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NOSTRI's 2.6 Challenge



  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    Got the first bubble of the day, first cooler of the day, and first re-entry of the day out the way. What a nice way to start. Not to worry, now we can concentrate on racking up some wins.

    Too early to talk results; 7 entries so far, 5 of them still going and in decent shape, some bounties but who knows what they add up to. Didn't expect to be five-tabling this early!

    I'll post some numbers at lunch time.

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    Good luck with this .

    If I win any money in any MTT today I'll donate 13 % of my winning to St John's ambulance.

    It's an empty gesture because I'm not expecting to win anything.

    In my youth I was in the st John's ambulance brigade.

    I had the little white satchel with bandages plasters and smelling salts.

    I used to go to Maine Rd and sit at the corner of the pitch with my little cadet crew.

    I got on TV sometimes.

    I remember when Jock Stein managed Leeds and they came to Maine Rd.

    I walked past him in the dug out and it was on TV.

    When my Dad saw it he hit the roof.

    "Why didn't you shake his hand?"

    " I couldn't Dad, there's was a football match on"

    " F*** the match , its Jock Stein"

    Writing this, I wish I had of now. It would have ended my Cadet career but what a story

    Joe Corrigan being a bit if a snob, wouldn't acknowledge anyone.

    Dennis Tueart has massive thighs and the smell of him when he took corners.

    I realise now the smell was deep heat.

    I was at some pretty intense games, my first match was against Man United and extra cadets were drafted in because the match before was a blood bath with the supporters.

    I was absolutely **** my pants.

    But surprisingly there was no trouble that i saw.

    Ide forgotten about all this until I started typing.

  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    Good story @mumsie
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    That's incredibly generous, thanks a lot @mumsie. Good luck out there today.

    Great story too. My wife was really anxious about her first football match but she said it was one of her easiest assignments in the end.
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    Bit of a rocky start. Three-tabling at the moment, not much else worth playing til after midday. Results for 5 finished entries:
    • Sky: In for £6.40, overall -£4.14
    • Unibet: In for €15, overall -€4.86
    • Party: In for $10.50, overall -$7.76
    Not bad, not great, but I've been sticking to low stakes entries. Proper buy-ins start after midday, so hopefully going to get something going this afternoon. And we've got the @chicknMelt special this evening, which is essentially a risk-free (for me, anyway!) to pull something big out of the bag.

    We're up to £46 donated today, which is £92 after my matching. £54 left to go that I'll match so get your wallets out.

    Here's my JustGiving page.
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2020
    First FT on the books in the 1045 £300 Bounty Hunter. 4/5 at the moment with about £17 locked up.

    First of many, I hope.

    Also ahead of average stack in a $5 Party Bounty, ahead of aveage in a €10 Unibet Bounty, and top ten in the 1230 £1k Bounty on Sky. Fingers crossed for a profitable couple of hours.
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    Had a word with the Party Poker RNG. Said it was for charity. "No problem," they said.

    Just need Sky to sort theirs out now.
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2020
    Not much to report since last update. Finished the £3.30 FT in 5th for £14 in profit. Two more £5 BH's on the go right now, 1/13 in one, 34/173 in the other, with some bounties stacked up. Will be showing a small profit on Sky by the time they're dusted off.

    Got a good run on in the $11 Mini Gladiator on Party, sitting 104/601 with almost 2x average stack. Have cashed this twice in my last three attempts, would be nice to add a fourth.

    Naff all going on with Unibet.

    Will post current numbers on next break. Currently five-tabling.

    No donations since this morning. What's that all about?

    Click on over here and donate some money for goodness sake
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542

    NOSTRI is on the FT of the 12.30 £5.50 B/H
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2020
    The rumors are true, I've got a second FT in progress on a £5 BH. I went into it in first place and am currently sitting in last place due to a few unfortunate flips. Easy come, easy go. £56 locked up though and it's far from over. Time to run it up.

    Also near the top of a Unibet €2k deep stack with almost 3x average stack and close to the money in the $11 Mini Gladiator.

    All going rather well at the moment.

    Giving myself a bit of a break for the next hour as fatigue is starting to set in. I've got four active tables and won't be registering anything else until four so I can try to relax a touch and have a spot of lunch.

    Many thanks to @Phantom66 for another donation. Not sure where the total is. Full updates on the next break.
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    edited April 2020
    Bust that FT in 6th, AJ vs TT, no luck on the runout. ITM on the Gladiator with around average stack. One more on Unibet in decent shape. Two-tabling for a moment to catch my breath. Entries lined up for five onwards, after which I expect to be four tables minimum for the rest of the day. Hoo boy.

    Here's some results. Party includes an $11 I'm still in and Unibet includes a €5 I'm still in.
    • Party (3): -$24.26
    • Sky (9): +£31.37
    • Unibet (7): -€29.86
    Mixed results but nothing to complain about yet. Again, the good stuff is tonight.

