well I was correct with one of my prediction's today..... I will be in a deep sleep when this ends ! G L all those still in, well done all that cashed, and thanks to team update , @pompeynic@Tikay10
I'd be grateful if you carried on, I have work tomorrow so won't be able to watch it all , so will read this as a highlights replay in the morning. If you don't mind?
the umpire raises 300k+ @myjokras00 shoves 800k + , The umpire thinks hard finally call he has AK off vs the AK club duo , two clubs by the turn Yes it’s a pork chop
@jakescol raises a 99Q flop folds to a shove, down to 500k he has a £628 bounty on his head, he may find some callers when he shoves, he’ll need a hand
I will be in a deep sleep when this ends ! G L all those still in, well done all that cashed,
and thanks to team update , @pompeynic @Tikay10
14 left;
@SadPanda 0 15 £552.80 + £1519.64 Head Prizes 13
@XgudiS 0 16 £552.80 + £1053.81 Head Prizes 8
@DustoLucko 0 17 £456.06 + £1495.90 Head Prizes 12
13 left;
@sendit93 0 14 £552.80 + £1293.62 Head Prizes 8
The umpire thinks hard finally call he has AK off vs the AK club duo , two clubs by the turn
Yes it’s a pork chop
12 left
@boulton016 0 13 £649.54 + £585.94 Head Prizes 6
Break @ 11.55pm - very tight at the top;
@fishhhhh 2298998.76 £1319.49 Head Prizes 8 £489.83
@peiratis88 2101883.96 £728.90 Head Prizes 5 £342.97
@catit 2034319.08 £703.13 Head Prizes 6 £334.37
@MRBLEWPIE 2001443.12 £980.85 Head Prizes 4 £426.94
@PowerPok3r 1792849.48 £287.70 Head Prizes 2 £195.89
@hughjarse9 1517681.76 £344.53 Head Prizes 2 £214.84
@MauriceS 1354894.16 £1086.47 Head Prizes 7 £462.16
@myjokras00 1098666.50 £1035.92 Head Prizes 9 £445.31
@tonyp142 985770.92 £857.81 Head Prizes 7 £385.94
@Eizy 822865.93 £863.68 Head Prizes 8 £387.88
@jakescol 721179.93 £1584.96 Head Prizes 12 £628.31
@IMAF1SH 544446.40 £178.13 Head Prizes 1 £159.37
11 left
Eizy, who was chippy for ages, has left the building.
Eizy 0 12 £649.54 + £863.68 Head Prizes 8
Fishes 'Top and Tailing' the Leaderboard ..... with a Hughjarse in the middle ........... eeeeeugh
Great updates and commentary Guys ...... Thank you