You're all ignoring one of the main factors here?'s @MISTY4ME !
I've never seen Jez make this type of call before specially with players behind ? He's normally such a wuss in this spot, so @MISTY4ME , why so brave this time? 🤔😉
..... because of the player that it is ....... he is very loose it seems to me, with an ALL or NOTHING attitude in Sat's .....and for me, yes it is a case of getting his chips before others do.
terrible call IMO
Snap fold.
I can't see how this is a winning call in these positions in a satty.
I'm 99.5% certain I'd fold A-J there.
Well yes, 100%.
it is a clear fold. By a wide margin.
I think you're cutting your Cloth (posts) to suit your point..... which I could do with the later posts......
You sit in the 'OLD YOGHURTS' Corner ....and in this Case, I'll sit at the Bar having a Beer..... knowing that I will DUp in a sat. off this player more often than not
How is that going? You might end up an alky at this rate.
None of which alters this.
terrible call IMO
Snap fold.
I can't see how this is a winning call in these positions in a satty.
Leaving (not even) ten bigs behind? Bad call every day and twice on Sunday.
Devil's advocate: I guess it shows strength to the other player, and it's an indication that the remaining chips WILL be going in on the flop regardless... but not sure that's what was happening here.
You're all ignoring one of the main factors here?'s @MISTY4ME !
I've never seen Jez make this type of call before specially with players behind ? He's normally such a wuss in this spot, so @MISTY4ME , why so brave this time? 🤔😉
..... because of the player that it is ....... he is very loose it seems to me, with an ALL or NOTHING attitude in Sat's .....and for me, yes it is a case of getting his chips before others do.
terrible call IMO
Snap fold.
I can't see how this is a winning call in these positions in a satty.
I'm 99.5% certain I'd fold A-J there.
Well yes, 100%.
it is a clear fold. By a wide margin.
@HAYSIE Hey Tony, speak your mind....don't hold back! 🤪 Even in bold to do you do that?
If it was a 1 in 5 sat with 5 entrants (after late reg) what would the chip EV be compared to £EV. I don't know but i'd guess it to be the same minus rake so I'd call.
terrible call IMO
Snap fold.
I can't see how this is a winning call in these positions in a satty.
I'm 99.5% certain I'd fold A-J there.
Well yes, 100%.
it is a clear fold. By a wide margin.
There will be several others, but from SPT Sat's, which you don't play..... that was one from when you and I were on the table with him
.....and I don't want to BORE the Forumites with endless HH posts ....... you know like our message thread
I spotted that.
I folded.
.....and I don't want to BORE the Forumites with endless HH posts ....... you know like our message thread
That is easily remedied.
terrible call IMO
Snap fold.
I can't see how this is a winning call in these positions in a satty.
I'm 99.5% certain I'd fold A-J there.
Well yes, 100%.
it is a clear fold. By a wide margin.
Without the context i'd be folding ,
Devil's advocate: I guess it shows strength to the other player, and it's an indication that the remaining chips WILL be going in on the flop regardless... but not sure that's what was happening here.
I'm inclined to think misclick.
Snap fold.
I can't see how this is a winning call in these positions in a satty.
I'm 99.5% certain I'd fold A-J there.
Well yes, 100%.
it is a clear fold. By a wide margin.
Without the context i'd be folding ,
Leaving (not even) ten bigs behind? Bad call every day and twice on Sunday.
I don't know but i'd guess it to be the same minus rake so I'd call.