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Why is this site so false,



  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    Herd Immunity, gotta Lurve it

    For Aggers
    might think, flopped set, Β£5.50 bounty hunter played Optimum, 91% good, 1 card to come, might have a slim chance, of holding, maybe 91 times in a 100
    might think, turned full house, bounty hunter again, played Optimum, 85% good, 1 card to come, might have a slim chance of holding, maybe 85 times in a 100
    might think, two players flopping with suited pocket cards, KK 22 QQ 22,might have a semblance of holding the 10% hand equity of pocket K7, all in, all in, all in (flop) turn river runner runner 7 7
    might think, the all in Phenom! 22% holding 'fresh' wouldn't hit the inside straight draw, on the River,especially when the air shove, gets called, by a Class player πŸ‘πŸ’‹πŸ’‹
    But,then guess, misterpj and the mere mortals, don't have 'dat Erd ImmunityπŸ˜‰'
    And no multi table x 16 live tables, lol.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    All, I need to see now, is a suited QJ10 flop, Q high St flush into a Royal 😊
    as, most know, pj very 'shake in stevens'
    But, flopped quads? lurvely stuff,
    Even better, when you snap, A10 and KQ all in all in with 99
    you know Yuletide arrived earliesπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
    Even better, bit of your bunty hunta

    In go, the 0.0.2% chance, or is it 406-1 flopped quads, 6max..
    Once! every 407 times (with a pocket pair) sounds skinny!

  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,222
    Unlucky @2189564 you had an idiot on your table.
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    mumsie said:

    Unlucky @2189564 you had an idiot on your table.

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    You see, ladies and gentlemen, once upon a long time ago, I didn't use to post, with Poker context.

    That made it easy, for Team Deflect and Bluster

    So, do, if you please, let me ask you
    (by they way Neil) what is Occums Razor telling 'us'
    is, getting it in, relentlessly BEST, one, could reasonably expect, the best hand, to hold, you know, just ONCE, in (lol) a long long while!

    Giving consideration, to getting 'my hat and coat' for the very last time!

    Anyway, bounty hunter, hour deep, 15 runners left
    Now, dont tell me, every agin me, going to be shipping, just like this, 5000 all in, with..
    Pocket 5 K off
    Now, say for example, another player is looking down at pocket AJ, and more importantly, because they are good, not even putting the shover, on anything, and proved to be correct
    But, 'club Immunity' all snap folding AJ lol
    30% hand equity my favour
    I like Uncle Simons question to me (on radio 10-1) Sniff Test Paul, Sniff Test, does it Pass?
    Happy Christmas

  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    Raise, re-raise, all-in

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    the Factotum gave yours truly a back handed comp (close by)
    So Appee Xmas πŸ’‹

    Now then, stories infer Jackonory, 'wish they were πŸ˜‰'

    Like the Factotum, equally a Stickler for detail, accuracy and poker facts!

    ps the well known delivery company, amazed their lasses n lads, still out grafting, delivering at 20.00 pm on Christmas Eve, unsung real grafters.
    Reason I know that, last nite, sign for delivery, box and a card.

    Reads Paul 'shall we break the bread?'
    A Calorific Hamper and best wishes Eddie Earn

    pokerPJjenius is back 2021 cracking new apparel, Eddie says Pretty Boy pj can do more PPV, than MoneyMayweather πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘‹

    Anyways, always happy to 'poker math educate, the more challenged amongst us'

    Let's take a look, at a Β£5.50 final table bounty hunter
    Will start, with a little help

    Which, is relevant to

    In case a labotomized floats by, that's a ft, 5 players left
    Pocket Cards dealt πŸ˜‰
    10 10
    nearly forgot! my hand (standard snap fold!! AK)

    Can you spot, what the Rocks Cooking? think, that hand, that deal, threw πŸ€”πŸ˜‰
    Anyways, nice work the ole flopped Set 10 10 10 taking that down
    So, that got 'us' down to 3 left, and because, pj plays tighter than an Alabahma Tick, and because, of a reet few, bewildering run outs, we went another half an hour, still 3 left
    Then, pj pocket A7, flop AA 77,looking JIGGY!
    you can guess, cant you!... how Guv? do 'they' do it, relentlessly..
    Oh, ps,its the same fella with the 10 10 10 πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ running HOT!
    Nearly forgot, one chapter in the to be released book, 2021,is..
    Nice Work if you can get it!

