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The Official Viva Las Vegas Thread



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    78 now, with 10 minutes to Register!

    Can we make EIGHTY?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    A terrific Semi-Final last night, I got Online to Rail when there were 15 left, that was the first of the 2010 Viva Las Vegas Semis, & it got an amazing 65 runners.

    So, 7th place got £550 I think, & the following players are all in The First of this year's Finals, on Sunday April 4th;


    Many congrats to them all. Now they just have to get through on Sunday 4th - it looks like it might make 2 seats, but deffo 1 with a big lump of cash for 2nd - & then they will get on one of these...... here......

    ....with a suite (not a room, a suite) here......

    ....with Entry to the WSOP Main Event, which costs just over......

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    There are feeder satellites all day, every day, leading to Quarter Finals every night. You can satellite into the quarters from as little as £1.45, (1 in 10 qualify), or £2.80 (1 in 5 qualify), or even buy-in direct for £13.

    These, based on 1 in 10, feed into the second Sunday Semi, which will be this Sunday. Again, qualifiers from that go through to the Sunday 4th Final, to join last night's bunch.

    The really balla boys can buy in direct to Sunday's Semi-Final for £120.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    Viva Las Vegas "Finals".

    There will be three - April 4th, for March, & an "April" Final & a "May" Final, dates to be announced.

    The March Final will have TWO more qualifying weeks - this week, & next week.

    This week's Semi will be on Sunday, at 9pm.

    The Semi the week after - Sunday April 4th - will be earlier in the Evening, followed by the Final.

    Times, details, da de da, will all follow as & when.

    Any questions, or Viva Las Vegas stuff you are not clear about - ask away please.

    Good luck.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    Temperature in Vegas in July, when the Main Event begins?


    Thats "warm".
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2010
    sparce pretty much got free entry into the semi final after the grind saturday, must be nice ey
  • flushandoflushando Member Posts: 110
    edited March 2010
    tikay quick question im only 20 so i get into the vegas final n just say got to the final 2 can i fold my way to the money n let the other player win or would that not be aloud ?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas - the Scores on the Doors.:
    tikay quick question im only 20 so i get into the vegas final n just say got to the final 2 can i fold my way to the money n let the other player win or would that not be aloud ?
    Posted by flushando
    Well, if I understand you correctly, you are saying you will not be 21 come Vegas-time, so are not elgible for playing in Vegas, or winning a Viva Las Vegas Package.


    If you played a Viva Las Vegas Final, & got heads up, you would just "fold out"?

    I don't think that circumvents any Rules, to be honest, but it's a bit of an odd one, playing for 2nd place!

    Having said that, Sharksbite came 2nd in a Viva Las Vegas Final & copped for £9,000! (The "left-over" money for 2nd place varies between Nil & £9,000, depending on how many runners).
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    Actually, Flush, you'd be better checking that out with Customer Care, as the T & C's say......

    "....This Promotion is open to all UK, Isle of Man, Channel Island and Republic of Ireland residents, aged 21 years or over. PROOF OF ID WILL BE REQUIRED by the WSOP and also by Sky Poker before flights and accommodation will be confirmed......"

    Now, the purpopse of that Rule is because Nevada Gaming Law prohibits players under 21, so the Winner could not take their seat in the WSOP, rather than any Sky Poker "internal rule", but if I were you, I'd check it out first.

  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2010
    i had the same thought
  • flushandoflushando Member Posts: 110
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas - the Scores on the Doors.:
    Actually, Flush, you'd be better checking that out with Customer Care, as the T & C's say...... "....This Promotion is open to all UK, Isle of Man, Channel Island and Republic of Ireland residents, aged 21 years or over. PROOF OF ID WILL BE REQUIRED by the WSOP and also by Sky Poker before flights and accommodation will be confirmed......" Now, the purpopse of that Rule is because Nevada Gaming Law prohibits players under 21, so the Winner could not take their seat in the WSOP, rather than any Sky Poker "internal rule", but if I were you, I'd check it out first.
    Posted by Tikay10
    thanks for ur reply tikay i will check it out
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    Monday night saw another Quarter Final, and FIVE more players booked their Seat in Sunday's Semi-Final, so there are now 11 with seats booked for Sunday night.











    6 players are already in the Final on Sunday April 4th, with two more Semi-Finals still to come, so there's a chance that TWO £10,000 packages will be available on Sunday 4tth.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    Another bumper Quarter Final last night - 101 runners, generating 10 more Qualifiers for the Monthly Final on Sunday April 4th.

    So there are now TWENTY in this Sunday's Semi-Final, & one in 10 of those will go through to the Final. Those with keen eyes & memory will spot that there were 11 qualifiers BEFORE last night, but only 20 now. Where did the other one go? No idea, but "CALSO" seems to have disappeared from the list. Maybe I messed up the C & P?  
    wudzy         2500
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas - the Scores on the Doors.:
    In Response to Re: Viva Las Vegas - the Scores on the Doors. : I well remember that - you were very unlucky, as I recall. We have ELEVEN for tonight's Quarter Final now. BIGD1NGA 2500 DAVEYZZ 2500 GARETH26 2500 goodylad21 2500 Knighty98 2500 mabsue 2500 sara36dd08 2500 Sharksbite 2500 smudger172 2500 staford03 2500 twiggy088 2500
    Posted by Tikay10
    yes just a bit lol but hey thats poker so close but not close enough hope the poker gods are kinder this year :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    Ignore my previous ramblings - CALSO IS in, so there are 21 qualified so far for Sunday.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited March 2010
    Another great quarter final tonight... 83 runners, 8 seats of course and the bubble itself must of lasted a good 30 - 40 mins with the majority of players sat with only 4 or 5 blinds... incredible the amount of shoves getting through and shorties doubling. Well played everyone and see you Sunday
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    Another bumper Quarter-Final last night - 121 runners - means TWELVE more go through to Sunday's Semi-Final.

    And what a Semi-Final that looks like being already, 42 runners so far, with 2 more Quarters still to go, three if they run one on Sunday before the Semi, which is scheduled for a 9pm start.

    Good to see so many long-term Sky Poker players in the mix too.

    Vegas, Baby.

    anjie19702500  bennydip22500  Big_Les2500  Boonicon2500  CALSO2500  CHIPIN502500  ChypTrycks2500  cookie832500  DAVEYZZ2500  DeuceAK-472500  FITF32500  FlashFlush2500  GELLER_82500  GGD2500  HAYSIE2500  HITMAN_RV2500  katon402500  Knighty982500  LeedsKid2500  LEGENDERRY2500  M4VERICK2500  malins72500  mickjenn12500  minty112500  mmmpizza2500  mogsy19572500  MrLaud2500  Nutter59322500  pielesz2500  Rooob2500  rosjim12500  sara36dd082500  ScottMo12500  taff19652500  TheDent2500  themackem2500  TheSaw2500  Tommo072500  villian2500  vladdrac2500  whosurmama2500  wudzy2500
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,848
    edited March 2010

    So, as of NOW, there will be a guaranteed TEN players in the first Viva Las Vegas Final on Sunday 4th April.

    At current rates, there is a chance that it could make 2 seats, & at the very worst, it will be almost 2 seats, so a £10k package, & a bumper lump of cash for 2nd.

    There will also be two more VLV Finals after that, one for April, one for May.

    Dan Brown, of course, is "on the 'plane" already.

    The party gathers pace.
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited March 2010
    Can you tell me the dates of the April & May VLV Finals please?
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited March 2010
    April is the 4th, its advertised in the tournament section at the moment. As for the others, im not 100% sure if the dates are decided yet. I believe it will be 3 lots of Finals
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