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What improvements would you make to the site?



  • GetFrunkdGetFrunkd Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    Some sort of optional limiter on what levels you can play, like the cool off function where you can stop yourself playing but for specific levels to aid bankroll management... I decided late last week I'd start off with £10.. play 30p/55p and 60p sit n go's and when I get to 50 buy-ins for the next buy-in up, I'd raise the stakes. But 2 or 3 dodgy beats in a row and variable odd's rattle round in my head, and its off to a higher stake to attempt to keep the trend going up, because surely I can't lose 4 in a row?! So far I've been lucky and won both of the higher staked games I've played, but the whole point of leaving 50bb's is to allow for a bad streak of beats.. I am certain I'm not alone when it comes to very poor bankroll management! as it is so easy to enter a STT that only requires one more player to start, and while entering thinking if I win this I'm back on course towards my target.. If some whiz could come up with a very complex function that only allows you to play in games that you set yourself for a period of time, or until you reach a number in your bankroll, I'm sure I would and everyone else interested in serious bankroll management would be grateful! for example.. if I decide I only want to play at 60p or below levels for 4 weeks unless my bankroll = £57.50 (50 1.15 buy-ins).. it becomes impossible for me to play games above 60p for 4 weeks, unless my bankroll is sufficient enough to move up to the next level!  A lot to ask for possibly a little problem but would help the fight the greedy side in most of us and promote better bankroll management on the site 
    Posted by cummins

    possibly the best idea on this entire post! i know some people will say, if your not good at bankroll management then you dont really deserve to make money playing this wonderful game.. but personally in the heat of the moment very few of us can say that we do not "push" our rolls in attempt to recover losses etc 

    personally i used to play skypoker an awful lot but just cant due to the awful server they must have as it is impossible to multi table properly or sometimes even load up one simple 6-handed table.. id love to play regularly again on sky but until they atleast attempt to follow in the potentially overly big footsteps of stars/FT and the like it is impossible. keep the WSOP's going though please as i finally turn 21 this year so next im going all out to qualify.

    Good luck all

  • bigred147bigred147 Member Posts: 65
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    to improve the site....... 1 .... some of us play more than one site ...... this one does my head in ..... stop logging me out ..... if you reg for a torney ..... but are in active for 20 o 30 mins you seem to get logged out ..... i know you will say thats a security protection ...... but not a single other poker site does this ..... if you want to keep it give us an option so we can select a time limit ...... im sick to death of registering for a toney ... then get distrackted buy browsing the web or playing an other site to find ive beed logged out buy you and find ive missed the first 3o mins of a torney or been blinded out compleatly 2 more 9 or 10 seater tables...... and show some on TV ,,,,, but i know this rages on 3 give us the option to show one or both cards to a table when you have won uncontested 4 give us a HI LO omaha free roll once a week 5 get rid of the ativars and give us a box to put our picture in Andy bee rant over
    Posted by ANDYBEE
    Here here totally agree with all points and would like to add 1 more get rid of the charge for rebuys no other site charges so why should sky get away with it. Charge 10% on entry only.
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited July 2010
    An addition to the forum that would be helpful is if when you scroll over a thread title the first few lines of the first post appear on screen allowing you to get a general idea of what it's about at which point you can decide to click on it or not.
  • PKRM1KEYPKRM1KEY Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2010
    I would like it if you could set up your own private poker table to friends on line at a arranged time and buy in?
  • sikassikas Member Posts: 857
    edited July 2010
    1. Resizeable windows - its a must, should b a priority, i think its vector graphics or something, cant be that hard to for the coders to implement

    2. More tournaments - i think there should be 2-3 tourneys (not bounty/speed etc) just regular starting every 15 mins, or have a system like on other sites where as soon as 27, 45, or 90 ppl register it starts

    3. More options to spend poker points - i got like 10000 points n i refuse to spend them until something decent comes up for them, mayb like a £1000 freroll for 500 points or something, or a points shop or something

    4. More 10 seaters - wouldnt mind seeing more 10 seater tourneys, especially throughout the day

  • panzerpanzer Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2010
    Why does the game not automatically load. I have not played on this site for ages and recently the few games I have played I have mised the first couple of games as I have founf you need to load the game manually!  I do not enjoy playing on this site anymore anyway!!!!!
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited July 2010
    Not 100% sure but it COULD be that you have a popup blocker running which is preventing the tables from automatically opening.  I'm on IE and my popup blocker settings are under tools, not sure about other browsers settings though, sorry.

