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Really sorry, but, what is going on?



  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    The Weather Forecast. DARK CLOUDS HEAVY RAIN ........ man is this correct....Mm!

    Rest of the day bright sunshine high temperatures......... that's better the hole picture.
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,655

    If you read pj's sentences out loud as they are written grammatically they sort of actually work but you end up sounding like rain man.

    The film character or the massive racist who used to frequent this forum?
    Crikey. The film guy! I've no recollection of massive racists over these parts.

    Black Lives Matter.
    You don't remember one of our resident bigots?
    Great film btw

    Nope. I left that thread like a rat up a drainpipe. Tommy Robinson gets enough press as it is.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    My Puppy lost his "Woof" can't bark back, not very fair..... loyal dog, not barking mad. Mm! think just misunderstood & misquoted .
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    goldon said:

    My Puppy lost his "Woof" can't bark back, not very fair..... loyal dog, not barking mad. Mm! think just misunderstood & misquoted .

    Yes, he's been misquoted in a screenshot of one of his posts.
  • AMD68AMD68 Member Posts: 125
    If you like to squirm at others bad beats watch poker on Spraggy, Lex and Hand serve up a delicious display of bad beats and you get to see it live on telly (well a 5 min delay), but at far higher stakes than the ave player.

    It's good to see the big players get knocked down just as often as I do (I'm not being mean, it just helps me psychologically with my own game).

    I'm no phsycologist but I've recognised in myself and the guys on Twitch that when you are a victim of a bad beat you get quite emotional, but when you benefit from another players bad beat you just get a rye smile on your face and then move on, no big emotion most of the time. The bad beats definantely live with you for longer rather than the "good beats".
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Can I nominate, the dealer, for an industry award

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    With, great, Cherry Picking, selectively, players, views, as expounded, on trustpilot, have been, highlighted ( selectively, very, of course, and selectively, Cherry picked, lambasted) oh, so easy, I could highlight, Poker Philestians.. expounding BS, easy too, on trusty.. , but, naturally, the more, of interest, as in, open forum debate offerings, course, they, never get highlighted.

    I, too, just had, a very rare, read through, the offerings, those, I would pick, for an in depth debate, are, of course, those, never, proffered, offered up, for, a little tate a (argh) tate.

    Along, the lines of;
    A Professional Analysis, Interpretation,with opposing views, defacto, a, Tate R Tate, debate... no chance,. Raa, rofl.
    BIAS confirmation, Emperors a Rock n Roller, great, Supreme, new Jacket. Lol

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Let's play, a fun little, guess the pocket cards, game, bit, O, fun.

    £5.50 mtt, very first hand.

    misterpj Big Blind, the flop, brings, an inside straight draw, the turn, brings, 2nd best pair, the river, completes, the inside straight, flop, 9 5 2 rainbow, turn, 7, put two clubs on board, Oppo, zero flush draw,river 8 completes, 9 high straight, lovely.

    Went, 1.01,filled in,! No offers, guess, oppos pockets..!

    While you ponder, your 'guess' a near, record, Bitcoin, account to account money transfer, occurred today, fraction of, a BILLION, once upon a time, might of been a contender, sadly, run, like a drain, 3 years, so, that eliminates myself, 10-11 MoulahBenji, 85-40 GOLDIE, 17-2 big boss man, Anecdote, Extel days, at least with Hill Billy's, anything, shortened, from the course, from first show, (any price) to 17-2 in one hit, genuine, 17-2 was code, for very very live, any, former on course reps, hill Billy's, could confirm that, 1980 - - 1988,..miss the days of, NO OFFERS, never to be seen, again..

    That, BILLION, I will put, the mother in, at 99-1,in an attempt, to cheer her up, and, introduce humour, into her life.

    Nice work, if you can get it

    Oh, the dealer, fella must be, cream crackered, not had a day off, in a month, fella, needs a break, I need, some, maximum VARIANCE.! oh, you guessed, river 8,made 9 high straight, quite, naturally, off course, I should have put, ppo on pocket, J 10,standard, straight over straight..

