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Really sorry, but, what is going on?



  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    A quick, Forum Poll;
    mtts bought in, and played Monday, 1.(one) comedy gold, desimation hand, 1. (one)

    Should pj, send this one, to, A Question Of Sport? for the, what, happened next round?
    Or, see, if a remake, of the great classics, Sid James Hattie Jaqeues et Al, 'Carry On'... Award yourself, a point, if you know, they, were blissfully married, in real life.

    `Carry On Poker'...! Good, old Sid, he would have had too play, misterpj, Sid, always, told it, as it was.

    Remember, who, you are dealing with, ere, the kid, who can't play, `yes, yes, I know, I know, '
    That, would be why, with a flopped straight, it all went, into a huge pot, 80% good, but, misterpj can't play. Carry On.. 👍👍💪💋💋

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,463

    In the AJ v KK and JJ v KQ hands today, you got it all in behind.
    Obviously still bad beats, though.

    sorry clearly don't understand the issues Paul is having on here.... ;)

    He play's exemplary poker on every hand and that little chap in his computer, flicks the RNG switch at the precise moment Paul has poured himself another celebratory Sauvignon blanc ....
  • TVSpiceTVSpice Member Posts: 1,242
    I can only assume the Sauvignon Blanc wasn’t sufficiently chilled when he decided to go all in with 6/7o after the flop and turn with the board showing A/5/5/J just 11 minutes into the tournament. Needless to say, it wasn’t a productive move but also not a hand that he has shown as a bad beat.
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    whatever happened pj to the crackle of extel in the shops no offers used to happen weekly,the old board man would be marking 8/1 15/2 7/1 no offers 7/4 the good old days before the poxy exchanges.
    no bookmakers left their just accountants balancing the books,u want a decent bet on one even if they no you they still phone head office and the reply if it's a 5/1 poke give him 300 at fives and the rest at sp,but if anyone walks of the street to play those machines of thier's let them have a coffee and do their absolute conkers.
    that's my daily rant out of the way.
    I see your still running like a dream gl.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    This, is getting serious now, no jokes, if even, my harshest critics, don't, won't, can't, even get an eyebrow twitch, then, what can I say, my second mtt bounty hunter, of the day, 2nd tournie.

    I put, an equally, Savage brutal suck out, of the first £5.50 exit, final table, mile ahead, yada yada, on the other thread, above, or below, this.

    Joke, really is over, deep in a bounty hunter, 19 left, not just, for a huge chip lead, multiple bounties, with pocket QQ, all in, all in, flopped Set, of QQQ.. 97% nailed on, guess, the rest, this, is ridiculous, no way, everyone else, remotely, consistently, gets hammered like this, all, one way traffic.

    I refer, each, and everyone of you, Fans, Haters, to, something, called Occam's Razor, that litmus test, never fails.

  • TVSpiceTVSpice Member Posts: 1,242
    edited August 2020
    @misterpj All joking apart and with nothing other than concern for you, I would seriously advise that you walk away from the tables for a while. Have a rest, come back reinvigorated.

    There is no conspiracy against you; the site, RNG etc doesn't care who wins a hand or not. If you seriously believe differently, then it really is time for you to take a short break.

    In your recently posted hand, you called the all-in with q/q, did you consider that he might have had a/a or k/k? Or, as it turned out, suited a/k. You make play of the fact that post flop you were '97% nailed on' but pre flop that wasn't the case was it? And that is when you made your decision to call. Yes, you were ahead, but only 39% - 35%. In otherwords, not much more than a flip. csk1 smelt a rat after calling the initial raises and folded. Perhaps he folded a spade and would have tripled up had he continued.

    What if the q hadn't come down on the flop and just the ace or a king? Would that have been a bad beat? Would you have posted the hand? Would you have regretted calling the all-in?

    What if the flop was a/9/j with the 10 on the turn with the q on the river, would it have warranted a post here?

    The fact that you hit on the flop but the turn and river gave him a straight is irrelevant, your chips were in before the flop and you were therefore vulnerable to any higher pair, ace or king.

    All that said, we've all done it and will all likely do it again. Sometimes it will pay off and sometimes it won't. That is the game.