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    Finally, Skybet need, a big heads up, very decent promos, numerous.
    no, you can't have Lumps On, but some very generous 'investments available'
    Epitante 1-4, have what you can at Evens 14.25 Kempton Boxing Day
    Bruno Fernandes 1-5, have what you can at Evens 12.30 Boxing Day
    A Kamara 5-2,have what you can at 4-1 21.30 tonight stateside
    Raheem Sterling 5-6,have what you can at 6-4 20.00 pm Boxing Day
    Alnadam 5-2 13.15 Kempton Boxing Day, lump on, money back as Cash, if 2nd,3rd,4th.
    plus, totally free, no strings Β£10 cash bet
    plus, another Β£5 free bet, for staking a Β£10

    All there is left to do, ' open my Skypoker Christmas pressie!' wonder, what they got pj πŸ€—πŸ˜πŸ˜œ
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    Anyone remember, the ARISTON adverts

    ARISTON, it go on, and on, and on

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    Dear Neil, (you are A OK)
    So is the Diplomatic, Factotum.
    but, the glee club, usual suspects, 'remind me?'

    I should, Jetison all Poker, ability, skill, nouse, scrap being a World Class no limit hold em player, and, get a Poker Coach, who can 'coach me' to get it in, relentlessly BAD, because, getting it in RANCID, is the way forward, really...
    I genuinely, do not, and cannot believe, there is one single other player, on this site, that could get, remotely close, to matching me, like for like, for relentless suck outs and beats, tournament poker only. pj, the Lee Majors of Skypoker, the Bionic Man, they rebuilt him once, titanium rods pins plates, used to be one of many party tricks, want to see the Phillips screw heads, that bolt my legs together!

    2021 bionic pj bionic poker, will give it, one very last Full Beanz Twerk, All In, but,if this nonsence 'downswing' remind me, running HOT!!!, continues, be gone like a Phantom, quick time.

    Β£5.50 BH, an hour and a half deep, bubble hand.
    By the way Neil, it does not seem to matter, which way, the class poker player, gets it in, as you will see. Mathematical Probability, my ole sunshine 😏

    Or exact same scenario as above,

    this one, below, simply had pj 'πŸ˜‰ randomly cracking up🀣' another bounty hunter, 3 way all in, one player, holding the Literal Full Sense Chip n Chair, enjoy...

    Moulah~Benji's 3 line whip, Imortal Words, just came back to me...
    Matt said it, so it must be true πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    Must be the Poker Gods

    flexing their Yuletide Concousness

    Now this, should get one or two, a tongue, a wag

    Β£5.50 Bounty Hunter, entering play, after the 5 minute break, at 08.00 am

    Just, the 4 hands to bring to your attention, consequtive hands, at 08.02 and 08.03 hand at 08.09 and the final hand, at 08.28.
    Now,play close attention, let's see, what the good and the great, have to say, about this.
    Forget the fact, you will see misterpj, snap fold the flopped up and down straight draw, and misterpj snap fold pre pocket 77 and misterpj snap fold pre pocket J 10,that was hands 1,2 and 4,and not what this is about, the only hand misterpj played, was hand 3,and will leave that, until last. But, what if I told you, the same player, from a 2000 starting stack, won 17,000 chips plus, in 25 minutes, in hands 1,2 and 4,
    1. (08.02). All in with 6% hand equity v the 94% hand equity all in the a flopped straight.
    (two clubs, hit the flop, to go with the turn club, river club, runner runner) nice work!
    2. (08.03).79% hand equity is looking good, only the river to come, 21% not looking so good, but those river bullet spikes ! (lol)
    3. (08.28) all the action pre, with pocket 99,pocket AJ and pocket A6, one of those hands, holds hand equity of 13% A6
    94% v 6%, 6% takes down 3500 chips
    79% v 21% 21% takes down 3500 chips
    13% all action pre takes down 10,000 chips
    nice 'work' very nice 'work' if available, same player, in 25 minutes.
    Oh, the hand misterpj did play, at 08.09,nothing much! flopped trips, 999 on a 9 high rainbow board,tbought,might have a semblance (lol) into AA or KK, nothing like, a little ole flopped full house! pocket 44 board 994 lol, lol, and lol.

