every session 3-5 nights a week. I'm glad that streak is finally over.
It wasn't my biggest score but it's absolutely the result I'm proudest of in my short poker career, partly because of my poor results in it but it's also one of the biggest fields on Sky.
I couldn't tell you how it went. My memory of it is completely overhsadowed by the gruelling heads up it ended with. I think it must have lasted over two hours despite being one of the easier heads ups I've played in recent memories. I was absolutely in control 100% of the time, constantly chipping away at his stack, and then he'd get to around 10bb and I'd lose a flip and we'd start all over again. We must have gone through that process 3 or 4 times before I finally got one to hold.
I'm really proud of how far my heads up game has come. In a HU that long it would not be unusual for me to get bored or impatient and punt it off but I held my patience throughout, made good adjustments to the villain, and I think it's fair to say I had his number through the whole thing.
I only made one obvious blunder, which was more of a bad read than a mistake. Here's the hand.
I limped KK, which is fairly standard at 8bb effective anyway, but I was doing a lot of limping versus this guy since he'd been jamming an awful lot of hands even at 25-30bb. He didn't bite this time, so we went to the flop.
I think I should bet this flop most of the time but I chose not to, again based on villain's play style. He'd been making a lot of marginal value bets and big bluffs with air and was getting increasingly tilted by my hero calls, so I decided to let him hang himself.
The other thing villain had been doing was donking flops he hit value on, which is why I felt comfortable jamming river. I absolutely should just have called here but I took the lack of donk to mean trips were relatively unlikely. Turns out villain decided to slow play a value hand for once. Whoops.
I got a little tilted myself here. I'd had villain on the ropes for a little while and was desperate to close it out and get to bed but I doubled him back up to 20bb instead. Regardless, I'm quite proud of myself for staying patient and focused and sticking to the plan and it worked out in the end. The final few hands were just flips so I won't bother posting them.
Good session!
I particularly enjoyed railing your HU battle at the end of the Mini as it also gave me an opportunity to reread War and Peace. Twice.