    I say again, take a break for a while and comeback refreshed.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,334
    Fair play Spice.

    97% misterpj won't acknowledge your existence.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Think, the Heat, Humidity, might? be, causing the dealer, to melt?
    Old Mother Hubbard, look, in your cupboard, give the boy, some ICE 🍦🍧❄️

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,463
    Paul...i gotta say...i admire your persistence in posting, your ability to ignore all reasonable advice and I genuinely want you to win a lot of hands from now on, (so we don't get these posts)

    Also I hope you get to about £9.5k profit and a sharky score of 75ish by May 22! :p
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,282
    So running bad can be the most frustrating thing in poker one feels powerless and helpless and like their is nothing they can do.
    often times it can be frustrating too because you do start to doubt yourself in the back of your mind.
    it is not always easy to be able to be honest with yourself and admit when you are been outplayed and when you are just getting unlucky. Anyone can post a series of bad beats or unlucky things in poker.
    if you think the hands posted here are bad I had two bad beats where i was greater than a 95% favourite and lost both in the same day. one on the turn where I got all in with AJ on a K47J board against 99 this was on pokerstars you could say why am I getting all in with second pair and this would be a point I do not usually call of my stack like that but I had a read and knew i was good and was not wrong.

    the other one less you played that bad was 1010 on a 10XK board on sky poker i dont remeber the other card but it was not relevant i got 1010 all in against KJ and they hit runner runner full house on me.

    I go on runs often where I will dump between £100-£150 but I always end up recovering and been in profit and in the long run remain a consistent winner.

    the tougher spots though could be when its not so clear if it is bad luck or your been outplayed this is not always easy to tell. is your opponent always able to tell when you have it or not or are they hitting every time you don't?

    I have a consistent winning record in the heads up hypers at low stakes and yet I have had people I have sharked scoped and ranked very low sit me and beat me 7 times out of 8 cant hit a flop for dear life none of my bets get a fold if I check behind they instantly bet I cant trap because I don't get anything to trap.

    Was I out played very probably not very probably just luck **** but since cant see opponents cards you just cannot be 100% sure of course if an opponent decided to call me every flop and turn and hope to barrel the river out of position every single time I am dam sure this would be a losing strategy against me.

    sometimes though I look in amazement at opponents plays and wonder something.

    it takes a certain level of IQ to figure out what a computer is and what a debit card is and to figure out how to google online poker and download a poker client and use the debit card to deposit money onto poker site. many of the smartest animals on the planet are incapable of this level of intelligence most dogs (I have seen some youtube clips of very smart dogs so their may be exceptions) most birds and most dolphins will not have the intelligence to figure this out.

    Now if you have the level of IQ to figure all this out surely you would realize in a turbo don where you have a micro stack waiting to be blinded out your a large stack and there is one other large stack (me) and your in the small blind vs the big blind who is a small stack and you have A2 you should shove this as it wears down the small stack and it very hard for the small stack to call you. some players may opt to fold here as why even risk losing chips your comfortable here and we are just waiting for the micro stack to blind out id shove but I can see the logic in folding to.

    What I fail to see is the logic in limping the small blind in this spot checking all the way to the river and then check calling the small stack who moved all in with bottom pair of 22 because surely if he is risking his sit and go life when right on the bubble he probably has not done an all in bluff. anyway I won that don because the micro stack ended up busting anyway but was like wtf and then want to know how the **** am I losing in these over the last few days?

    I guess I am been outplayed by people who think limping with the A2 is the correct play or maybe I am getting unlucky.

    I kind of just wanted to vent frustration but in all seriousness what are you trying to suggest here that online poker is rigged or Sky poker is rigged?

    there are plenty of decent players with consistent winning records are these all sky poker staff or sky bots? I am not sky poker staff (though I often feel like it because they make a lot in rake from me and I do not make that much.) I am not a bot I still am profitable on the site. are the other winning players just plants for us to sharkscope and see what can be done then what about the consistent regulars who opted out of sharkscope I don't know how much players like Benc make but I don't think they would be around so much if they consistently lost. I know they make a living just not sure how much of one.

    it frustrates me when, whenever I or others run bad and rant about it people immediately think we are playing bad. I am not playing well because if I was I would be a lot more profitable I am not playing bad though because I am profitable.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,334
    Ignore the trolls pj.

