' benji, I got my noodle down, ripped my game to shreds, over months, and rebuilt it, are the results shown? because, I cannot play?
It's every day, every crucial hand.
A 6% chance, wins, a crucial hand, with turn river runner runner again.

and yesterday, 3 hours plus deep, 7 left, to go final table stacked,

and, evening, before, hours deep, 30 left, bubble, bounties, chip lead

Not only that, I have, no clue, none, zero, what it feels like, in a massive, tourney crucial hand, to be all in bad, and hit, the suck out against me, as evidenced, as regular, as a, :chiming Clock:😉:

How's my charity donation going?
2 3/4 hours, 7 left, only 6 paid
Card dead, Fold relentlessly, zero chance, to steal, waiting, waiting, for a double up spot, for the small stack, it came..
Guess what, and, does, basic poker probability mathematics, count for ZIP?
Mr James {Jim} Royale, spring to mind, Variance, My..... A
You are boringly repetitive and no-one cares about any of the hands you lose.
Never, sat, this end, with, metaphorical steam, exiting flared Nostrils, no no no.
I might, mutter ( ain't it sad, by the way, having to use, disclaimers, in case, a Ghumbass, take offence) I have, lots, Muslim friends, good ones, cracking lass, name Kam, two sons, Kieran and Bhalli, pronounced, Bali, (works for skysports),approx, 2 years, check it out, in fact,his older brother, right tight buddy, 'Keir' big lump, very astute, footie Punter, and plays poker, sadly, not here, I will try, to persuade Kieran, to join, again, but, usually, Xchange, player.
Anyway, I might? mutter, 'OMA'.. at, another bad beat, suck out, my, Muslim mates, find it funny, genuinely
Oh, My Allah, at, another, rinse, but, most time, I am, crying, Tears Of Laughter
What we all already know......... the R.N.G. is not perfect .... churns out bad beats.
Live with the Nagging old Wife or get a new Mistress........... cough!
Never, takes, long 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😇❤️👍
0% on flop
0% on turn
0% on river
Philosophy on Life..... there is always someone a lot worse off than you......
We ALL suffer bad beats, but please look at it a different way.....
just imagine if you were stuck in Hospital with the dreaded CV.... or worse still, the Big 'C' .......you would be only too glad to be playing online Poker, and suffering a few Bad Beats.......
Remember, there are far, far worse things in Life out there. Just enjoy playing.....Try and learn from the mistakes you make ......and Laugh off the Bad Luck........ because it means you're one step closer to your GOOD LUCK.
Looking forward to meeting you one day in the future, and having a good double CHIN-WAG about the Gee-Gee's
If you are all in pre flop, of what relevance is the run out or the odds at any stage apart from pre flop odds?
The TT v A7 hand .
Preflop it's 8% for the A7 hand.
Do you get A7 has to win enough times to be 8%?
Send me some kind of signal that you understand this.