    Got a nice pee break routine with my wife, who I shout "come here and click every fold button you see unless it's a big pair" to every half hour or so.

    £76 in donations today, which will bring the total for the fundraiser to £248 once I've matched them. Well done everyone.
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459

    All hail the RNG gods!
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    So as mentioned further up the thread, @chicknMelt has generously offered to sponsor some of my bigger buy-ins today.

    This is impactful for a couple of reasons beyond sheer generosity:

    1. It gives me a chance to get a big cash in a tournament I couldn't normally afford off my own back
    2. It helps me protect my current profits for the day

    Here's the schedule for what I'm calling The Chickening Hour. It's actually an hour and a quarter plus an early semi but don't worry about that.

    1800: Sunday Major Semi (£24)
    1930: £10k Bounty Hunter (£33)
    1945: Sherriff Semi (£12)
    2030: Mini Major (£11)
    2045: Mega Stack Bounty Hunter (£22)

    Anything I get out of these is going directly to St John Ambulance, regardless of my own profits for the day in the rest of my buy-ins, which is fantastic.

    So once again, hands together for the Melt Man.

    Fingers crossed for some run good this evening.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    VBOL Nozzer and VWP @chicknMelt
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    I've been playing poker for 12 hours.

    Haven't been able to say that many times in my life. My body is not happy about it but I'm still feeling pretty focused and energised, remarkably. Probably because of the horrible Weetabix drink thing I had this morning.

    The Chickening Hour hasn't gone too well.

    Bricked the Major Semi but got tantalisingly close. The £10k is chugging along but I haven't got anything going there yet. Rivered a straight flush a few hands ago but got no value. Oh well. I skipped the Sherriff Semi because... I accidentally registered the £55 £3k. I thought it was the £33. It wasn't. Insult to injury, I've already bust that after triple barrelling a flush draw that missed into a straight. Good stuff. Probably owe Melty some money for that, but saving the accounting stuff for later.

    Mini Major and Mega Stack coming up next. Hopefully they'll go better.

    Got a few last gasps on Party and Unibet planned after 9pm to try to save the session there. Almost ITM on a €2k freezeout on UB right now, so I'm well on my way to saving that one.

    Not sure what the plan is after 10pm. I've never found much of interest to play that late but may have to dig something up depending on how other tables are going. Crossing that bridge if and when.

    No more numbers until we're done. Suspense!
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    I had a bad day at the tables, sent £5. gl with more.
  • NOSTRINOSTRI Member Posts: 1,459
    Bricked. Absolutely. Everything.

    The evening session has been an absolute bloodbath. I've got the £2k Mega Stack left and I'm calling it after that. Can't do it anymore. About 14 hours in and my body has had enough, my concentration is shot, and I'm playing terribly. Best to call it while I still have something to show for it, I reckon.

    The Mega is actually going reasonably well and I've collected £15 in bounties so far, so Mr Melt's sponsorship hasn't been a total loss. A long way from the money but it's a relief not to have completely wasted an amazing and generous gesture.

    One unfortunate thing this evening was my wife's car got hit on her way from a shift with Meals on Wheels and that took most of my concentration away for half an hour or so while I helped and consoled her. I was seven-tabling at the time so the timing could not have been worse. Luckily she's fine and the car will be too.

    I spent almost £200 on buy-ins for 36 MTTs today. Finishing Party and Unibet at a loss, and Sky is currently +£12.44 not including the Mega. I'm locking that in now and not spending anymore on buy-ins. I'm going to pass out after the Mega and post the full accounting tomorrow morning. Not happy at all with the results but I have no regrets. Tournament poker being what it is I could just as easily have been up hundreds today. Variance is variance, and it hits even harder when you're tired and losing focus.

    Since it was such a washout I'm going to donate that small profit and the £26 on top, plus whatever I walk away from the Mega with. This is in addition to my matching commitment, which is close to another £100.

    On the upside, we did extremely well on donations and I couldn't be happier or prouder of this community and its giving spirit. There were so many donations and well wishes and people railing me today. It was amazing. Full rundown of donations will come tomorrow too but thank you once again to everying who has donated to this.
  • edrichedrich Member Posts: 1,921
    My father was a GP in Robertsbridge, and a medical officer at Battle Hospital (both in East Sussex) before going on to work in the Department of Health and Social Security.

    He seemed to get most pleasure though from his charitable work, and was active for many years with The Chaseley Trust in Eastbourne, and St. John Ambulance. I'll always remember the pride with which he wore his St. John Ambulance uniform.

    £26 sent in his memory,
  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    edited April 2020
    Sent £10 of NOSTRI hope your wife is ok and you hit that target good luck.
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