    Keep posting random pointless shite for balance.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Prof, your all good, if? I am the player, (who can't play, and, has had, a consistent, unrelenting, ((zero joke)) of, suck out, after suck out, after suck out,) consistently, for 3 years, the hands, I truly mean, the huge ones, that make, a collosal long term difference, then, the Mistress Variance, has had it, in for me, from the get go.

    Tell ya what, prof, not, the hand immediately below, the one below that, same dealer, same mtt, as the river QQQ chinning the KK, after the river, of course, I knew, Flushed into, what's 2500 chips, to show!! (see) but, context mate, context, to many hands, are viewed, in isolation, zero context. Same player, gets there, with, turn river runners hearts, and very next hand, AAA.. lovely.

    Thanks, all,.. At least, being :outplayed, outplayed:..!!!
    I say, that's,, a really good spin (lol) on The Mistress Variance..

    New Tattoo, Paul, you've been outplayed, gonna, pass that one on, to,

    The,all in, huge hands, Tournament definers, 98,97,96,95,94,93,92,91,90,% good, etcetera, is being 'outplayed,!!' by the rag hand.

    Don't know, about outplayed, how about, win a key 'flip'?
    Well, all in, all in, 10% my favour, naturally tonight's bounty hunter, naturally, the 'so yesterday flush chaser, insta hits, goodnight vienna'

  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,463
    Paul, it happens to us all...

    I decided to squeeze bet and make the villain pay a Limpers tax...given our chip stacks...ok there are suited connectors but would I have called...probably not but he did
    windmill16Small blind150.00150.002317.00
    madprofBig blind300.00450.002823.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • 9
    madprofUnmatched bet656.004934.00656.00
    • 7
    • 6
    • A
    • 9
    • 2
    • 6
    • 8
    • K
    • 3
    windmill16WinPair of 6s4934.004934.00
    gl , brave call (not what I said at the time...)

    If I posted all of my bad luck stories...ffs the forum would be overloaded and if Charlie Crystal( @mumsie ) joined the would shut the whole forum down..Just move on! :p

    Now to more important things if either of us decide to leave Sky ( more likely me..)

    My charity for your £100 donation is

    St Lukes Hospice, Winsford, Cheshire in memory of my dear old dad, Danny Evans

    You're an honourable man so I know in May 22 you will cough up...

    GL with the 10k/80 rating challenge but frankly I'm more like to win a WSOP bracelet before you get there......which is NEVER for both of us!! >:)
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Prof, doubt you accept, would, will, always, shout the liquid refreshment, any time, plus, you do, them spectacular, moullies.! I'll pay, gladly.

    Just now, straight, over straight, with flush chase, jackpoting the river..

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Guess? the river. Clue, quad AAAA (posted above, did for me, last night, there, like buses. Lol)

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Immediately followed, by the 'BOG standard exit!'

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    Do you, get banned? for, telling the truth, and, producing, the evidence.

    One, mtt, all day, 2 hours deep, fpr this, JOKE.

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,334
    Omg AK lost to A3.

    Call the poker police.
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    The game isn't rebuilt at all is it @misterpj ?

    That 76o open limp-call from the HJ is truly horrendous.

    It's clear that you are still bleeding chips in lots of spots so when you are also running bad in all-ins you're really going to suffer.

    Players who don't have all these fundamental leaks in their game might still be able to eke out small profits or breakeven when they are running as poorly as you.

    My well of patience and sympathy has run dry I'm afraid.
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,373
    OK, myna, all good

    Just point out, called, the turned, Shove, 94% good,.. Funnily enough, immediately followed, in the bounty hunter, by, flopped two pair,.. Raise, called, re raise called, 80 % good, 2 pair, Q2, not getting a single pair QQ, of raise 1,of raise 2,chase to river, hits, 2 pair over 2 pair.

    As, an aside, I am in genuine possession, of, something, I wish, to share, for open debate.

    It is, to me, from a current, high profile, software engineer,.. It is, wow.?

    But, not posting it, until, assured,.. you, know what... Run great, pj.
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