Thanks Graham. Sorry I had to dash but my husband is back at work and I had to sort out a meal. I found it very interesting and very informative but would love sight of the questions and answers to read again and take in better.
Thanks Graham. Sorry I had to dash but my husband is back at work and I had to sort out a meal. I found it very interesting and very informative but would love sight of the questions and answers to read again and take in better.
You are welcome Sue.
I'll send the email with the questions/answers to you.
I need to add the answers still, so will probably do that tomorrow.
Thanks Graham. Sorry I had to dash but my husband is back at work and I had to sort out a meal. I found it very interesting and very informative but would love sight of the questions and answers to read again and take in better.
You are welcome Sue.
I'll send the email with the questions/answers to you.
I need to add the answers still, so will probably do that tomorrow.
Glad you found it of interest/useful.
Fark....sorry’s Thursday today? Hope it went well!....
I had the heart monitor fitted yesterday, have worn it for 24hrs and now taken it back to the hospital, along with a record of "sensations felt" and the activity at the time.
As I had to log everything, I was able to count the number of times that I felt a slight "flutter" on the top left side of my chest.
It was about 60 times in 24hrs.
Each time only two to three seconds, and no pain at all.
So it will be interesting to find out:
1) If it is heart related? 2) If not, what's causing it? 3) Is it anything I need to worry about?
Hopefully point three will be a no.
Unfortunately my parents haven't been in the best of health, although, touch wood, they have both shown improvement over the last few days. So all the family are hoping this trend continues. I know I am biased, but they really are two of the nicest people around, see pic below and short Youtube clip:
On the poker front, I am still enjoying (and hopefully benefiting from) my exchanges of ideas with @thisltedu .
We are meeting up tomorrow for a round of golf with my son, Gary, (Limp2Lose) and Donald's wife too. Maybe Gary will give us some poker tips!
Gary and Donald are both, "proper good", at golf, so will be interesting to see how they get on. Last time we all played doubles, (4 ball better ball, me and Gary against Donald, and his wife, Lynn)
It went all the way to the final hole, with Gary and Donald playing off the same handicap mark, whilst Lynn and I receiving the maximum shots allowable.
So, back to poker, the Zoom Quiz went well, and received good feedback.
There was about 8 of us, and we intend a follow up, hand history, session next week.
Following my reasonable start to the month, since then, poker results have not been great, so we'll have to see if I can claw a bit back in the remaining days of June.
Thanks for reading this and best of luck at the tables!
Following the decent participation in the Zoom quiz and the positive feedback received we are doing a Zoom "Hand Review" session on Monday 29th June at 4pm.
So I can get an idea of numbers, and also if you wish to submit a hand for review, please post here if you plan on attending.
I,ll pick out another hand history or two - When do you want them in by?
If we set a deadline of midnight Saturday, to give everyone a day or two to look at them and gather their thoughts before the meeting.
If you send them to me and @thisltedu and I will forward them to the other participants.
A few points, I would say when submitting hands:
1) Only submit ones where you were really in a quandary what to do, it doesn't matter whether you won the hand or not. 2) Try not to submit hands that you played perfectly well, but got a bad beat or were "coolered." 3) Remember you can play a hand poorly and win it, and also play a hand perfectly and lose. 4) When submitting the hand history try and provide feedback about the key opponents. Use their "colour category" (Red, aggro, Yellow, medium, Green, tight) and "stickiness" level. 5) Copy/paste the hand ONLY to the point where you are faced with the "key" decision. This way our analysis won't be "results orientated" See short video. 6) Maybe spend a day or two, selecting different hand histories of interest, so that you can then choose the "most challenging ones" for the group to analyse.