    Yes, of course, got every hand detailed, for your perusal πŸ‘

    Will post, hand 1,to get you all, underway..

  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,185
    Please, God, make it stop.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 172,704
    NoseyBonk said:

    Please, God, make it stop.

    Well yes, but the best part is today's batch includes these 2 absolute gems;

    Blinds 800 - 1,600 he LIMPS from a stack of 2,500. (1.6 Bigs)

    Blinds 3,000-6,000 he LIMPS from a stack of 13,160. (2.2 Bigs).

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Can you clarify my words? Was it never ever moan about a hand when you have less than 2bb?
  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    Β€ disclaimer, the surgically removed funny bone mob, those few, that wouldn't know, the first letter, of self deprecating, don't read, any further πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ’‹
    as Burford T Justice (Jackie Gleason) famously drawled
    'what we got here, is a serious abuse, of Poker Probability'
    can't claim, intellectual property on that, but, what a supreme fella, Jackie G was.

    So, Sir Matthew (p.s) every hand, is today! cept, the 2 as promised πŸ€—
    are flopped straights (in the Monster Spots,Pots, ie 3 half hours deep, hand for hand play)
    the new, pocket 2 7 off suit?
    in other words, a snap fold?
    Because, well, not much explanation needed, enjoy!

    or, and,
    in the Big Blind, on a 3hQhAs flop, one flops top n bottom two pair, AA 33
    snap fold?

    or, and,
    in the Big Blind, blinds 200 400, how much you raising pocket KK (ps)
    I actually know Benjis answer
    so any 'poker' Labotomized, save yourselves, the embarrasment, it ain't! an auto all in, well, not if you are a Class player, it isn't.
    happens, to involve, pocket 2 8 who cannot fold to a raise!

    or, and,
    pocket QJ in the small blind, flop top pair, top kicker, on a J, 9,8 Rainbow
    (only for the hard blowing blowers), that's, top pair, top kicker, inside straight draw,..
    turn card (cough cough, a.... J)
    So, set JJJ Q kicker,
    Question, Standard snap fold?

    or, and,
    52,000 chip pot, 4 way all in, pre!
    Pick your pocket cards?
    KhKs or QcQs or AsJc or Ah 9d

    or, and flop trips, 999 (2) on a 994 Rainbow,? Snap Fold Matthew? 'as the only! possible hand, you could run that into, is a' random flopped boat! '

    Anyways, every hand 2day, all rinsed, soaked he says, 😏
    Back too, Therapeutic Papier-mache, pj's Coach, got that one, off The Poker Brat 😜

    Pass Smelling Salts, big shock, best starting.. Holds lol

    And, these two, this, is how, pj, never Experienced Running HOT,but glad, some do!
    (hand before this one, posted, yday, turn river runner runner into flopped straight (6% v 94%,) immediately followed, by this, builds to Crescendo, hand underneath πŸ˜œπŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸŒΉ

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    these Β£5.50 bounty hunters, really are, a bit special

    here the action, on the turn

    Argh, your wondering about the flop?

    And naturally, the deal and run out, went randomly Tommy Cooper

  • misterpjmisterpj Member Posts: 3,365
    With the greatest of respect Eastbourne, shouldn't you be spending time, with your Poker Coach

    But, as your interested, do ask Coach, if he recommends, pj's new number one rule
    Snap FOLD, all, any flopped straights.have you already got that one, in your Artillery?
    In the normal course of events, would whole heartedly drum the below, into every player

    However, what we have here, is a

  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,722
    β€œWhat you see is all there is”
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