Yup, another one of these. I've enjoyed writing diaries in the past and loved the interaction from readers PLUS I need focus PLUS I need to stop smoking again PLUS I'm not playing anywhere near enough and when I do play I don't play anywhere near good enough and so ... this. A diary. How modern.
The plan is to spin up my current bankroll into an amount that will allow me to play the SPT in Manchester next month. Not sure how much I'll need. £500-ish? Sounds about right. Bankroll currently sits at a whopping £194.33. This is because I withdraw near-daily to support by various recreational peccadilloes. Stupid recreational peccadilloes.
I'll be playing a mixture of cash and tournaments, will post lots of hands/spots and, if you can stomach it, will also talk about non-poker stuff too: tennis, trying to stop smoking, cold showers, not getting laid, eating loads and training to be a psychotherapist.
3 ·
2 seats per day = £880.00
Accommodation (if not sleeping rough) = £250.00
Beer tokens for two days = £200.00 (if drinking only water/coffee...take off £100.00)
Cigarette allowance (for emergency stress situations..ie every break) = £50.00
Strip club/hookers when eventually bust = £250.00
You may need to re-evaluate your budget....or run like Forest on them tables beforehand.
Oh, good luck with it all. Subbed.
Will be following with interest, best of luck bud.
We need more detail on these;
various recreational peccadilloes
Not too much, mind.
PS - great to see your diary back Steve.
It's great to be back, thanks. Appreciate you hanging out here and gently nudging me into writing another one of these.
*okay, one
Hardly played yesterday as I had homework - homework! - to do, intermediate tennis training to rofl around in, miles to walk, four Twirls to eat and @Duesenberg 's stream to watch. What a day.
Planning on a bigger session tonight. Might play for 60 minutes and eat eight Twirls. Update to follow tomorrow with at least one interesting hand.
Thanks for popping in, everyone.
Starting roll: £194.33
Roll: £224.08
Just had a bit of a grim session. Got it in for a £45 pot on an A478 board (in a 4b pot) with AK and, yup, villain has AA. That was at 20nl. Got it in pre in a £60 pot with KK against AK and the 234Q5 runout wasn't the greatest for me. That was at 30nl. Then lost boat versus boat. Then lost some other stuff.
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking: why on earth is this person playing 30nl with a seven buy-in roll? Well, it's because I enjoy the thrill of it. If you're not playing with half your roll spread across a few tables at any one time, then you're not doing it right. I don't really mean that, but I almost do.
Luckily I have tennis this evening to blow off some steam. Got completely eviscerated on Sunday during the tier 2 men's singles final of the Southbourne Tennis Club and lost 6-1; 6-0. If you're playing in the Southbourne Tennis Championships tier two final and your innards aren't strewn across the court, then you're not doing it right.
Feel galvanised on both fronts, though and looking to improve. Here's to a better few weeks ahead.
Starting roll: £194.33
Roll: £178.85