    Run, good, well, I take all the run bad, for everyone, Paul, the PHILANTHROPIST.. Good job

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    And, please, sure, perfect explanation, will be proffered, £5.50 01.30 am bounty hunter, remind me, how, you lose, a small blind, and a big blind, when, you are not even seated, yes, happened, to you, me, everyone, a million times,it won't, can't change, always wonder, how? why?
    manually activated, table, nano second seated, had everything, set, on a 0.01 refresher,.. which is, as close to instant, as possible, and yet, I have ' played at least, two hands, maybe more' minus a big and small, without being seated, oh well, all good fun.👍
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Please, give the dealer, likkle break.

    It, like, S. O. P.s. standard operating procedures,

    Massive pot, 3 way all in, zero chance, best holding, can't even remember, what it feels like, to win ( hold) in a huge spot { pot} ¡.!

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    dead serious, do, pray tell me, what, sort of chance, is any player, expected to have, when, 89% good chances, get, relentlessly, river, rinsed.

    Rofl, several times, poster above, gilded, gilt, edged, hues, of Gold, OSTRICH.. lol

    I, have, no idea, what it even, feels like, to win, a 'key hand' from a mile behind. Non.

    £5.50 bounty hunter, to go, 2nd,8 left, pocket QQ... Not a scooby, of holding,

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Now then, 'yes I'm easy, easy on a Sundee mornin'

    Lyric, from a beautiful song, that the older generation, will know.

    How? I am 'easy' ( but I am) deserves, a Poker Medal, my, constant, and repeated, daily, 'downswing `{ because of VARIANT [ce] shows, no sign, of abating, three years on, in fact, it is
    ( hard for you to believe) getting, more poker torturous.

    How, could any player, reasonably be expected, to, sit, suffer, stare poker bankruptcy in the eye, with relentless, and repeated hands, in, Tournament critical, spots, pots, hands,getting beaten, by hands, erm 'pulling it, out of the fire'!

    You see, here's my issue, my little gaggle, of detractors, are not, receiving, the never ending and proved suck outs, and beats, that I am, sure, they will flash, the odd one, but, never and not, ratio volume, volume ratio, to me. Notwithstanding, it dumbfiunds me ( well, it doesn't actually) Me, win a key hand, tourney pivotal pot, from a mile behind, well, get a job lot of smelling Salts, on standby for me, I will need them, if it ever happens, yet, whatever mathematical % good, my hands are, I except ( always) after the action, has taken place, the required cards, to 'rinse my hands' sure enough, they appear. If 'you' dear detractor, ran like I do, believe you me, my observations, are mild, in context, someone, somewhere, needs to take, a good, long hard look, at themselves.

    £5.50 bounty hunter, made the final table, with very tight, balanced, total disciplined poker, never once, until this, put my tournament life on the line, and, guess, what happened, miraculously.
    Incidently, win this hand, go clear 2nd,with 3 players, double covered, but, alas, and, one, of the things, that cracks me up, I actually respect, the majority, of detractors, not all, your having a laugh, definitely, no way, and never, not all, but the majority, those I don't, simply, can't, don't, won't, either get, or acknowledge the basics. One, I defo respect, is the boss, I know, that he knows, that I know, (that we know) but, my 'style, obviously, not all, cuppa tea.

    Maths, Percentages, Odds, Probability, are, the fundamental basics, the' simple game, is based on, the base, starting point. Before, the standard, sweeping, ridiculous, "car.p", I took, was, you cannot play, won't admit, that, was is, utter NONSENSE, don't tend, to get those utterences, any more, why? I post, multiple evidence, to, constantly, back up, my 'debates, with YOU'
    here, is more, evidence, you can put down too, your VARIANCE.. 😂👍💋

    And, to, the Ghumbass, who feels, the need, at every opportunity, to put his size 9 in, regardless, dear dear me, mother. Lol

    As, you reply, forget the text, bare in mind, a nonsence All In, in front, I snap call, what pocket cards, did my Oppo, fire with?, that Isnap called, that's the bit, your concentration, should be on.!

