I always watch Lord of the Rings Extended edition during big tournaments and I can tell you that we've just got to the end of the Two Towers. Helms deep is safe.
@IVIystical on table with glencoelad and chrisdb raises to 9k on a 347 2diamond flop the 27k reraise tells he or she (sorry) to take their hand away from the cookie jar, they do after a nice dwell on the timer. Good fold I think
@IVIystical on table with glencoelad and chrisdb raises to 9k on a 347 2diamond flop the 27k reraise tells he or she (sorry) to take their hand away from the cookie jar, they do after a nice dwell on the timer. Good fold I think
@MISTY4ME has lost a few chips, he may be having problems with @penguy to his immediate left. May need to look up one of these reraises, still plenty chips @156k blinds 2.5 5k
First Break @ 7pm - Top 10 stacks
@nmipeis 782865.23 £202.73 Head Prizes 2 £167.58
@DustoLucko 500768.56 £871.88 Head Prizes 9 £390.62
@henners10 478220.75 £450 Head Prizes 6 £250.00
@jakescol 424387.99 £660.95 Head Prizes 7 £320.30
@f3nix35 417701.50 £393.75 Head Prizes 4 £231.25
@MBSNTB_JB 401875.75 £665.63 Head Prizes 7 £321.87
@4KingDonk 390712 £168.75 Head Prizes 2 £156.25
@Eizy 375967.75 £595.32 Head Prizes 6 £298.43
@seikus 365740.50 £337.50 Head Prizes 4 £212.50
@GuyL2 365658.50 £403.13 Head Prizes 5 £159.37
Pot of the tournament so far
We lost a whole raft of players in the first hour of Day 2;
@Summers119 0 79 £473.44 Head Prizes 5
@Rynn17 0 80 £571.88 Head Prizes 7
@Polerbear 0 81 0
@rspca12 0 82 £75 Head Prizes 1
@SoLack 0 83 £112.50 Head Prizes 1
@N1CK 0 84 £75 Head Prizes 1
@coo1-um 0 85 £150 Head Prizes 2
@nishg 0 86 £300 Head Prizes 4
@Enut 0 87 £337.50 Head Prizes 4
@melvin22 0 88 £150 Head Prizes 2
@K_1rving 0 89 £168.75 Head Prizes 2
@tillytrot 0 90 0
@spearsy136 0 91 £112.50 Head Prizes 1
@cabbaz 0 92 £150 Head Prizes 2
@quinny76 0 93 £285.94 Head Prizes 3
@5ausages 0 94 £281.25 Head Prizes 3
@scott6991 0 95 £365.63 Head Prizes 4
@THETANK 0 96 0
@bluevelv14 0 97 0
@Itsover4u 0 98 0
@H3nry 0 99 £75 Head Prizes 1
@kawamattyz 0 100 £75 Head Prizes 1
@Nooblafish 0 101 £225 Head Prizes 3
@metapro 0 102 £75 Head Prizes 1
@FeNdeR36 0 103 £93.75 Head Prizes 1
@skyflyer 0 104 £75 Head Prizes 1
@TimmyRaRa 0 105 £75 Head Prizes 1
@Foxydog 0 106 £375 Head Prizes 5
@AKAscotty 0 107 £417.19 Head Prizes 5
@Scouse_AA 0 108 £225 Head Prizes 3
73 get paid, so we are just a handful of exits off the bubble.
We all know the 10 finds its way on to the table VUL
Congrats to everyone on the min cash, especially to all of those who sattied in!