Three way all in @bbMike is at risk but covers one AK off sadly not good enough against pocket tens, especially when another ten comes. Wp to a fine player
@henners10 who has had a big stack for ages, has lost two big all ins, the last one a flip the first I think they were unlucky . Gets his last 100k in he has AQ against KK flops an A but sadly also a K cue Freddy Mercury
@glencoelad gets it in with Ax against pocket 4s the 356 flop, the straight doesn’t come neither does the A. Wp Sir, look forward to seeing you at the live SPT’s when they return
Looks like he’s been busy, has a bounty of £531 on his head he takes down a pot and is suddenly all in with @MRBLEWPIE 1.5 million pot Bit like Christmas morning , great socks what an anti climax AK apiece Karate Chop @sendiiit 1.3milly
Sorry, the Comp closed at 10pm, as advised earlier.
Sorry Mr @eon1961 the Comp closed at 10pm, as advised earlier.
Well played @penguy too
Great Run @Essexphil .....well played mate
4 more exits;
@GuyL2 0 26 £393.87 + £573.05 Head Prizes 6
@Nitrogen 0 27 £393.87 + £473.44 Head Prizes 5
@AB0151 0 28 £393.87 + £810.94 Head Prizes 8
@Essexphil 0 29 £393.87 + £454.69 Head Prizes 4
AK off sadly not good enough against pocket tens, especially when another ten comes.
Wp to a fine player
2 more exits
Sadly, we have lost @bbMike
@bbMike 0 24 £393.87 + £711.98 Head Prizes 5
@FuzzyDare 0 25 £393.87 + £150 Head Prizes 2
Does anyone want further coverage after these two?
First to 2 million?
@Eizy 2130484.99 £863.68 Head Prizes 8 £387.88
4 more exits - just 19 left now
@baDbEAteN 0 20 £456.06 + £712.50 Head Prizes 8
@glencoelad 0 21 £393.87 + £430.10 Head Prizes 4
@henners10 0 22 £393.87 + £450 Head Prizes 6
@M10Dembele 0 23 £393.87 + £145.31 Head Prizes 1
Bit like Christmas morning , great socks what an anti climax AK apiece Karate Chop @sendiiit 1.3milly