Uh-oh, this again.
My life is falling apart (again) and I thought a diary might help stitch it back together. Last May, I started a diary and within three weeks I was earning £500 a day working in Holland. Before that, I started a diary and span up a really small sum of money into a far more impressive sum of money. Earlier this year some good stuff happened after starting a diary and I managed to donate a bit of money to a couple of charities.
I could do with some more good stuff happening to me. I'm still being plagued by my old co-conspirators depression and anxiety, have maddening tinnitus and insomnia, drink too much, may or may not take drugs too much and sometimes get exploding head syndrome. True story.
Alongside that spiteful little psychological and emotional cocktail this diary should serve as a chance to talk about some other issues bothering me including guilt, lack of work, writing, not getting laid, wanting to buy a flat, wanting to start up a charity and tricky turn decisions. Actually, perhaps all of the above are caused by - or at least hampered by - tricky turn decisions. Stupid turns.
Blimey, all that sounds hugely depressing but it'll be fun, honest, and I'm hoping to post a lot of interesting hands/spots.
Realise I have never done an about me, so here goes: I'm 44, have played poker on and off since being asked to write a column about it in 2012, and last had sex in a Canadian prison in November.
Starting roll: £150
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Anyway, good luck with your sex/poker mission. I recall you being pretty annoying to play against during the charity sidebet, so I'm sure you'll do fine.
It’s good to see you posting, although the underlying reasons are a concern.
A wise man once gave me sage advice - Kiss.( pretty sure you are more adept at acronyms than I)
This applies to all of life’s dilemmas .
I wish you well.
Keep battling those demons
Be nice to have a drink with you again at some poker shindig before too long
Interesting post. Will definately keep an eye on. I see a lot of similarities with myself.
Think a diary will help with a lot of those issues you mentioned. Not sure it will help you help you get laid , but you never know.
GL with it
Looking forward to your missives. I was only thinking the other day that it seemed forever since you went to Holland.
If you could find a correlation between starting a diary and getting laid, this may become the busiest platform in the world.
Gl and take care.
Best of luck mate.
Great to see you back Steve, though I'm saddened about the stuff & that. I've learned a great deal about how serious anxiety is recently, it's far more powerful than I ever realised. (I'm not the sufferer, but someone I know very well is).
GL mate.
Dude, I'd never really seen this before as a sex/poker mission but that's exactly what it is! And I never use screamers! Amazing, I feel like Jeremy out of Peep Show.
Anyway, it's a joy to have you hanging out here with all the cool kids.
I wanted to shop a write-up of the Galfond challenge around recently but I've forgotten how to write non-academic stuff.
I completely forgot that you turned up to Milton Keynes a week early.
Of all the places in the world to arrive too soon, I'd say MK has to be about the nut worst.
Memories to last a lifetime.