Fantastic coverage as always Tikay, really appreciate it. Was otherwise occupied this weekend but hope to make the next. Good luck Phil. Look forward to hearing the story on your twitch stream.
Ali Mallu continues to pick up the right hands in the right spots, this time he has A-K (MBN) v the A-J of Billy Berry, & the King in the window ensures no drama.
Action already. Full 2XUp for Billy Berry against (ex?) chip leader Stephen Lloyd.
Billy had A-K & it held v A-Q.
Ali soon gets them back, his A-K v the A-Q of Billy Berry, so after Billy's early double up he's slid back down again.
Phil Baker was on the tear but his A-9, despite hitting his 9, could not beat T-T.
Feel bad for him now.
Good luck Phil. Look forward to hearing the story on your twitch stream.
9th = Phil Baker £1,350
Great Tourney though, WELL PLAYED Phil mate
and just in time for Sunday Major late reg.
Ali Mallu has had a great run of cards & is chipping up a treat.
The Trophy is 24 carat gold on a carved mahogany base with a hand-engraved solid silver nameplate.
Ali Mallu continues to pick up the right hands in the right spots, this time he has A-K (MBN) v the A-J of Billy Berry, & the King in the window ensures no drama.