  • loosecamelloosecamel Member Posts: 154
    I feel stupider after having read this. Misterpj, most of these aren’t even ‘bad beats’, what are you trying to achieve here?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,189
    edited August 2020

    I feel stupider after having read this. Misterpj, most of these aren’t even ‘bad beats’, what are you trying to achieve here?


    Frustrating, isn't it? We regularly see stuff like Q-Q v A-K or 10-10 v A-Q described as "relentless" run-bad when we end up the wrong side, when in fact they are simple flips. We all win & lose flips every single game every singe day & we don't bat an eyelid.

    And then there's the spots where he limps in & then loses the pot because he flops the idiot end of a straight v a better straight. I'd be embarrassed to admit I limped in & lost a pot, I'd rather say nothing. Never go broke in an unraised pot is the oldest maxim in poker, but it remains largely valid. Limping, especially OOP, costs more players more money than almost any other fault.

    Here's the thing though. Many really talented players have tried to help him & been given short shrift for donating their time & energy. They barely get acknowledged, let alone thanked & often end up with some cheeky back chat for their trouble. So they don't bother now, & just let him get on with it. I really don't like to see the fella getting laughed at - & many are - but I just don't know how we can help him, he stubbornly refuses to admit he's doing anything wrong. He's genuinely in denial, that's all I can think.

    I genuinely would like to help him, as would many others. Poker can't be much fun when you continually harbour the illusion that the software is somehow out to get you. And as a recreational player, why play if it's no fun? Fun is the ONLY reason to play the game as a recreational.

    It's certainly testing everyone's patience, but maybe we'll get there in the end. I really hope so, because he's absolutely brimming with enthusiasm for the game.

    AFAIC, I continue to wish him well & hope he eventually realises we are trying to help him.

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,463

    I agree with all you've said however please don't put @misterpj off....his self imposed challenge to hit 10k profit and be rated 80+ on sharky means my charity bet with Paul is odds on for £100 donation from Paul ;)
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    What, flies, right over, The Cuckoos Nest, is this..

    Oh, how I wish, {2} ting..
    [a] the little legion, detractors, spend, on sidelines, a day in my life, 2day, Outstanding.., superb, supreme company, educated adults, you had, grandparents (that me, 54,55 October) 'the children' well, bit tuff, referring to, 35 y olds, as kids lol, grand children, Sienna's 5th birthday, spoilt rotten, simply, observing, humans, families, the younger generations, a 5 yo olds, birthday, weather like the Caribbean, fantastic, eccentric, educated, interesting, eclectic mix, of smart adults, and, the younger generations, having, an outstanding time, money, zero amount, can buy that.

    [b] how, one last wish, these, mtts,on the box, all players, play, all players pocket cards, all players run outs, TRANSPARENT,let, the poker world, in plain site, see, and observe,

    Here, you are, Chef..? are you on? off? October 1st?.. my 55th,rapidly,follows,.. think, I worry, or lose sleep, about this nonsense.. Lol

    No, poker, all daytime, this evening, with, a sundown, exemplary Sauvignon Blanc, entered, two (2) mtts, only 2 (two) not, poker laugh, monies, buy, mate..!

    'prof' my life, my living, done buddy, no regrets, no look back, in anger, never, and, not a chance, hence, defacto, an intelligent quotient, off the chart, counts for, nada, but, clues you up, to, know, when, your 'chain, is being pulled, and, my buddy, I know, (cracks me up) mine is;
    If, mine is, who else's?

    Two (2) mtts, only,.. Variance.., yep, the Royale Family, yep, Mr Jim Royale, Variance.. my 🤣😂😅

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Just, to be, transparently clear, I, find, it HILARIOUS

    Played, 3,THREE,only 3 mtts, this evening, and all day, exit hand, decimated hand (detailed above)
    Then this.., it, really is, Supreme.

    'flop, a set,, what' smelling Salts.. erm, deuce deuce deuce,? nah nah nah

    Chancy old hand, JJJ, hit, set, on flop, told myself, a million, well, 999 to hold,
    misterpj, good judge, raa Raa rofl.

  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    In the AJ v KK and JJ v KQ hands today, you got it all in behind.
    Obviously still bad beats, though.
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