Hi, I’m sorry, I’m not going to be able to make the zoom meeting on Monday. I’m going to be out of commission during the day for the next couple of weeks, sorry. Good luck and I look forward to catching up with you all in mid July
Hi, I’m sorry, I’m not going to be able to make the zoom meeting on Monday. I’m going to be out of commission during the day for the next couple of weeks, sorry. Good luck and I look forward to catching up with you all in mid July
Hi, I’m sorry, I’m not going to be able to make the zoom meeting on Monday. I’m going to be out of commission during the day for the next couple of weeks, sorry. Good luck and I look forward to catching up with you all in mid July
See you there!
GRAHAM CARTER is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. (Thurs 18th at 4.00pm)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 659 385 7200
Password: 6d2Q8f
I'll send the email with the questions/answers to you.
I need to add the answers still, so will probably do that tomorrow.
Glad you found it of interest/useful.
Yes, sent you an email. Can do one again on Thurs 2nd July at 4pm, where we will be covering some hand histories.
So an update on the health situation.
I had the heart monitor fitted yesterday, have worn it for 24hrs and now taken it back to the hospital, along with a record of "sensations felt" and the activity at the time.
As I had to log everything, I was able to count the number of times that I felt a slight "flutter" on the top left side of my chest.
It was about 60 times in 24hrs.
Each time only two to three seconds, and no pain at all.
So it will be interesting to find out:
1) If it is heart related?
2) If not, what's causing it?
3) Is it anything I need to worry about?
Hopefully point three will be a no.
Unfortunately my parents haven't been in the best of health, although, touch wood, they have both shown improvement over the last few days. So all the family are hoping this trend continues. I know I am biased, but they really are two of the nicest people around, see pic below and short Youtube clip:
On the poker front, I am still enjoying (and hopefully benefiting from) my exchanges of ideas with @thisltedu .
We are meeting up tomorrow for a round of golf with my son, Gary, (Limp2Lose) and Donald's wife too. Maybe Gary will give us some poker tips!
Gary and Donald are both, "proper good", at golf, so will be interesting to see how they get on. Last time we all played doubles, (4 ball better ball, me and Gary against Donald, and his wife, Lynn)
It went all the way to the final hole, with Gary and Donald playing off the same handicap mark, whilst Lynn and I receiving the maximum shots allowable.
So, back to poker, the Zoom Quiz went well, and received good feedback.
There was about 8 of us, and we intend a follow up, hand history, session next week.
Following my reasonable start to the month, since then, poker results have not been great, so we'll have to see if I can claw a bit back in the remaining days of June.
Thanks for reading this and best of luck at the tables!
Following the decent participation in the Zoom quiz and the positive feedback received we are doing a Zoom "Hand Review" session on Monday 29th June at 4pm.
So I can get an idea of numbers, and also if you wish to submit a hand for review, please post here if you plan on attending.
I,ll pick out another hand history or two - When do you want them in by?
If you send them to me and @thisltedu and I will forward them to the other participants.
A few points, I would say when submitting hands:
1) Only submit ones where you were really in a quandary what to do, it doesn't matter whether you won the hand or not.
2) Try not to submit hands that you played perfectly well, but got a bad beat or were "coolered."
3) Remember you can play a hand poorly and win it, and also play a hand perfectly and lose.
4) When submitting the hand history try and provide feedback about the key opponents. Use their "colour category" (Red, aggro, Yellow, medium, Green, tight) and "stickiness" level.
5) Copy/paste the hand ONLY to the point where you are faced with the "key" decision. This way our analysis won't be "results orientated" See short video.
6) Maybe spend a day or two, selecting different hand histories of interest, so that you can then choose the "most challenging ones" for the group to analyse.
Thanks very much for this and for hosting, some excellent stuff last time out.
I also have one or two hands for review, if digging about could find 20
We'll do one of everyone's first and then move on to people's second one if time.
Usually we go into a lot of detail, so I would suggest we need 20 minutes per hand on average.
If you label them "first choice" and "second choice" and I will email them to the group accordingly in one go after midnight Saturday.
Alternatively if you are happy just to review other people's hands, that's fine too.
Do you still want to receive the group emails in the meantime?