    I hope that once your table opening problems are solved it will improve your enjoyment of the site.
  • chayfacechayface Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2010

    change the system so you dont get beat on the river so many times when you are infront , i know its part off the game but its terrible on sit and gos it seams to be every time i dont think i will be playing this site again

  • rc-eccarc-ecca Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2010
    how about some bounty hunter games and tournaments in free play,i think allot ov people would luv them including me :). what do u think presenters gd idea or bad
  • BiffderBiffder Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2010
    It would be good if the window the table is in jumps to the front of the screen or maybe some kind of audio indicator when your attention is required at the table.
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    It would be good if the window the table is in jumps to the front of the screen or maybe some kind of audio indicator when your attention is required at the table.
    Posted by Biffder
    Welcome to the forum Biffder

    When you next open a table, check that you have your table sounds enabled by checking the options tab on the top left of the table screen.  At least the first two (enable sound & enable betting alerts) should be ticked, this means that every time its your turn a sound will play.  The third option (enable card, bet, chip sound) means you will hear every time another player makes a bet and whenever cards are dealt.  The volume control opens a slider to make all the table sounds louder or softer as required.

    Once you have your required settings click on "Save my settings" which will mean that these same options will work every time you open a table.

    Hope this helps


  • derk2827derk2827 Member Posts: 44
    edited July 2010
    try and keep ALL the site up todate and not running month's behind.Everytime i come into community the same post's are up from month's ago,we want to read new stuff and see better product's being introduced by SKY,get it on come on.
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    try and keep ALL the site up todate and not running month's behind.Everytime i come into community the same post's are up from month's ago,we want to read new stuff and see better product's being introduced by SKY,get it on come on.
    Posted by derk2827
    I can't understand why you are not seeing new posts, I am on here most days and there are always new posts, especially in the Poker Clinic & General Chat.
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited July 2010
    Yeah, the only older ones really are the 'stickies' at the top of the individual forums. Other than that it's all new (?) Forum contents are obviously down to us members rather than Sky themselves, but I know that if I didn't visit for 24 hours then things would have moved on considerably! So not sure why you're seeing no change for months derk?

  • BiffderBiffder Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site? : Welcome to the forum Biffder When you next open a table, check that you have your table sounds enabled by checking the options tab on the top left of the table screen.  At least the first two (enable sound & enable betting alerts) should be ticked, this means that every time its your turn a sound will play.  The third option (enable card, bet, chip sound) means you will hear every time another player makes a bet and whenever cards are dealt.  The volume control opens a slider to make all the table sounds louder or softer as required. Once you have your required settings click on "Save my settings" which will mean that these same options will work every time you open a table. Hope this helps Steve
    Posted by Kiwini4u

    I should have checked the options tab first, this is making a world of difference to my game.

    Thanks Steve.
  • MeloPeteMeloPete Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2010
    Stop people complaining about bad beats. It happens live and online. Also if people moan moan moan moan moan constantly about the site email them asking if they wish to close their account and if they keep moaning just kick them into touch.  GL all, hope you don't have too many bad beats ;D
  • pumpkin23pumpkin23 Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2010
    Adding a column to the Cash Games lobby to show the average % of players seeing the flop (e.g. rolling average over the last 50 hands at the table) would help with table selection shortlisting. The average pot size gives good info on whether a table is aggressive or passive, but on its own doesn't indicate whether it's tight or loose.

    This may have been suggested/rejected before - i've not waded through all 35 odd pages of posts. How about some housekeeping of posts that have been completed?
  • Chrissy_CChrissy_C Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2010

    Time bank is MASSIVELY needed!!! This should be the first improvement to the site imo. You just don't have long enough at times on big decisions. Hand histories need improving aswel, but timebank should be first on the list as all the other sites have one and it is very much needed at times. Maybe have the timebank for tourneys at 60 seconds but don't reset it back to 60 seconds after any time is used. So once you have used your 60 seconds for the tourney you don't have any more????

  • tumblingtumbling Member Posts: 26
    edited July 2010
    In Response to Re: What improvements would you make to the site?:
    get rid of rebuys on £2.30 BH tournaments. the get weird enough play without the rebuy, just think how crazy the play would get when you can push 23o and just rebuy when you lose. bad decision skypoker.
    Posted by chopsuey
     Another worry with the rebuys is that if a player is stacked, the table is halted while he makes his mind up and or rebuys. Meanwhile the time is ticking away for the blinds. I have been caught by this when in the bb and stack getting low. If i get blinded with garbage his rebuy has cost me chips 
  • Red_KingRed_King Member Posts: 2,850
    edited August 2010
    Is there any way you can view your stats for an individual Cash table session, STT or MTT,
    in your history, post event, the same way you can view all the hands played during a session.
    Also can you view your Manhattan of an MTT the way shown on SkyPoker channel 865.
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